"Yaawwnnn..." I dreamily purred. "morning sleepyhead!" The other Apprentices greeted me. "morning." I purred. "I'm Dawn'Paw. nice to meet you Glitch'Paw!" A Blue-Purple-Yellow-pelted Apprentice introduced.
"I'm Wild'Paw!" A Small but fierce-looking tabby apprentice hissed. "Morning Glitch'Paw." Tiger'Paw greeted. "anymore Apprentices?" i asked.
1. Training begins!
"There's, um.. White'P-Paw." Wild'Paw fearfully mewed like a kit. a white cat with blind eyes and black stripes approached. "GET IN!" Dawn'Paw yowled. we dashed into the Apprentices den. "Rumor has it that he fatally wounded a ShadowClan deputy!" Dawn'Paw continued. "Uh..." I hesitated to process what I just heard.
"Glitch'Paw! We have training!" Snow'Draft Hissed from the Clearing where Warriors and queens were sharing tongues and telling the latest news and rumors. "I heard White'Paw killed a fox on our territory!" I heard a Warrior share with a queen. "Oh, isn't he a darling." The queen responded calmly.
I dashed over to Snow'Draft, But not before lashing my tail into White'Paw's face. "Here! where should we start?" I asked curiously. "HM...." Snow'Draft hesitated to think. "Fight training." Snow'Draft responded. "Okay!" I excitedly yowled. "We are training with Tiger'Paw today, okay?" She asked.
"RiverClan gave us permission to train here." Snow'Draft Told me once we arrived with Tiger'Paw and Fox'Pelt. When Tiger'Paw stared at the water, Fox'Pelt threatened, "Get to your training position or I'll grab you like a kit!" After he growled, I froze, then ran in a blitz that I didn't know where I was going! Before I knew it, I was in water, and I snapped out of consciousness. Then I felt like I was grabbed and was running, then my body went limp.
2. All goes into the water.
"Hang in there Glitch'Paw!" I heard my mentor yowl in my ear so I heard her. "What's going on!" I heard Pine'Heart, (my biological father.) Hiss. "Glitch'Paw fell into the RiverClan Water!" Snow'Draft winced, I think her paw had been sprained along the way back. "My KIT!" He yowled, I felt his warm fur around me. "You aren't RiverClan. You are a drypaw ThunderClan cat. I feel like you have 9 lives because of that!" A StarClan Spirit meowed when he met my gaze. I Snapped awake. "AAHHHH!" I Yowled when I awoke. "You're safe! my Kit.." Pine'Heart meowed, I could tell he was relieved.
When I Got in the apprentice den, I wailed like a kit for Amber'Pelt, my mother, and both of my parents came to comfort me, I shed a tear. Tiger'Paw also happened to Rush to my aid. Our family was together, Moments of joy and happiness filled my mind, I was happy. When dinner time came, I kinda lost my appetite, but I ate anyway, The other apprentices and heard what happened at Sharing tongues time to Rush to my aid as well. "Are you okay?" Wild'Paw asked, "You think?"
3. The Trauma..
I hissed. "No." Tiger'Paw Replied, "I saw everything, and I was there through it all." "Thank you for coming though." I meowed in gratitude. "No problem." the others meowed happily, "we should get to sleep." Dawn'Paw recommended. "Yeah, and White'Paw sleeps in the leader's den with his father." I agreed. we drifted off together, even my entire family.
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"Yaawwnnn..." I dreamily purred. "morning sleepyhead!" The other Apprentices greeted me. "morning." I purred. "I'm Dawn'Paw. nice to meet you Glitch'Paw!" A Blue-Purple-Yellow-pelted Apprentice introduced.
"I'm Wild'Paw!" A Small but fierce-looking tabby apprentice hissed. "Morning Glitch'Paw." Tiger'Paw greeted. "anymore Apprentices?" i asked.
1. Training begins!
"There's, um.. White'P-Paw." Wild'Paw fearfully mewed like a kit. a white cat with blind eyes and black stripes approached. "GET IN!" Dawn'Paw yowled. we dashed into the Apprentices den. "Rumor has it that he fatally wounded a ShadowClan deputy!" Dawn'Paw continued. "Uh..." I hesitated to process what I just heard.
"Glitch'Paw! We have training!" Snow'Draft Hissed from the Clearing where Warriors and queens were sharing tongues and telling the latest news and rumors. "I heard White'Paw killed a fox on our territory!" I heard a Warrior share with a queen. "Oh, isn't he a darling." The queen responded calmly.
- END >
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