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Once upon a Christmas, there
lived a boy named Charlie and
his sister, Kristy. Their family
was very rich.

Kristy and Charlie were very
excited about Christmas because
they were going to get a lot of
presents. They were also excited
about decorating the house and
getting to eat a big Christmas
dinner, but the presents were
definitely the best part!

Two days before Christmas,
Kristy and Charlie went to the
park to play and get ice cream.
When they got there, they saw
some new kids that they'd never
seen at the park before, and they
looked sad...

Charlie and Kristy went over to the new kids
to see who they were.
"We've never seen you guys here before. What
are your names?" Kristy asked curiously.
"My name is Anna, and this is Jack, Melanie,
and Richard," the first girl said shyly.
"We live at the foster home down the street,
and this is the first time we've been out in
ages," Jack added.
"Yea, it's kind of our Christmas present,"
Richard said.

Kristy and Charlie looked at each
"Why don't you guys get things for
Christmas?" Kristy finally asked.
"Because we're very poor," Melanie
said sadly.
All the foster kids sighed and
looked down at their torn shoes.

That night, Charlie couldn't go to bed.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Kristy asked as she sat up.
"It's nothing. I'm just not tired," Charlie replied.
"Why? Is it because there's only one more day left until
we get to open our presents!?" Kristy asked excitedly.
"No," Charlie snapped.
Kristy continued to urge Charlie to talk, and after the
fifth time, he finally confessed, "It's just those kids we
met at the park today. I can't stop thinking about them
and how they won't get any presents for Christmas or
have a family to eat a nice dinner with."

Kristy lowered her head. "I've been thinking
about that too. But what can we do? We don't
even know them!"
"That doesn't matter. What matters is that we
have to do something for them or else they'll
have an awful Christmas," Charlie replied
"What should we do?" Kristy asked sleepily.
"I'm not really sure," Charlie said. "Maybe we
can..." but he stopped talking because Kristy
had already fallen asleep...

The next morning was Christmas
Eve, and Charlie desperately
wanted to go to the park again to
see if he could find the foster kids.
However, his parents forced him
to stay home to help finish
decorating the house.

"Can I go to the park now?" Charlie asked desperately. "I
already finished putting lights up outside with dad."
"No," his mom said. "There's still much to be done before
Christmas tomorrow, and your father and I need both you
and your sister's help."
Unfortunately, going to Christmas Eve Mass was not one of
those things.
"Why do you even want to go to the park so desperately
today?" his dad asked.
"There's just some foster kids there that I want to spend some
time with before Christmas. They don't have families to
celebrate with," Charlie replied.
"Charlie," his dad began, "Spending Christmas with your
family is more important than wasting your time comforting
a group of lonely kids."

Charlie angrily stomped up the
stairs to his bedroom where
Kristy was sitting playing with
her dolls.
"I have a plan," Charlie said as
he sat down on his bed. "And I
don't care what mom or dad are
going to think about it."

When Kristy and Charlie woke
up on Christmas morning, they
excitedly ran downstairs, but not
because they were going to open
their presents, but because they
were going to do something else
with them...

The two grabbed a big sac and
put all the presents that were
lying underneath the Christmas
tree into it. Then Charlie left a
little note under the tree telling
his parents where he and Kristy
were going.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a Christmas, there
lived a boy named Charlie and
his sister, Kristy. Their family
was very rich.

Kristy and Charlie were very
excited about Christmas because
they were going to get a lot of
presents. They were also excited
about decorating the house and
getting to eat a big Christmas
dinner, but the presents were
definitely the best part!
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