We have been together for almost 12 years now.
I have learned so much about life, by just watching this little dog.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

They call me
One-Eyed Jack
and this is my story.

I am a Jack Russell terrier. I was born with
champion blood lines. I was expected to be a show
dog. Show dogs live different lives than most dogs.
Usually, show dogs get lots of baths and haircuts.
Their coats are brushed and constantly fluffed; in
other words, they spend their lives being groomed!
Terriers are very hyperactive hunting dogs. We
don’t like to be clean and pretty. We love to get
dirty, and the dirtier, the better! After I get a bath,
the first thing I want to do is find something really
stinky to roll around in, then its off to do some

When I was a young pup, my owner (Mom)
worked on a ranch. I spent my days riding
in my basket on the front of an ATV. It was
the safest place to be for a little pup who
wasn't too smart about horses and cows.
It was fun working on a ranch. There were
lots of things to do, like hunting and
swimming. There were also lots of critters
to chase! Ranches usually have lots of mice,
so I became an excellent mouser.
When I got older, I graduated from the
basket. I got to run with the ATV. When we
would go out to feed the horses, I would
race Mom as we would go flying across the
meadows. It was so much fun!

The ranch, that mom worked at, had lots of
horses. Some of the horses would share their
grain with me. Others weren't too happy about
sharing. They tried to bite me when I would try
to take food from their bucket, so I just cleaned
up the scraps that they dropped on the ground.
I had to be careful not to get stepped on. Horses
are very big animals, and it hurts when they step
on you. I have been stepped on a few times.
When it happened, it made me cry like a baby,
and Mom had to pick me up and hold me until I
felt better. It was worth it. I got grain and hugs
and kisses from Mom. Yay!

When I worked on the ranch, it
was my job to protect the place
from critters such as mice, foxes,
skunks, snakes, squirrels, cats, and
frogs. Okay, I threw a few extras
in there. Squirrels, cats and frogs
don't cause much trouble on a
ranch, but they are tons of fun to
There was a tomcat that all of the
dogs were scared of. I am a Jack
Russell terrier. I'm not supposed to
be afraid of anything. I chased that
tomcat and he beat me up! It was
so embarrassing! In my defense,
he was a really big cat. I think from
now on, I will leave tomcats alone,

Swimming is one of my favorite things to do,
besides hunting, chasing cats and squirrels.
Oh, did I mention squirrels are at the top of
my list of the things that I love to chase?
Please don't ever say SQUIRREL when I am
trying to concentrate on something. It
makes me crazy, and I forget what I was
doing. See, the thought of squirrels got me
off track from the subject of how I love to
Sometimes, after Mom gives me a bath, I
like to go jump in the pond and take a nice
swim, then roll in the mud, so I can look and
smell like a dog again. It makes her so mad,
but it makes me happy.

I live in a place where there are lots of bugs,
like fleas, ticks, and chiggers. When bugs bite
me they make me itch! It makes me very
upset! I end up scratching all day long and I
keep Mom up at night when I'm itchy. My
scratching makes the whole bed shake. She
gets so mad at me.
Mom has to dip me in a special medicine to
get rid of the bugs. I don't like getting
dipped, but it does make my bug bites feel
better. I feel so stupid sitting in a bucket.
Terriers are supposed to be tough dogs. It's
hard to look tough when you're in a dip

Jack Russell's have several types of hair
coats. Mine is called a "Broken coat". I'm
not sure why they call it that. It looks
fine to me. I think I have a great coat, but
Mom keeps shaving it off. She says that I
shed too much. I don't have a problem
with it. I'm not sure why she does, but
nonetheless, I get lots of haircuts.
When I get my hair cut, it makes me feel
embarrassed, because I look so small
without my big woolly coat, but I have to
admit, I do stay cool in the summertime.
In the wintertime, I have to wear
sweaters to stay warm. It's hard to look
cool when you're wearing a dog sweater.
On the plus side, I spend more time
cuddling with Mom to stay warm. I think
she really likes our cuddle time, to tell
you the truth so do I.

Most of my life Mom has had
horses and carriages. It is so fun
to go riding along in the
carriages. We pick up people
and take them for rides. I get
big hugs and kisses from the
people. Did I mention I love
hugs and kisses?
I think the people come for rides
just to spend time with me. I am
quite adorable. At least, that's
what they tell me.
Sometimes I get to ride on the
horses. It is so cool! I feel like I'm
king of the hill. It seems like I
can see for miles when I am up
so high.

Just when I thought that my life was as
perfect as a dog could have, a horrible
thing happened to me. I got into a fight
with a vicious dog.
Being a terrier, I have a little body, but
I feel inside like I am ten feet tall and
bulletproof. That dog was ten times
meaner than that tomcat I talked
about, and I got hurt really bad.
Most dogs are very friendly, but now
and then you will meet one that isn't
very nice. You need to be careful
around dogs that you don't know
because sometimes they can hurt you.

Mom took me to the doctor, and he
said that I needed to have my eye
removed. I was so scared! Since I'm a
dog, I didn't really know what that
meant, but I knew it wasn't good.
I have always been the cutest dog. I
kept thinking, what will happen if I
only have one eye? I wondered what
people would think of me. Would they
like me just as much? Would they still
think I am cute?
Mom reassured me that it would be
okay. I wasn't too sure at the time, but
I trusted her.
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We have been together for almost 12 years now.
I have learned so much about life, by just watching this little dog.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

They call me
One-Eyed Jack
and this is my story.

I am a Jack Russell terrier. I was born with
champion blood lines. I was expected to be a show
dog. Show dogs live different lives than most dogs.
Usually, show dogs get lots of baths and haircuts.
Their coats are brushed and constantly fluffed; in
other words, they spend their lives being groomed!
Terriers are very hyperactive hunting dogs. We
don’t like to be clean and pretty. We love to get
dirty, and the dirtier, the better! After I get a bath,
the first thing I want to do is find something really
stinky to roll around in, then its off to do some
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