Also my AVID teacher Ms.Matsushita, the best teacher
a student could ask for.
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"Great, just another morning, how very boring." Thought Cole the
bunny, as he hopped along the trail towards school. "Oh hi Tala."
Cole said without turning around. "How do you always know it is
me?" She asked. "I can hear your wolf paws on the ground. There
is nothing that gets past these big ears!"

"What is the matter Cole?" Asked Tala curiously. "Oh it is
nothing," Whispered Cole. Cole and Tala silently walked to
school, Tala trying so hard to figure out why Cole was acting
weird. Little did she know, later that day she would find out
exactly why Cole seemed so sad.

"The Bell has rung class, everyone to
their seats please." Exclaimed Ms.
Wimble, the finest third grade teacher
in the world. Ms. Wimble explained the
agenda, that is a fancy word for "plan of
the day." First she'd teach us math, then
we'd have recess, next it is reading and
writing, lunch, and we would end the day
with history.

By the time the bell rung,
everyone's brains hurt.
Not wanting to waste any
precious time they all
bolted out the door to
play. Everyone except Cole
that is.

Wandering around, Cole
decided to sit under the
BIIIG Oak Tree. It is not
long before Cole is greeted
by some "friends." Up very
high in the old oak sat Kyler,
Lacy, Stacy, and Mike. Lacy,
Stacy, and Mike, the flying
triplets, were known around
school, as being bullies at

"Hey! You know what would be really fun,
throwing acorns at Cole!" Suggested Lacy.
"I...I don't know. It doesn't sound very
nice." Kyler replied. Stacy chimed in, "It's
okay, Cole is too skinny to hit anyway."
"Ha! Cole, Cole, skinny as a pole!" Mike
blurted out.

By now all three of the cardinal triplets
were chanting "Cole, Cole, skinny as a
pole." Over and over again. Kyler, who just
wanted to fit in, began throwing acorns,
to see if Cole really was too skinny to hit.
WHAM! The biggest acorn Kyler ever saw
flew through the air and hit Cole square in
the face.

Now Cole normally never got
into trouble, but what just
happened set him off. Just
like a train he had smoke
coming out his big ears!

Tala's ears perked up.
"Did I just hear Cole yell?"
She thought to herself.
Tala spotted Cole at the bottom of the
BIG Oak tree, yelling towards the top.
That is when she noticed Kyler, Lacy,
Stacy and Mike. "This cannot be good."
Tala said out loud as she ran to help.

As soon as Tala arrived she
knew it had gone from bad to
worse. All of the other
students were now gathered
around yelling, "FIGHT,
FIGHT!" Kyler and Cole were
in the middle of everyone,
fists up, ready to face each

Regina, the fox, saw what was about to go down.
With fear and worry in her eyes, she took off
running- straight towards Ms. Wimble, because she
knew the right thing to do was to get an adult.

"Ms. Wimble, Ms. Wimble!"
Regina exlaimed.
"Cole and Kyler are under the
BIG Oak tree You need to come
quick, I think they are going to
fight!" With a worried look on
her face, Ms Wimble said
"Quick, take me to them."

"Cole and Kyler, you stop this
nonsense right now!" Ms.
Wimble shouted as she burst
through the crowd. "All right
boys, let's go inside and talk
this out, there is no need for
violence." Stated Ms.Wimble.

"I want to hear exactly what
happened! From the beginning,
and I want to hear both sides,
starting with Cole." Stated Ms.
Wimble sternly.

"Well for a couple of days, Kyler, Lacy,
Stacy and Mike have been teasing me
with taunts like Cole, Cole skinny as a
pole." Began Cole. "Wait, Stacy, Lacy, and
Mike are involved?" Asked Ms. Wimble.
"Yes! They told me to do it!" Chimed in

Ms. Wimble excused herself out
of the room as she went to get
the cardinal triplets. Not even
five minutes later, Ms. Wimble
was back with the three birds
flying behind her.

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Also my AVID teacher Ms.Matsushita, the best teacher
a student could ask for.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

"Great, just another morning, how very boring." Thought Cole the
bunny, as he hopped along the trail towards school. "Oh hi Tala."
Cole said without turning around. "How do you always know it is
me?" She asked. "I can hear your wolf paws on the ground. There
is nothing that gets past these big ears!"

"What is the matter Cole?" Asked Tala curiously. "Oh it is
nothing," Whispered Cole. Cole and Tala silently walked to
school, Tala trying so hard to figure out why Cole was acting
weird. Little did she know, later that day she would find out
exactly why Cole seemed so sad.
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