To all my fans and Shaniya's fan thank you for your support
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Take a Trip with Shaniya and Alexis

Multiple Use Lands

Uses: recreation, grazing, timber harvesting and
mineral extraction
Department of Government: UNited States
Justice Department, Bureau of Land
Management, and the Department of Agriculture
Protected Ecosystems: trees, leaf/bluestem
grasses, mountain lions

Use of Motor-vehicles
Timber Degradation
Invasive Species

Moderately Restricted Lands

Land Philosophy/Uses: Habitat Protection,
hunting, fishing, oil/gas development
Branch of Government: US Fish & Wildlife
Service, Arctic National Wildlife Refuges
Protected Ecosystems Florida Panther,
Leather-back turtle, Arctic-polar bear,
caribou, musk oxen

Oil Related Activities
-Seismic testing, aircraft/car noise, and drilling
Storms-Coastal Refuges
-NC Pea Island Wildlife Refuge
Building of Roads
-Alaska Izembek National Refuge
Climate Change

Restricted Use Lands

Land Philosophy/Uses: sustain land and keep
some untouched for future generations
Branch of Government: National Park Service, US
Fish & Wildlife Service and the US Forest Service
Protected Ecosystems: Mangroves, broad leafed
trees, moose, bison, lynx, bighorn sheep

Invasive Species
Climate Change
Roads within the parks

Summer had finally arrived for Shaniya and
Alexis, two high school students who had felt like
their junior year would never end. They felt they
should plan a road trip to get some excitement in
their lives during the summer. In science class,
the girls had learned about different types of
public lands and the interesting things the
different lands provide. Shaniya was interested in
kayaking, sight seeing, and bird watching, while
Alexis was more athletic and was interested in
traveling places with more exciting things to do
such as hiking, fishing, and skiing on mountains.
They knew it would be a tough compromise, but
along with two more of their high school friends,
they planned to visit four different places around
America, public lands in particular.

Shaniya and Alexis wanted to visit at least one of each type of
public land since they interested them so much in science
They chose two restricted use lands - Appalachian Park Trail in
North Carolina,and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, one
moderately restricted land, the Bill Williams River National
Wildlife refugee in Arizona , and one national forest system-
the Sequoia National Park in California.
The girls were so excited to travel. They packed hiking gear,
swimwear, fishing gear, cameras, money for food and to pay
for their lodges, camping gear, tour guides, and proper
clothing to allow them to be as comfortable as possible during
each trip.
They chose to ride in Shaniya's blue, 2010 Jeep Wrangler
because it looked way better than Alexis's car.

Shaniya and Alexis headed out on a warm summer
morning, with their car packed with materials for their
next four trips.
They went to the Appalachian park in Asheville, NC. It
had mountains and a 2,185 mile long trail that the
girls hiked together, stopping at the trail shelters
whenever they needed to catch their breath. When
they got too tired they stopped at a nearby campsite.
They spent 3 days at the Appalachian Park Trail and
enjoyed its beauty. The main animal at this park were
the black bears. They learned through other hikers
about the environmental issues of the park. The main
issues they heard discussed the most were global
warming, and air pollution's affect on the environment
at the park.

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To all my fans and Shaniya's fan thank you for your support
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Take a Trip with Shaniya and Alexis

Multiple Use Lands

Uses: recreation, grazing, timber harvesting and
mineral extraction
Department of Government: UNited States
Justice Department, Bureau of Land
Management, and the Department of Agriculture
Protected Ecosystems: trees, leaf/bluestem
grasses, mountain lions
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