TO CARLY and TYLER......
Thank you for loving me!!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Once upon a time in a small village lived a sew maker and
her two children Carly and Tyler. One
Fall morning their mom became very ill and could no
longer work. Mom told the children that winter was
coming and she was so worried that they would run out of
food to eat. Tyler knew he had to be
brave and find a way to help his family. Tyler knew the
forest animals were his friends and they might know how
to help. Tyler decided to take a walk in the forest to ask his
friends for help. He knew Carly would want to come so
they set out on their adventure........

On their adventure into the forest to find food they
came across some furry friends who they thought
might help. "Look at all these animals!" I just know
that one of these animals will be able to help us find
food to save our family" said Tyler."Who should we
talk to first and ask for help?" replied Carly. "

" Let's go ask the rabbits for help because they are not
that scary" said Carly. " Hi Peter will you help us find
food to save our family "said Tyler. Just then all the
animals curious about the two youngsters scurried
together in a bunch to see what was going on.

Tyler knew that chipmunks hibernate
which means they curl up in a safe place until winter
ends, so he wanted to ask his friend Alvin for help. "
Alvin can you help us find food for our family to eat?"
said Tyler. "I sure can" said Alvin. You see in the Fall
I have to find many acorns and nuts and store them in
my cheek pouches so that I can bring them back to my
family so that we have enough food for the long winter

Alvin knew just where to look for nuts, berries and other
fruit in the forest.
When all the other animals heard about Carly and Tyler's
mom and how they needed to find food, they too wanted to
help!! They all worked together as a team to help Carly and
Tyler find enough food to fill their basket .

2 1 2

Carly wanted to be able to tell her mom how many animals
helped them find food for their family. Tyler told her to count
how many animals of each kind and then add them all
Carly said: There are three deer, and two rabbits and two
birds. Oh and Alvin too so ......
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TO CARLY and TYLER......
Thank you for loving me!!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time in a small village lived a sew maker and
her two children Carly and Tyler. One
Fall morning their mom became very ill and could no
longer work. Mom told the children that winter was
coming and she was so worried that they would run out of
food to eat. Tyler knew he had to be
brave and find a way to help his family. Tyler knew the
forest animals were his friends and they might know how
to help. Tyler decided to take a walk in the forest to ask his
friends for help. He knew Carly would want to come so
they set out on their adventure........

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