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Once upon a time, a boy named Alex, was sleeping. He was sleeping
peacefully, until the clock struck 12:00 PM. That's when his whole room
started to shake, non stop. All his pottery fell with an abrupt crash, and
they fell into millions of pieces.
The skinny boy got up and reluctantly got dressed. He threw on a
over sized t-shirt. As he trampled over all his toys he fell into the splits,
"Ouch!" he screamed in agony.
The house slammed to the floor. He walked to the front door, when
he opened the door he gaped outside, enjoying the beautiful day. Am I
in heaven or am I dreaming?
"Hi I'm Brownie The platypus". Brownie took a deep breath, "We
really need your help. The evil monkey king is planning to destroy the
island and kill all the animals on the island. Will you help?" Brownie
sighed in dismay.
"Let me introduce you to the animal kingdom animals." That is Mr.
Waddle the duck, Mrs. Cotton Ball the sheep, Rocky the rabbit, Mickey
the mouse, Pinky the pig, Forest the parrot, Ellie the elephant, Cricket,

Anty the ant, and Lady bug.
Then Brownie asked, "Who's that?" "What do you mean?"
"The dog." "Oh, he is with me, but his name is Gravel."
"Look boy, we need to find the treasure chest with the
Magical Tear in it. The Monkey Band can't stand seeing the
bright light but they don't care, they just want it because this
tear can be used for both bad and good things."
The boy followed behind all the other animals. As they
reached a narrow path the wind pushed the thick moist and
cold air. Alex shivered. When they hit the dark forest all the
animals scattered. As they traversed the forest The Monkey
Band was spying on them. The Monkey Band was
extraordinarily good at spying. Thunder shook the forest, and
Alex jumped, he turned around and some of the animals he
met were flying. He looked up and gaped at them, then
decided to keep walking. The animals entered a bright foggy
entrance, it seemed as if it was not natural.

As they walked through, the air seemed to get colder, the animals
began to grow fatigued. Alex stepped onto the bright green grass, it
was a cold and windy day, and all the animals fed themselves some
water, while others were preparing for their next flight/walk.
The Monkey Band was shaking their fists in the air in annoyance
"Come on animals, its time we get moving" Brownie called. All the
animals moaned in unison and reluctantly stated moving.
Alex began to feel cowered, he had many questions to ask, What if
I never be able to go home?, What if The Monkey Band takes over?,
what will happen to me?, What will happen to the Animal Kingdom?,
will the tear be found?
As the animals walked the ground had tinge of snow, but as they
kept moving the more snow the ground had. Alex shivered, they had
hit the snowy mountain. "Its all right boy, the nearby mountain has a
cave." Brownie soothed him.

The mountains were a dull colors. the sky was sort of gray. It was
cold, gloomy, and it seemed like everything around Alex felt the same
The more they walked the angrier Monkey king got because he just
knew they were going to beat him to the tear.
When the the animals reached the mountain a tinge of sun light hit
Alex's face. Alex looked below and saw bright green grass, smooth
textured mountains, deer running free, water falls, and loads of
rainbows. The rainbows made the sky vibrant and it seemed as if a
smiley face was printed in the sky, like the sky was smiling at him.

When the animals reached the cave everybody slowly sat down
"Come boy sit down" Brownie banged the rock.
"Let me tell you more about this place and the tear and stuff like that.
So this island came to exist magically. I don't know how, but anyway
all Animal Kingdom animals has a magical power besides flying and
talking and all that jazz. I have the power to control wind, but the tear
is important because without it the island is gone, we're gone, gone
for good, because we were created by the tear and same blood that
the tear shares." "So without the tear you guys won't exist?" "that's
right" Brownie nodded.
Alex noticed a girl. He quickly ran over to her. "Please help I'm stuck
on this island and I don't know were I am and my name Molly." Molly
wailed dramatically. Alex saw her brown suitcase, "Hey what's in
there?" "My survival kit". They were surrounded by ghosts that lurking
everywhere, and all around. "Boooooo"

The next morning all the animals were stomping their feet like a
heard of rhinos. The tunnel rumbled. "I think the sky is falling down!"
Forest exclaimed. "No, we're getting or going to get drenched by
heavy rocks, if we don't get out of here."she emphasized. "Run for
your lives!" squeaked Mickey as all the animals trampled over each
other Molly and Alex shrugged and followed behind.
"Ahhhhh" Forest shrieked obnoxiously. "we're doomed" squeaked
Mickey. All the animals slid in a rough way and they wavered a little
like a bullet. "well this is a bit of a menace." Forest said calmly.
"Hey boy, whatever you do don't look in the tiger, the panda, and
the lady bug. they'll give you a electrical shot that will hurt so much."
Brownie whispered. Then he slid down past Alex.
The animals collided with one another while some grew angry.

Everybody was cautious "Is this the Monkey Band's castle?" Alex
asked cowardly "Yes just around the Java Lava Volcano" Brownie
whispered. "Oh by the way The Monkey Band has four grizzly bears,
so be cautious." Brownie emphasized.
Ellie swooped down with an abrupt wind pushing on the rest of the
animals "Free hat" she squealed "shhh, shut up" the animals snapped
in unison. "geez lo weez" she mumbled softly.
The animals continued to plod while The Monkey Band continued to
spy and watch them. The Monkey Band was discussing something.
"Um, sir....", the king snapped "Enough with your um's, now get to
the point! You were saying." "We found the tear mam, I mean sir."
"Yipee, then the animals will have no power" the king danced. "Now
The King must have the tear, hurry, run!"
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time, a boy named Alex, was sleeping. He was sleeping
peacefully, until the clock struck 12:00 PM. That's when his whole room
started to shake, non stop. All his pottery fell with an abrupt crash, and
they fell into millions of pieces.
The skinny boy got up and reluctantly got dressed. He threw on a
over sized t-shirt. As he trampled over all his toys he fell into the splits,
"Ouch!" he screamed in agony.
The house slammed to the floor. He walked to the front door, when
he opened the door he gaped outside, enjoying the beautiful day. Am I
in heaven or am I dreaming?
"Hi I'm Brownie The platypus". Brownie took a deep breath, "We
really need your help. The evil monkey king is planning to destroy the
island and kill all the animals on the island. Will you help?" Brownie
sighed in dismay.
"Let me introduce you to the animal kingdom animals." That is Mr.
Waddle the duck, Mrs. Cotton Ball the sheep, Rocky the rabbit, Mickey
the mouse, Pinky the pig, Forest the parrot, Ellie the elephant, Cricket,

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