Let's take learning to another level.
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Publish your own children's book:

Reflection Module 3 and 4

How are the ideas and information presented
CONNECTED to what you already knew?
As a veteran teacher I can't help but to reflect on how much the
traditional classroom has changed over the years. The biggest
changes started occurring when technology was introduced in the
classroom. Prior to the introduction of technology, more
specifically, mobile technology, teachers were confined to using
black boards, chalk and outdated text books to deliver instruction.
Although these traditional methods appeared to be effective in
delivering instruction, it offered nothing exciting for the students or
the teachers. Mobile technology takes learning to a new level and
allows us to present material to our students in a way that at times
seems "mind-blowing".

One activity that teachers would often use for instructional delivery was the Find-
A-Word work sheet. Students would receive a sheet with a find-a-word puzzle in
which the student would fill in the puzzle with the correct words to ultimately
reveal the concepts that was being taught for that lesson. Each student would
be confined to their desk until they had completed their sheet and had no
interaction with the other classmates. For a little excitement, teachers would
sometimes allow the students to work in pairs which supposedly eliminated the
monotony of completing the activity alone. This type of activity had students
functioning at levels of just remembering words and filling in the blanks. This
method of instruction delivery was very rigid, teacher-centered, and drill and kill.

With mobile learning we now have QR Codes. Quick Response codes offer a fun
and exciting way for students to use their computer or mobile devices in the
classroom to lead them in a fun and interactive way of receiving information. A QR
(quick response) code is similar in principle to a bar code -- a matrix image that
can be scanned using a mobile device like a smart phone or a tablet with Internet
access. This fun and interactive way of delivering instruction allows for student
movement and gives students the opportunity to control their access to
information. Students are now able to apply Higher Order thinking skills by
implementing skills to gather information, using decoding to analyze the
information, deciphering the information gathered and devising an appropriate use
for the information gathered. It also allows students to develop their Information
Fluency; the skills you need to not only search for information, but to use the
acquired knowledge in an effective way. Students are able to ask, acquire,
analyze, apply, and assess the information that they discover and apply it in a
meaningful way.

What new ideas did you get that EXTENDED
or pushed your thinking in new directions?
Once again, I can't help but to look at all of this from the
perspective of the veteran teacher who taught for many years
straight from a textbook and having only a few tools and resources
at my fingertips to use for instructional delivery. For many years we
were asked to act as the "Technology Cop" and search and confiscate
any technology being brought into the classroom. This usually
angered the student and started the class on a negative note for
both the student and the teacher. One big change that came in my
thinking was as a teacher how could I utilize a tool (mobile devices)
in my classroom instruction that allows my students to bring the fun
that they receive from using their mobile devices, into our

The excitement that mobile technology brings to the classroom is
contagious!! Mobile learning has turned the light bulb on for me and
I have actually observed a direct correlation between excitement and
retention. The more excited and interested the students are in the
learning, the more information they appear to retain. Instead of
being the "tech cop", I am now the "tech cheerleader" As a teacher,
exciting tools like "Photo Treasure Hunts" offer far more to my
students than the traditional scavenger hunt drills that we would
use. This engaging activity allows the students to take charge of
their learning. “Treasure hunts are a fun way for students to use
problem solving skills, to work in teams, to practice comprehensions
skills, and to use technology resources all while practicing subject
matter” These type of ideas definitely pushed my thinking in a
whole new direction than the instruction methods that have been
used for years.

What is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind
around? What questions, wonderings or puzzles do you now have?
According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills,"Every child in
the U.S. needs 21st century knowledge and skills to succeed as
effective citizens, workers and leaders." Because of the gap
between the skills students are learning in school and the skills
needed in a typical 21st Century workplace, schools must align
classroom environments with real world environments by fusing the
3Rs and 4Cs. The challenge that I face is trying to stay abreast of
all the exciting and engaging tools available for my students and
do my part in the prep. One of the reasons why I am in the MS IDT
program is because I want to surround myself with courses and
colleagues who are also trying to take their students and instruction
to needed levels. But what else could I be doing? It will take all
stakeholders to meet the challenge of preparing our students with
21st Century Skills.

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Let's take learning to another level.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Reflection Module 3 and 4

How are the ideas and information presented
CONNECTED to what you already knew?
As a veteran teacher I can't help but to reflect on how much the
traditional classroom has changed over the years. The biggest
changes started occurring when technology was introduced in the
classroom. Prior to the introduction of technology, more
specifically, mobile technology, teachers were confined to using
black boards, chalk and outdated text books to deliver instruction.
Although these traditional methods appeared to be effective in
delivering instruction, it offered nothing exciting for the students or
the teachers. Mobile technology takes learning to a new level and
allows us to present material to our students in a way that at times
seems "mind-blowing".

One activity that teachers would often use for instructional delivery was the Find-
A-Word work sheet. Students would receive a sheet with a find-a-word puzzle in
which the student would fill in the puzzle with the correct words to ultimately
reveal the concepts that was being taught for that lesson. Each student would
be confined to their desk until they had completed their sheet and had no
interaction with the other classmates. For a little excitement, teachers would
sometimes allow the students to work in pairs which supposedly eliminated the
monotony of completing the activity alone. This type of activity had students
functioning at levels of just remembering words and filling in the blanks. This
method of instruction delivery was very rigid, teacher-centered, and drill and kill.

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