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There was a man named Fred and he had his
own cellphone business called “Fred’s Fantastic
Fones,” where he buys and sells cellphones. Fred
loves the invention of the phone that
Alexander Graham Bell invented in 1876.
Since 1876 there have been a lot of
innovations to the invention of the phone like
adding a ringer, making it portable, and being
able to call from anywhere, etc. A cell phone is
a great thing to have because it allows you to
communicate from wherever.
The cell phone takes too long to make because
it is so high tech, so Fred has a very low
supply of cellphones. Since he has a low
supply he sells them for a lot of money.
Then one day, Fred realized that he had a
very low demand for cellphones and no
one was buying any of the cell phones
because they were too expensive.
phone they are
too expensive
Even though this is capitalism where the
people get to choose what they buy and sell.
Fred can’t sell them any cheaper because they
take too long to make and he would never
make money.
Fred needs an idea of how to make cell phones
faster so he will have a higher supply. Then
someone said why don't you have an
assembly line to make cell phones faster just
like Henry Ford did with the invention of the
That's a great idea says Fred!!! But Fred
doesn't have enough money to pay for an
assembly line. He needs an investor.
What is an investor someone asks? An investor
is someone who helps pay for what new thing
your business wants to do. Like how Fred
wants an assembly line. George is going to be
his investor
Back in the 1860’s, A man named Carnegie
invented a way to make things faster using
time, like a stopwatch. He also helped with the
invention of the assembly line and oil.
Finally the assembly line was built and Fred
went from making 100 cell phones a day to
making 1,000 cell phones a day.
Now that Fred has a high supply of cell
phones, he can lower the price and more
people will buy them.
Fred is a lot happier now that he is selling
more and making more money. The assembly
line is now Fred's second favorite invention.
more money!!!
Fred finally created a way to allow everyone to
be able to afford a cell phone, just like Henry
Ford did with the invention of the car.
phone and it
was really cheapThis phone is so
cheap almost
everyone can buy it
Invention: Coming up with something new
Innovation: Change/better ideas to improve invention
Supply: How much the business has of the product
Demand: How much people want to buy the invention
Capitalism: People get to choose what they buy and sell
Investor: People who loan money to an entrepreneur
Assembly Line: A group of people that each do a
different thing to make the product
Henry Ford: Patent automobiles and helped create the
assembly line
Andrew Carnegie: Created a steel and oil company
Alexander Graham Bell: A man who invented the phone
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:
There was a man named Fred and he had his
own cellphone business called “Fred’s Fantastic
Fones,” where he buys and sells cellphones. Fred
loves the invention of the phone that
Alexander Graham Bell invented in 1876.
Since 1876 there have been a lot of
innovations to the invention of the phone like
adding a ringer, making it portable, and being
able to call from anywhere, etc. A cell phone is
a great thing to have because it allows you to
communicate from wherever.
The cell phone takes too long to make because
it is so high tech, so Fred has a very low
supply of cellphones. Since he has a low
supply he sells them for a lot of money.
- END >
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