Pupils from 6 to 9 years have together written a fairy tale about the life of the butterfly. Participating countries in the eTwinning project are Greece, Portugal and Sweden. Each country has been given a separate part to illustrate and make text.

And so begins our story

Μια φορά και έναν καιρό ήταν κάποια αυγά από ένα ζευγάρι πεταλούδων
Once upon a time there were some eggs from a pair of butterflies
Primary School Philippi Kavala Greece

Τα αυγά τον φθινόπωρο μέσα στον αέρα προφυλάχτηκαν
The eggs in the autumn in the air were protected

μέσα στο κρύο προφυλάχτηκαν
in the cold they protected themselves

και όταν ο καιρός ζέστανε ξεκίνησαν να κουνιούνται ώστε να ετοιμαστούν για το επόμενο στάδιο...
and when the weather warmed they began to move in order to prepare for the next stage...

Sweden Spandeltopskolan 2A
Ägget kläcks och ut tittar en svart liten hårig larv fram.
The egg hatches and a black little hairy caterpillar looks out.

- Ohhh, how hungry I am, says the little caterpillar.
Immediately the caterpillar chewed into itself a large green leaf.

All the while the caterpillar ate lots of green leaves and the flower Malva.
- OHHH, how good this is, says the caterpillar.

But suddenly the caterpillar's hairy skin exploded.

Now I got a new body with new skin. Look how big I got said the hairy caterpillar.

The caterpillar lay down to rest in its little nest in a tree. One day the caterpillar got very tired and prepared for the next stage.

The caterpillar hangs from the rear part of a mulberry branch and prepares to pupate
First, it curls up a bit, then it shoots out a silk thread, which it starts to wrap around itself. In the end, the caterpillar disappears inside the pupa.

The caterpillar's life inside the pupa was very calm. It enjoys being alone, feeds on the nutrients it had stored in the previous stage, and takes the opportunity to sleep.

Three weeks passed, and she grew tired of being alone in a dark place. So, she decided to explore what the world outside the pupa was like. She began to move and prepared herself for the next stage.

Ένα πρωϊνό , το μεταξένιο κουκούλι που κρεμόταν από το κλαδί της μουριάς, έσπασε και βγήκε από μέσα μία όμορφη πεταλούδα, με ροζ και κόκκινα φτερά, η Ρόουζ!
One morning , the silken cocoon hanging , from the mulberry branch broke open and out came a beatiful butterfly, with pink and red wings, Rose!
Τίναξε τα φτερά της, και πέταξε στα λουλούδια του κήπου, για να πιει
το νόστιμο χυμό τους!
She flapped her wings, and flew to the flowers of the garden,
to drink their delicious juice!

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Pupils from 6 to 9 years have together written a fairy tale about the life of the butterfly. Participating countries in the eTwinning project are Greece, Portugal and Sweden. Each country has been given a separate part to illustrate and make text.

And so begins our story

Μια φορά και έναν καιρό ήταν κάποια αυγά από ένα ζευγάρι πεταλούδων
Once upon a time there were some eggs from a pair of butterflies
Primary School Philippi Kavala Greece

Τα αυγά τον φθινόπωρο μέσα στον αέρα προφυλάχτηκαν
The eggs in the autumn in the air were protected

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