Standard 2.1.6.E: Apply number theory concepts
to calculate the GCF (Greatest Common Factor)
and/or LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers
M6.A.1.2: Compare quantities and/or
magnitudes of numbers
Written and Illustrated by: Makenzie Koegler
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Madison rolls over in bed and looks at her clock. It’s
9:00am on Saturday January 3rd. As she lays there a while
trying to think of why she felt like there was something
important to do that day she remembered and immediately
jumped out of bed! “It is January 3rd, meaning it’s my
best friend’s birthday!” She had forgotten all about her
friend Courtney’s birthday including the huge surprise
party that she told everyone she was planning. Madison,
realizing that she had not bought a single thing for the
party, raced down the stairs, grabbed a notepad and pen
and began to brainstorm a list of items needed for the

The first thing Madison could think of was the food. What
type of food should there be at a birthday party. “I guess we
will need cake, cupcakes, ice cream, and chips for snacking. I
am going to need to figure out how much of each item I will
need for the amount of people I invited. I think that will be
enough food!” Next she thought of what she would need to
eat the food. “Well of course we will need plates, napkins,
forks, spoons, and cups.” That reminded her she would also
need to get at least 3 of Courtney’s favorite drinks. As the list
continued to grow Madison realized that there was a lot more
to a surprise party than she thought. She looked at the clock,
it was 11:00am, she had 4 hours until the party started to go
to the store, figure out how much of everything she needed,
buy it, and get back in time to set up before the guests

As Madison arrived at Walmart she got out of her car and quickly made
her way into the store. Trying to hold in her anxiousness she smiled and
waved at all the greeters waiting at the door until finally she was in a ready
to shop. “Okay since I am on the home décor section, I think I’m going to
try and find the party supplies first.” Madison said to herself. Looking
around she finally saw an aisle that had streamers, balloons, wrapping
paper, and all the essentials for decorating. “Okay so I want to be able to
give everyone a balloon to blow up so when they jump out and surprise her
they can throw their balloons everywhere!” Madison looked through the
packages and found one that said it contained 130 individual balloons. “So if
I invited 26 people and there are 130 balloons in each package how many
balloons would each person get?” Madison was not very good at performing
long division in her head, so instead she thought of the numbers as a
fraction. “If I have 130/26 and I know that both 130 and 26 have factors of
1,2, and 13 then taking both the top and bottom by 13 since it is the
greatest common factor I would reduce my fraction to 10/2 which equals 5!
Yay each person would get 5 balloons to throw!” Grabbing the package of
130 balloons, and a couple other decorations, Madison decided it was time
to move to a new aisle and search for some utensils for the food.

Knowing that she needed forks,
spoons, and cups the challenge began to
find the right amount for the party and
extra left over for family gatherings and
whenever friends come over. Madison
found a box of utensils which included 100
forks and 100 spoons. She knew that the
next week her family was having a party
and that they would only need 20 of each
utensil. “So if I take double the amount I
need for the birthday party then I would
need about 60 forks and 60 spoons. 100-
60=40 leaving 40 utensils to use for the
family party next week.” Madison realized
that she was able to find how many
utensils each person would be able to use
if needed for both parties the same way
she figured out how many balloons each
person could throw.

Taking 15 form 60/30 the fraction would become
4/2 which equals 2.

“If I find the greatest factor for each of these combination of numbers I will easily
be able to figure out how many each of my friends and family can use!” Madison
organizes her thoughts quickly, and then remembers, “There will potentially be 30
people at the party with 60 utensils of each kind, or 60/30. The factors of 60 and 30
are 1,2,3,5,6,10, and 15. Taking 15 from 60/30 the fraction would become 4/2 which
equals 2. Each person will be able to have 2 of each utensil, which works out great in
case someone throws their first one away!” “The same would go for the family party
which would be 40 utensils left over for 20 people taking the greatest common factor
of 10 from each of number making 2 utensils for each family member as well.” As
Madison worked through the math in her head she finally realized that all these years
learning about greatest common factor were beginning to pay off. “I never realized
how often you would need to find the greatest common factor in a real world
situation!” Madison checked her watch and decided she had enough time to take
some time to herself for personal shopping and browsing.

After taking a couple detours through the clothing section,
the electronics section, the gardening section, and even the
toys isle, she finally made it over to the bakery area. “Wow,
look at the time, it’s already 1:30pm! How did time go by so
fast?” As she was thinking to herself she turned and saw the
most perfect cake for Courtney. It was two layers which
would be just enough for everyone that was coming. As soon
as Madison started walking over to grab the cake a small
older women swooped in picked it up with smile on her face
said, “My granddaughter is going to love this! I can’t wait to
surprise her!” “Great!” Madison thought, “I was so close. Now
what am I going to do? I don’t have a cake, and I don’t have
time to order a new one. Well at least the old lady was able
to find a great cake for her granddaughter. I’m sure she will
love it!"
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Standard 2.1.6.E: Apply number theory concepts
to calculate the GCF (Greatest Common Factor)
and/or LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers
M6.A.1.2: Compare quantities and/or
magnitudes of numbers
Written and Illustrated by: Makenzie Koegler
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Madison rolls over in bed and looks at her clock. It’s
9:00am on Saturday January 3rd. As she lays there a while
trying to think of why she felt like there was something
important to do that day she remembered and immediately
jumped out of bed! “It is January 3rd, meaning it’s my
best friend’s birthday!” She had forgotten all about her
friend Courtney’s birthday including the huge surprise
party that she told everyone she was planning. Madison,
realizing that she had not bought a single thing for the
party, raced down the stairs, grabbed a notepad and pen
and began to brainstorm a list of items needed for the

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