HB.1.6.1. Observes animals in the immediate vicinity.
Emphasis is placed on animals in the immediate vicinity (fish, birds, reptiles, insects and domestic animals, etc.), what these animals eat and where they live. If observations are to be made, necessary security measures are taken.
HB.1.6.2. Observes plants in the immediate vicinity.
Observes garden plants, wild plants and trees in the immediate vicinity, and how plants change over time (plants grow, shed leaves and bloom, etc.). These issues are emphasized by using their observations.
HB.1.6.3. Takes care to protect animals and plants in the immediate vicinity.
HB.1.6.4. Be sensitive about keeping nature and the environment clean.
It is emphasized that the necessary things should be done to keep nature and the environment clean and that the people around should be warned about this issue within the framework of the rules of courtesy.
HB.1.6.5. Distinguishes the materials that can be recycled.
It is emphasized about materials such as plastic, paper, batteries, vegetable oil and glass.
HB.2.1.7.Group work rules are followed in the activities carried out in the classroom and in the cycle.
HB.2.4.5.Be sensitive about the safe use of technological tools and equipment.
HB.2.6.1.Comparesthe conditions necessary for the survival of plants and animals.
HB.2.6.2.Realizes the importance of growing plants and keeping animals.
HB.2.6.3.ıt gives exampels of the effects of natural elements in the immediate environment on human life.
G.2.1.9.Performs three dimensional work using different sections.
G.2.1.6.Place objects according to the size and proportion of the visual artwork.
G.G.2.3.2.Interperets ideas and emotions in his own and his peers work.
G.2.1.10.Uses art elements while creating visual art work.
Tilore Kortner, Romania
- Attitudes towards plants and animals: attention/carelessness, care/carelessness, delicacy/brutality, compassion/lack of compassion, courage/fear, respect/disrespect, love/hate;
- Parents and offspring in the living world: similarities and differences
- The main stages in the life cycle of plants and animals
- Relationships between living things and their living environment;
- building some common objects, using geometric bodies;- construction games with geometrically shaped objects, made of different materials;- making collages/models with the help of learned geometric shapes;
- making a drawing / model related to the life of a plant/animal;
- presentation of photos/drawings of plants in different stages of their development;
- verbalization of ideas, thoughts, emotions towards some given situations;
Understanding and using in communication some terms and concepts specific to the natural sciences
Training and development of capacities and abilities to experiment and explore / investigate reality, using specific tools and procedures
Run simple experiments based on a work plan
Developing interest and responsibility for maintaining a balanced natural environment, conducive to life
Elena-Angelica Anghel, România
- recognition of the component parts of a plants/of an animal, based on materials from nature, plates, models, drawings;
- observing some processes and phenomena from surrounding in hikes, excursions;
Plants and animals:
flowers, fruits)/of an animal's body (head, trunk, limbs).
- Children's contribution to protecting the environment.
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HB.1.6.1. Observes animals in the immediate vicinity.
Emphasis is placed on animals in the immediate vicinity (fish, birds, reptiles, insects and domestic animals, etc.), what these animals eat and where they live. If observations are to be made, necessary security measures are taken.
HB.1.6.2. Observes plants in the immediate vicinity.
Observes garden plants, wild plants and trees in the immediate vicinity, and how plants change over time (plants grow, shed leaves and bloom, etc.). These issues are emphasized by using their observations.
HB.1.6.3. Takes care to protect animals and plants in the immediate vicinity.
HB.1.6.4. Be sensitive about keeping nature and the environment clean.
It is emphasized that the necessary things should be done to keep nature and the environment clean and that the people around should be warned about this issue within the framework of the rules of courtesy.
HB.1.6.5. Distinguishes the materials that can be recycled.
It is emphasized about materials such as plastic, paper, batteries, vegetable oil and glass.
HB.2.1.7.Group work rules are followed in the activities carried out in the classroom and in the cycle.
HB.2.4.5.Be sensitive about the safe use of technological tools and equipment.
HB.2.6.1.Comparesthe conditions necessary for the survival of plants and animals.
HB.2.6.2.Realizes the importance of growing plants and keeping animals.
HB.2.6.3.ıt gives exampels of the effects of natural elements in the immediate environment on human life.
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