I wrote this book because I love cats and I want to teach everyone about them. This is a realistic-fiction book.

One day, a mother cat gave birth to three kittens. Their names were Kate, Nya, and Gilbert. Kate was the youngest, Nya was the oldest, and Gilbert was the middle kitten, and the only boy.

As the kittens grew older, their mother would let them explore by themselves. But one spring morning the mother told the kittens it was time to go on their own adventures. The kittens looked up at their mother. Then, they purred on her and set off in different directions, and on to different adventures.

Kate was the fastest one, and darted off into the forest as fast as her little legs could carry her. She liked nature and wanted to live in the forest. She was also planning to find more cats in the forest.

Nya was the next cat to find her way to a shelter. She ran up a hill and walked for a long time, until she spotted a really nice house. Then, a girl came out the door and pet her on the back. Nya found her new home.

Meanwhile, Gilbert walked for miles and miles and hours and hours. Just when he thought he would stop and take a rest, he saw a big beautiful city in front of him. He trotted down the streets, and finally found a hotel. He walked in, and the manager loved him! She gave him a free room and put pet stuff in his room. She had her workers feed him every day, and he was treated like a king.

When Kate woke up early in the morning, she saw she was surrounded by animals (even the big cats)! They observed her very carefully and said things like: " Why is she so small?" " Are you sure it's a girl?" " What is she?" When everyone stopped chattering, Kate explained the whole thing. Then, a beautiful butterfly landed on her.

It was morning back at Nya's new house too. But it was later, and Nya was still sleeping. She was tired from her big day yesterday. Then the girl came in and woke Nya up. Then they had breakfast together.

Gilbert was busy getting his morning groom, that the manager ordered her workers to do every day. She also gave him a VIP pass which is almost impossible to get. Gilbert had his own room, but kept moving into the manager's room. So the manager told her workers to move his stuff there.
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I wrote this book because I love cats and I want to teach everyone about them. This is a realistic-fiction book.

One day, a mother cat gave birth to three kittens. Their names were Kate, Nya, and Gilbert. Kate was the youngest, Nya was the oldest, and Gilbert was the middle kitten, and the only boy.

As the kittens grew older, their mother would let them explore by themselves. But one spring morning the mother told the kittens it was time to go on their own adventures. The kittens looked up at their mother. Then, they purred on her and set off in different directions, and on to different adventures.

Kate was the fastest one, and darted off into the forest as fast as her little legs could carry her. She liked nature and wanted to live in the forest. She was also planning to find more cats in the forest.
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