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One day Zoe looked all around, all around her nice little town. "This is
such a perfect place to live! We have houses and stores and a library, too,
but there's one thing we don't have--we don't have a zoo!"

So Zoe thought and thought about what she could do.
"Eureka!" she shouted, "I'll build a zoo! I'll need lots of
animals--not just a few--if I am to start my very own
So she got on the phone and called everyone she knew,
looking for animals to put in her zoo. "If you have some
animals, in groups or alone, just let me know if they
need a home!"

Here's one hippo! A hippo named Joe.
1 hippo

Here come the elephants! Look, there's two! One's named Eddie and the
other is Ellie Lou!
2 elephants

Oh, wow! Zoe's zoo has animals now!
Look and see!

1 + 2 = 3

Next came some kangaroos--one, two, and three!
Karl and Kimmy and little Kylie.
3 kangaroos

Now here's a big tree
swinging with four crazy
Maxwell, Maude, Milton
and Millie just can't help
themselves--they're so
4 monkeys

3 + 3 + 4 = 10
Wow! Can you believe your eyes? Zoe's zoo has really grown in
size! Now Zoe has even won a prize!

Hey, Zoe! Your zoo has ten animals now! Can you help us think of
some different ways to show the number 10?

We can write it as a word
like this: ten.
We can write it with numerals like this: 10.
We can also write ten with tally marks!
All we need to do is it draw one mark for
every animal we see. This is what ten looks
like in tally marks:

We can also show ten on a tens frame. Each
dot represents one animal, so we have ten dots
that completely fill up our tens frame like this:

Next, Zoe welcomes a family of five. They're giraffes who hold their heads up
high. There's Danny and Donny and Dahlia and Danielle.
5 giraffes
Oh, wait! We almost forgot about shy little Dell!

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

One day Zoe looked all around, all around her nice little town. "This is
such a perfect place to live! We have houses and stores and a library, too,
but there's one thing we don't have--we don't have a zoo!"

So Zoe thought and thought about what she could do.
"Eureka!" she shouted, "I'll build a zoo! I'll need lots of
animals--not just a few--if I am to start my very own
So she got on the phone and called everyone she knew,
looking for animals to put in her zoo. "If you have some
animals, in groups or alone, just let me know if they
need a home!"

Here's one hippo! A hippo named Joe.
1 hippo

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