My name is Oscar
My last name is Rivera Pérez
I am from Mexico City , I am mexican
My birthday is on April 5, I am 17 years old
I live in a house, my address is 52 Santa fe av.
My pone number is 5610873475
My email address is oscargilbertoriveraperez007@gmail.com
I have 1 siste
I have 1 one and 2 cats
My favorite music is rock
My favorite food is pizza
My favorite sport is Soccer

Her name is Alisha
Her last name is Lehman
She is from Switzerland, She is Swiss
Her birthday is January 21, She is 25 years old
She live in a house, her address is 474 Manchester av.
Her phone number is 96108734765
Her email address is alishh@gmail.com
she has 2 brothers
she has 1 dog
Her favorite music is reaggeton
Her favorite food is Macaroni
Her favorite sport is Soccer

His name is Cristiano
His last name is Aveiro
He is from Portugal , He is Portuguese
His birthday is February 5, He is 39 years old
He live in a house, her address is 5 Madrid av.
Hia phone number is 3710877843065
His email address is cristianoaveiro@gmail.com
He has 2 brothers
He doesn´t have pets
His favorite music is reaggeton
His favorite food is Salad
His favorite sport is Soccer

His name is Milhouse
He is from Springfield
His birthday is July 5, He is 11 years old
He live in a house with his parents
He doesn´t have siblings
He has a pet
His best friend is Bart
He doesn´t like sports
I. Complete the statements with only one word
2.Where is your sister from? She is from Argentina
4.Are you Mexican? Yes, I am
6.Is Tom German? Yes, He is from Germany
8.Mike and I are very good friends
9.Susan´s parents are from USA
10.What´s your friend´s nickname? Everybody call him Bobby
II.Change to question
3. Lions are in the Zoo. Where are the lions?
4.My phone number is 55776865. What´s your phone number ?
5.The chair is in the room. Where is the chair?
III.Answer de quistions
2.My father´s sister is my aunt
3.My brother´s wife is my sister in law
4.My son´s sister is my daghter
5.My mother´s father is my grandfather
IV.Complete with only one country from each continent
England Britsh London
Japon Japanese Tokyo
Egypt Egyptian Cairo
Australia Australian Canberia
V.Write the numbers
1.Twenty Twenty four. 2024

He has kinky and short hair, hooded eyes, brown eyes round head, a mosutache, thin lips, small nose and he is black.
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My name is Oscar
My last name is Rivera Pérez
I am from Mexico City , I am mexican
My birthday is on April 5, I am 17 years old
I live in a house, my address is 52 Santa fe av.
My pone number is 5610873475
My email address is oscargilbertoriveraperez007@gmail.com
I have 1 siste
I have 1 one and 2 cats
My favorite music is rock
My favorite food is pizza
My favorite sport is Soccer

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