Minecraft inspired me to make this book.

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
Preview audio:
''Hello my name is Carl i'm a Enderman!''
''Today is just a regular day in the void.''
'' SO BORING and nothing to do.''
'' But today i'm SO excited because i'm one of the Endermen that get to go to the real world and try to scare Steve and steal his blocks!'' ''Oh yeah I happened to steal a TNT block last time.'' Gonna blow up Steve's house maybe...'' ''Look how beautiful this block is gonna show it off.''
March 4th 2016 Saturday

'' La la la la la'' Trying to find Steve but where in this world is he?!'' ''WAIT I hear something don't move its my chance to scare!'' ''Oh yeah
if you look closely you can see my friend Jeff in the back round''
March 4th 2016 Saturday

''YES! LOL!'' I was just face to face with Steve!'' ''Boy was he scared! He dropped 10 TNT blocks and then ran screaming like a 6 year old girl can't wait to tell my friends!''
March 4th 2016 Saturday

''UUUGGGGHHHHH its Sunday almost time for school again bummer.'' '' Either way its a great way to tell my friends about Steve and get my tele phone as in teleportation phone and get his face on camera!'' ''So one of my favorite songs is Like an Enderman its SO popular look at the front picture for his album so amazing! '' That Enderman has blue eyes wow that is rare.''
March 5th 2016 Sunday

''Okay so tomorrow at school is class picture day!'' '' I've gotta look my best.'' ''I already have chosen a VERY cool back round!''
''Also my friend Jeff and I are totally gonna pull some awesome scare pranks!'' ''Can't wait to see what Jeff has planned.''
March 5th 2016 Sunday

''So today was picture day and i'm going to show you what it looks like see coolest back round ever!'' '' So me and my friend Creepy the creeper are going to a village to set some houses on fire.'' '' Oh yeah when its my turn again to scare Steve i'll bring my tele phone.'' ''Oh yeah I also got another picture to show you...''
March 6th 2016 Monday

'' Today my Aunt Ender Dragon is coming to visit us.'' '' I can't wait to tell her about Steve!''
''Anyways my mom said that I could go with Creepy to the village.'' '' I'm SO excited i'm gonna bring my flint and steel but I better be careful with it around Creepy'' ''Oh yeah and my uncle Wither is coming too.''
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

''LOL! Here is a picture I took with my tele phone.'' ''Look at the village so funny I wonder what the villagers think....'' Now they have nothing to hide in to stay away from zombies!''
'' LOL I can see a group of zombies chasing 1 villager!'' ''Me and Creepy high armed each other.''

''Okay my mom wants me to go into the regular world to greet my aunt and uncle.'' ''Okay so while I wait for them I might just teleport onto a mountain to get a view.'' ''I don't need to look on the ground for my aunt and uncle because they can TOTALLY fly.'' ''I wish I could fly it would be awesome!'' '' Hopefully Steve don't see my aunt and uncle.'' ''Actually why do I even care about if Steve sees them they're the most powerful mobs/bosses in Minecraft!'' ''Oh here they come look how awesome they fly!'' ''LOL my uncle is dropping wither skulls on players!''
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

''My aunt Ender Dragon showed me a picture of what she did to Steve AND his friends!'' ''She smashed through the wall on the side of their house.'' ''And by the way she said that house took FOREVER to build.'' ''I mean come on how epic is this picture?!?'' ''Look at their faces they were TOTALLY not expecting that!''
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

''She has more pictures too here they are how awesome!'' ''One is when she went to her first village and captured Notch wicked awesomeness! Well everyone was leaving the village to go behind a hill.'' ''What was that going to do for them?!?'' ''She EVEN scared some mobs too, loser mobs!
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

''My aunt when she was in a cave protecting the ores she found/stole and you can see a player trying to steal her stuff from her...'' ''I don't even know WHY he would even bother to try he would he would just obviously just die instantly!'' ''Oh yeah and the little dragon is my cousin Sparkle Dragon.'' ''Her name is Sparkle Dragon because there are LOTS of sparkles that come off Endermen that teleport.'' ''Don't even ASK me how much sparkles we let off in total.''
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

That is pretty much how many pictures she showed me today but believe me she has LOTS more pictures in her album.'' ''Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that the scarelastic orders came in today and I FINALLY got the two books I wanted SOOOO bad here are the front covers.'' ''The first one is called LEGEND OF ENDERMAN A MINECRAFT NOVEL and the other one is called LEGEND OF WHITE ENDERMAN A MINECRAFT NOVEL.'' ''How cool do those titles sound pretty sweet huh?
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

''One of my books took a while so I got another book that I was going to order it looks very interesting.'' ''And that book is called LEGEND OF WHITE DRAGON A MINECRAFT NOVEL.'' I wonder if my aunt would be interested in reading this...'' ''Anyways its time for me to go to school now.'' ''School starts VERY late so I have LOTS of free time before I go.''
March 7th 2016 Tuesday

''Okay today Jeff and I are going to set up some pranks in the classroom for when the teacher comes!'' ''She is going to be trolled SO hard!!!'' '' So anyways class is going to start soon so me and Jeff better leave fast.'' ''So let me explain what we are going to do: so I am going to set a backround so nobody knows this happend at school... and we have pistons with TNT that springs up out of no where!'' ''Do not worry this type of TNT won't hurt anyone but explodes AND rebuilds its self!
March 7th 2016 Tuesday
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Minecraft inspired me to make this book.

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
Preview audio:
''Hello my name is Carl i'm a Enderman!''
''Today is just a regular day in the void.''
'' SO BORING and nothing to do.''
'' But today i'm SO excited because i'm one of the Endermen that get to go to the real world and try to scare Steve and steal his blocks!'' ''Oh yeah I happened to steal a TNT block last time.'' Gonna blow up Steve's house maybe...'' ''Look how beautiful this block is gonna show it off.''
March 4th 2016 Saturday

'' La la la la la'' Trying to find Steve but where in this world is he?!'' ''WAIT I hear something don't move its my chance to scare!'' ''Oh yeah
if you look closely you can see my friend Jeff in the back round''
March 4th 2016 Saturday
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"Diary of a Minecraft Enderman"
This book is about what it is like to be an Enderman. Read this book to see what Carl the enderman does in his adventure who knows what will happen?
(47 pages)
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