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"No! Dad, you can't leave! They can't make you.
I won't let you!" I sobbed.
"Lottie dear, I have to go. I need to help our
country fight in this war. I will be back before you
know it. You won't even know I'm gone. I
promise." Dad assured.
"But Dad, how will Mom, Fizzy and I make it
without you? And mom is having another baby! It
will be impossible." I stated.
"You are all going to be fine. I will be back in the
blink of an eye." My dad reasoned. With that, he
was gone.

"Lottie, when is Daddy coming home?" My little sister Daisy
Before we jump off into this heartbreaking story, allow me to
introduce myself. My name is Lottie Austin. I am 17 years old and
I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. My dad left to fight in World War II
when I was 10. The war was over two years ago and he still hasn't
come home. He left me, my mom, and my 2 sisters behind.
I cried for two weeks straight but I realized that I needed to
believe that he would be back. I also needed to help my mom, so
that's exactly what I did. I always worked so that I could have
something to distract me from Dad being gone. I did so many
things for my mom because she was a wreck. She would just start
crying while we were eating. Even now she still comes home from
work and sits on the couch and watches the door expecting him to
walk through it. Each day, it crushes her spirit.

" I would like to know that myself, Dai." I said using
her nickname.
" But I wanna meet him. Mommy seems so sad and I
want her to be unsad." Daisy stated using her 6-year-
old dialogue.
"Oh, little Daisy, you're only 6. You have never met
Dad. You have no idea what mom, Fizzy, and I are going
through. "
"But I really, really want him to come home!" Daisy
"So do I, Daisy. So do I." I said sadly.

After I finished talking to Daisy, I went over to my
best friend Gemma's house.
"Gemma, here come some more soldiers. Do you think
that our dads are finally home?" I asked my best friend.
" I doubt it. We have been waiting for 2 years. If they
haven't come yet, I don't think they ever will. "Gemma
" Oh my gosh Gemma. What if they are prisoners of
war?" I asked worriedly.
"Lottie, do not even think like that. I mean, even if
they were, they wouldn't be tortured or anything
because of the Geneva Conviction. So, don't worry."
Gemma assured.

Soon after that heart-wrenching conversation with Gemma,
I went home. I walked in the door to find my mom on the
couch sobbing.
"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked shakily.
"It's your dad. I don't want you to get mad when I tell
you this. A while ago, I was sent a letter that said that your
father was a Prisoner of War and he was being held hostage
by Japan. Well, I didn't worry that much because if the
Geneva Convention. But, I have heard people saying that
Japan is ignoring the Geneva Convention and they are
torturing POW's. People have been saying something about
the Bataan Death March. They say that the soldiers were
beaten, starved, and executed for no apparent reason. I am
so worried and I just don't know if your father made it out."

"Mom, why didn't you tell me? I have been worried
sick and I was dying to know anything about Dad! How
could you have kept this from me?" I asked in disbelief.
"Sweetie, I didn't think that you could handle it. "
"Well I am going to get my dad whether you like it or
not. And Gemma is going to come with me because
that's probably where her dad is too." I shouted running
out the door.

"Gemma, I just found out that my Dad is a Prisoner of
War and he is being held hostage in Japan. That's
probably where your dad is." I told Gemma quickly.
"We have to go!" Gemma yelled.
" Okay now, we are going somewhere where there are
guards with lots and I mean LOTS of weapons. We have
to think of a plan." I said, stating the obvious.
"Well in school, Mrs. Clark always says that the one
thing that Japanese people hate is loud people. So I say
that we do something very loud." said Gemma.
" Okay. Let's gather up a group of people and get
some guns. Then we will fly over to the Japanese Alps
and get our fathers back!" I yelled.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"No! Dad, you can't leave! They can't make you.
I won't let you!" I sobbed.
"Lottie dear, I have to go. I need to help our
country fight in this war. I will be back before you
know it. You won't even know I'm gone. I
promise." Dad assured.
"But Dad, how will Mom, Fizzy and I make it
without you? And mom is having another baby! It
will be impossible." I stated.
"You are all going to be fine. I will be back in the
blink of an eye." My dad reasoned. With that, he
was gone.

"Lottie, when is Daddy coming home?" My little sister Daisy
Before we jump off into this heartbreaking story, allow me to
introduce myself. My name is Lottie Austin. I am 17 years old and
I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. My dad left to fight in World War II
when I was 10. The war was over two years ago and he still hasn't
come home. He left me, my mom, and my 2 sisters behind.
I cried for two weeks straight but I realized that I needed to
believe that he would be back. I also needed to help my mom, so
that's exactly what I did. I always worked so that I could have
something to distract me from Dad being gone. I did so many
things for my mom because she was a wreck. She would just start
crying while we were eating. Even now she still comes home from
work and sits on the couch and watches the door expecting him to
walk through it. Each day, it crushes her spirit.
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