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Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
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The huge plane soared over the North Atlantic Ocean with no clouds in sight. It’s steel body glowed as the sun’s light illuminated the sky and the bright blue ocean water. Inside sat Sgt. Marshall, a tall hardened man who’s rough face, showed signs of wisdom with every crease in his skin. The red glow of the plane’s interior made his deep brown eyes look even more piercing than they already were. "Finally," he thought. He was finally able to be home and not have to see death at every corner. He looked down at his gun inspecting every crevice of it with a glance. "I've caused some serious damage with you," he whispered.
When the plane entered U.S. airspace, Marshall had already packed away his gear and strapped it all together. Tired of sitting in his seat and doing absolutely nothing, he decided to pack his duffel bag early and get ready for landing. He couldn’t wait to walk off of the ramp and into his wife’s arms. He would hold her tight against his chest. So tight he could smell her rosy scent that she always wore. He hadn’t seen Mary since the day he left for Iraq nine months ago. That day was the worst for him, not because he was being sent to war, but because he hated to see her cry. She cried the entire time they were boarding the aircraft and when Marshall looked back as he was boarding he could see Mary’s teary green eyes.
They had written each other every week, and whenever time was available they would call but in the last couple months of his deployment he had received less and less letters and phone calls. He figured it was just due to her being busy with her new job at the local bank, but he still had a feeling in the back of his stomach that that wasn’t the case. Either way, he couldn’t wait to see her messy red hair and her beautiful smile again.
When the green light flashed in the plane, the soldiers gathered their equipment and prepared to get off the aircraft. The bay door slowly lowered down, light leaked into the hull of the aircraft, and blinded the waiting soldiers. Finally, the bay door sank onto the ground, and Marshall sprinted to his wife to embrace her tightly. He was so excited that he even picked her up and spun her around. She smiled wildly as he held her, but something was just not feeling right. Even though she was smiling she didn’t have the spark in her eyes that showed true happiness. When he held her, Marshall didn’t feel her warmth and her affections seemed dim at most.
After everyone got their fair share of welcoming the platoon leader ordered them back into formation. The troops lined up accordingly and stood at attention while the platoon leader spouted out the order to dismiss them. Marshall then grabbed Mary’s hand and began the trip back home. They lived on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas in a nice suburban neighborhood. It would take a while to drive from the airport back to their house. So Marshall decided he would drive so that his wife could get rest on the way there.
Traffic was very heavy that day, an assortment of cars and trucks lined the freeway. As Marshall drove next to a car he looked into its passenger seat and instantly chills ran down his spine. It was a boy covered in blood, but the worst part was that the kids face looked oddly familiar. Mary noticed that the truck was starting to veer off to the left and began to worry. “Marshall..are you okay?” she asked, “Hey we’re starting to go off the road!”. Marshall stared at the boy and watched as tears fell down his face. Bullet holes riddling the small boys chest, every hole pouring out blood. The sound of screaming and guns firing filled Marshall's thoughts.
“Marshall!” Mary screamed snapping him out of his trance. He quickly jerked the wheel and slid back onto the road. “What happened? Are you okay? what’s wrong?” Mary asked.“Nothing, everything is okay, just dozed off a little”Marshall replied. He looked back at the other car and found that nobody was in the passenger seat. Just an old woman giving him the finger for getting too close.
Marshall pulled into the driveway and parked the truck. The engine groaned back to sleep as they hopped out of the truck. “Do you need help with the bags?” Mary asked, “No I’m fine honey.” he replied. “You sure? I can take a bag if you want.” Marshall gave a little laugh and said: “No just stand there and look pretty; they ’re to heavy anyways.”. He grabbed his bags from the back of the truck and made his way to the front door.
When Marshall opened the door he noticed an unfamiliar pair of shoes. They were two sizes smaller than his normal size and they were for men. Marshall gave a questioning look and set his bags down. He crept down the hallway and found that his bedroom door was wedged open. Mary saw him moving down the hallway and immediately freaked out. She tried chasing after him to stop him, but it was already too late. Marshall opened the door and walked in.
He scanned the room to find clothes lay everywhere around the bed. He turned his gaze to the sheets and found that a naked man was lying in his bed. He rushed over to rip the man out of his bed and throw him down to the floor. Marshall wailed on the man’s face until blood was gushing out of the freshly made wounds. He tried to shout for him to stop but only a bloodied gargle came out of his beaten mouth. Marshall landed each strike like a hammer pounding in a nail. Mary flew into the room and found Marshall on top of her new lover and started to scream for him to stop.With tears flooding down her from her eyes, she ran over and tried to pull Marshall off of him.
After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, she decides to hit his back as hard as she can over and over again. Finally, after the man began to cry, Marshall stood up and stormed out of the house with his bags. Mary ran after him and tried to stop him, but he had already thrown his bags in the truck bed. “Let me explain Marshall!” she pleaded. Marshall slammed the door in front of her and roared the engine alive. He flew out of the driveway down the street leaving his cheating wife behind.
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This book is dedicated to...

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
Preview audio:
The huge plane soared over the North Atlantic Ocean with no clouds in sight. It’s steel body glowed as the sun’s light illuminated the sky and the bright blue ocean water. Inside sat Sgt. Marshall, a tall hardened man who’s rough face, showed signs of wisdom with every crease in his skin. The red glow of the plane’s interior made his deep brown eyes look even more piercing than they already were. "Finally," he thought. He was finally able to be home and not have to see death at every corner. He looked down at his gun inspecting every crevice of it with a glance. "I've caused some serious damage with you," he whispered.
When the plane entered U.S. airspace, Marshall had already packed away his gear and strapped it all together. Tired of sitting in his seat and doing absolutely nothing, he decided to pack his duffel bag early and get ready for landing. He couldn’t wait to walk off of the ramp and into his wife’s arms. He would hold her tight against his chest. So tight he could smell her rosy scent that she always wore. He hadn’t seen Mary since the day he left for Iraq nine months ago. That day was the worst for him, not because he was being sent to war, but because he hated to see her cry. She cried the entire time they were boarding the aircraft and when Marshall looked back as he was boarding he could see Mary’s teary green eyes.
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"Blood and Sand"
Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
(28 pages)
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