To all my supporters in my life.

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
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Once there was a princess named Georgia. Everyone called her Geo for short. Geo was a lonely girl. She had no siblings. And her mother and father kept her concealed from the outside world. This made her sob in her room day in and day out. She longed for a family or a prince to comfort her.

The next day it was Geo's birthday. King Ponder sent Geo out for simple groceries. Eggs, Milk, Chicken, and Veggies. She was thrilled. Queen Wonder recited the rules a million times before Geo could leave. When she was on her way, some mean girls began to bother her. "Hey, when are your parents going to set you free, you stupid bird?" asked Melanay. Her goons Lauren, and Quin chucked. "Do a trick birdie," Lauren said. "Repeat after me birdie," Quin said. Melanay said, " I don't like this birdie,girls. Let's teach it a lesson." They pushed her in the mud. When the were gone Geo cried. She ran to the market to retrive her groceries. She was back to the castle. How rotten were those girls?

Rigid, the butler lead everyone to the cake. After cake came presents. Queen Wonder noticed her daughter had brown splatters all over her. "What is that???" Queen Wonder asked. "Oh...Mud." Geo said, sheepishly. Queen Wonder didn't ask anymore questions. Geo wanted some quiet time in her room. "Hmmm...," She paced her room in deep thought . When Mom and Dad ask me what I really want for my birthday, I will say ' I want to go and play as I please in the outside.' Yes, that is perfect. Geo marched downstairs. She was ready....right?

When Queen Wonder asked what her sweetie pie wanted. Geo gathered her breath and said what she rehearsed. King Ponder cried " No daughter of mine will ever leave this castle! NEVER!" Queen Wonder shouted, "Rigid, lock her in her room! See if she wants to leave then!" Queen Wonder leveled her eyes with Geo's as she was being dragged away and said, " I am sorry and dissappointed." Geo screamed as she broke away from Rigid's grip, "You should be disappointed in yourself! Try having mean ol' parents who don't love you!!!" Rigid grabbed her again,heaved her up the stairs, and to her room where he locked her inside. Geo sobbed, weeped, and cried. Then she made a decision.

She decided she would sneak out and run away, leaving her caged life behind. She grabbed her backpack full of snacks. She then decided she didn't need it. She opened her window carefully. And she clamored down the rope ladder she attached a few weeks ago. She snuck past four guards. And she was in the outside world. She was only 5 minutes into it when she fell into a hole. She was afraid. She finally landed on her tush. She was instantly in a cave dress with a tooth necklace. And her hair changed. She tensed up as she heard a swish in some bushes. She felt dumb- struck as a handsome boy crept out. "Hi," he said looking as dumb as she did. " I'm Chris." He said. "Geo," she replied.

"I am a prince." He said. "Come with me up above. We can hang out or something." She said. "Okay," came his simple reply. Geo found a thick branch and set it up on the edge of the whole. They each climbed up. Geo noticed her hair and clothes change, but his stayed the same. Her hair returned back to normal. Geo darted back to the kingdom. Chris followed her. He brushed against one of the guards. The guard barely noticed. Once they were in Geo's room, the collapsed on the floor happily. Days passed. Chris stayed in Geo's room. One day Rigid opened Geo's door a crack to see if she wanted a drink of water. He spotted Chris. He bursted through the door.

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To all my supporters in my life.

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
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Once there was a princess named Georgia. Everyone called her Geo for short. Geo was a lonely girl. She had no siblings. And her mother and father kept her concealed from the outside world. This made her sob in her room day in and day out. She longed for a family or a prince to comfort her.

The next day it was Geo's birthday. King Ponder sent Geo out for simple groceries. Eggs, Milk, Chicken, and Veggies. She was thrilled. Queen Wonder recited the rules a million times before Geo could leave. When she was on her way, some mean girls began to bother her. "Hey, when are your parents going to set you free, you stupid bird?" asked Melanay. Her goons Lauren, and Quin chucked. "Do a trick birdie," Lauren said. "Repeat after me birdie," Quin said. Melanay said, " I don't like this birdie,girls. Let's teach it a lesson." They pushed her in the mud. When the were gone Geo cried. She ran to the market to retrive her groceries. She was back to the castle. How rotten were those girls?
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"Georgia Love"
A lonely princess finds love in a...HOLE! There is a mysterios past behind her beloved...One that will make him die.
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