Chapter 1 : Who I Am. Chapter 9 : There Is School Again. So Sad.
Chapter 2 : My Average Day.
Chapter 4 : A Day At The Park.
Chapter 5 The Day... I Didn't Get My Candy...
Chapter 6 : The Saving Red Carpet
Chapter 7 : Back At Home
Chapter 8 :good nighty night night!

Chapter 1 : Who I Am.
Hello! I am a guinea pig named Chips Ahoy Jr :short for "Junior": I was named after my bigger brother Chips Ahoy. My oldest brother is named Oreo! We are all guinea pigs! The next chapter is on the other side of the page...
Chapter 2 : My Average Day
So when I wake up, my brothers come up to me to see if I am alive, then. We eat breakfast. My breakfast is usually guinea pig pellets, water, and lettuce! after that, I chill in my "Guinea-Castle" but then I end up sleeping 10 minutes later :I accidentally sleep for 2 hours:, then, I wake up to hay being poured in our cage! I love hay so it gives me a great surprise! I start eating my hay! Then, I go back to sleep, but, before I go to sleep, I drink water so I am not dehydrated. At about 5:pm, I get awoken by the sound of lettuce in a bag.
Then, my owner places the lettuce in the cage. In some cases, my owner gives us some fruit and peppers! While I am eating, I also have to drink water. Then, I go to sleep, when I wake up, the cycle repeats!.
One day, my owner brought lettuce home for the first time ever in my life. I saw him open the door with something green. I asked Oreo "What is that green ball?" I said "how does this thing called lettuce taste like?" Oreo said "You Will see." then my owner placed the lettuce in the cage and I started eating the lettuce. It tasted like heaven! I kept munching on the lettuce!
It was so good! I popcorned, but I think I popcorn to hard... I accidentally flew out of the cage breaking the roof of the cage. My body also broke through the wall and I was so scared... I thought I was going to pass away from losing breath in outer space or hitting the ground so hard, I would be squished and pass away. but luckily, I hit a spot in the cage that had lots of Guinea pig bedding stacked on top of each other, the ground was very soft so I had a safe landing!

Chapter 4 : a day at the park .
today, I heard that we are going to the park tomorrow and I am so excited!!! TODAY WE ARE GOING TO THE PARK!!!!!!!!!! I got ready with a blue leash, Oreo has a red leash and Chips Ahoy has a purple leash! My owner is going to bring lots of lettuce and water. we are SUPER happy that we are going to the park.

One day, I wanted candy so I asked Oreo and he said "yes." so we went. but, while we were going to Guinea-Grocery, I heard on the radio as we were going to Guinea-Grocery that it was on fire. I got my red cape that I bring with me everywhere and tied it up and flew out of the car and went straight to Guinea-Grocery. I went inside and brought everyone outside of the building and found a fire extinguisher, then, I pressed on a button and something that looked like smoke came out of the fire extinguisher and Guinea-Grocery was saved only with a tiny bit of damage on the building. Everyone was cheering for something and the gave me a gold medal! And I was so happy!!!
Chapter 5 : The Day... I didn't get my candy...
,after that, we went home! I was sad and happy at the same time. I was sad because I didn't get any candy.
Chapter 6 : The Saving Red Carpet
But then, I got a piece of paper that said " CHIPS AHOY JR: A HERO. By Guinea News
he has saved Guinea-Grocery from a fire saving 100's upon 100's of people ( I couldn't read read the small text ) ". But, it did say "May 18th Chips Ahoy Jr could come to the Saving red carpet"? So I waited a MONTH so I could go. when I was there, They Gave me a lot, I mean ALOT of lettuce and veggies
inspirational quote from Chips Ahoy Jr : "don't be sad when you don't get candy.
Step 1 :
First, place your left thumb on the left corner of the page and right hand on the right corner.
Step 2 :
flip the pages back and fourth with your right thumb

Step 2 is to flip the pages back and fourth.
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Chapter 1 : Who I Am. Chapter 9 : There Is School Again. So Sad.
Chapter 2 : My Average Day.
Chapter 4 : A Day At The Park.
Chapter 5 The Day... I Didn't Get My Candy...
Chapter 6 : The Saving Red Carpet
Chapter 7 : Back At Home
Chapter 8 :good nighty night night!

Chapter 1 : Who I Am.
Hello! I am a guinea pig named Chips Ahoy Jr :short for "Junior": I was named after my bigger brother Chips Ahoy. My oldest brother is named Oreo! We are all guinea pigs! The next chapter is on the other side of the page...
Chapter 2 : My Average Day
So when I wake up, my brothers come up to me to see if I am alive, then. We eat breakfast. My breakfast is usually guinea pig pellets, water, and lettuce! after that, I chill in my "Guinea-Castle" but then I end up sleeping 10 minutes later :I accidentally sleep for 2 hours:, then, I wake up to hay being poured in our cage! I love hay so it gives me a great surprise! I start eating my hay! Then, I go back to sleep, but, before I go to sleep, I drink water so I am not dehydrated. At about 5:pm, I get awoken by the sound of lettuce in a bag.
Then, my owner places the lettuce in the cage. In some cases, my owner gives us some fruit and peppers! While I am eating, I also have to drink water. Then, I go to sleep, when I wake up, the cycle repeats!.
One day, my owner brought lettuce home for the first time ever in my life. I saw him open the door with something green. I asked Oreo "What is that green ball?" I said "how does this thing called lettuce taste like?" Oreo said "You Will see." then my owner placed the lettuce in the cage and I started eating the lettuce. It tasted like heaven! I kept munching on the lettuce!
- END >
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