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In a village with a king and queen, lived
peasants, farmers, and mouse. The mouse was a
very small mouse, with a big appetite. The
mouse would eat small rubbage and any crumbs
left on the ground by the villagers. The mouse
wanted the finer things and life,SKITTLES!

The mouse loved skittles. The mouse loved
skittles so much, he decided to go to skittles
world. The mouse decided to bring his friends
along. The mouse knew it was a risky journey,
but he was willing to take the chance. For it
was skittles he loved.

As the mouse arrived to skittles world he felt
a bit itchy. The itchiness continued throughout
his scavenge through skittles world. His
friends pointed out he had skittle fleas.The
mouse did not think much of it, and continued
to the old town.

As they continued to the town, the skittle
fleas multiplied throughout the mouse’s
friends. The fleas multiplied so much the mice
found themselves spreading the skittles pox
fleas throughout town. Little by little the
people in the town started getting skittles

Skittles pox spread throughout the whole
town,making it very contagious. Skittle pox
made the townsmen have multi colored dots all
over their body, being in the same room as
someone with skittles pox may get you
infected. As it develops, white sugar powder
may shoot out from the S of the skittle pox.

The people in town went to the doctors to
see how they can get rid of the skittles pox.
The doctors in town wore chicken suits,
because the suits would offer protection
from skittles pox. Accompanied by two
large sturdy feathers to touch the patients
with. The doctors would cook omelets and
stuff their beaks full, so they would not
smell the sugary patients.

Skittle pox would create multicolored dots all
over the person's body. Making the people go
into a sugary coma, where they dream of candy
land. Often times many people may develop a
higher case of skittles pox, making them stay
in candy land forever.

Skittles pox spread to other towns, making it
very widespread. The mouse noticed all the
chaos, and thought it was all his fault. The
mouse did not know what to do, for he has
skittles pox too. The mouse was too weak to
help or do anything about the skittles pox.

The mouse realized there were three
different types of skittles pox. The original,
where the skittles are all over your body and
shoots white sugar. The wild berry, which
skittlfies the person’s lungs when in contact
with skittle drops. The tropical, when a
person comes in contact with skittle skin and it
creates a bunch of skittles.

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The town rang church bells and held a parade,
as the citizens banged pots and pans hoping to
scare the skittle pox away. the wealthy wore
fragrance, and the poor wore garlic necklaces.
The town’s people were frantic for a remedy.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

In a village with a king and queen, lived
peasants, farmers, and mouse. The mouse was a
very small mouse, with a big appetite. The
mouse would eat small rubbage and any crumbs
left on the ground by the villagers. The mouse
wanted the finer things and life,SKITTLES!

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