“Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.” —Ecclesiastes 7:9
Finding Mercy in a Hard Place Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Ken Taylor
(used by permission)

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
Preview audio:
Wayne and Mary Sue are sitting at the breakfast table. Mary reaches over to pour Wayne a cup of coffee and splatters coffee on her husband’s white shirt. He shakes his head in disgust, as he lets loose with several curse words. “Can’t you do anything right, you clumsy oaf.”

Mary fights off the tears as her face flushes red with embarrassment. She says to herself after all Wayne is under a lot of pressure at his job. She hurriedly butters the toast and spreads some strawberry jam on it, knowing it is his favorite.

Mary places the toast on his plate, and then suddenly Wayne stands to his feet with the toast in his hand and screams at Mary. “WHY did you give me this sorry end piece of bread? You always do that!” After cursing violently, he turns over the kitchen table, knocking Mary out of her chair and onto the floor with a thud. Two cotton-top children, ages three and five, scurry to their mother’s side. The kids sob, and with trembling voices, “Mommy, Mommy,” as she clutches them close to her.

She says in almost a whisper, “Wayne, I gave you the end piece of bread, because that is my favorite.”
Wayne storms out of the house and slams the front door so hard a shelf of keep sakes and pictures crash to the floor. Wayne and Mary Sue’s wedding photos lie shattered with glass all around them.

He storms down the walkway to his truck after the angry outburst at breakfast. The family dog, Bruno runs up to Wayne in a playful manner. Suddenly, he kicks Bruno hard in his side, and the dog yelps and runs away with his tail between his legs. “Stupid mutt!” shouts red-faced Wayne. He climbs behind the wheel of his truck and turns the ignition. Nothing happens. “What the blankety-blank?” Curses Wayne.

He quickly exits the truck and checks under the hood for the problem. “Can’t be the battery,” he fumes. “It’s only three months old.” He returns to the cab and tries the lights and no lights. He screams, “The stupid battery is dead.” He takes out his cell phone and calls Joe at the parts house. Joe answers the phone and Wayne curses a blue streak for selling him a dud battery.

Joe's Auto Parts
Joe says he will make the battery good, but lets
Wayne know he doesn’t appreciate his vile attitude, and hangs up on him. Joe tells his workers that if Wayne shows his ugly face there to give him the battery and get rid of him, before he personally punches him in the nose! Wayne goes back to the house to get the keys to Mary Sue’s car, so he can go exchange the battery.
Five-year-old James sees his daddy heading out the door and runs to him with open arms, begging to go with him. “Not now, James, you little brat, I’m busy.” James bursts into tears and buries his head in the couch pillows. As Wayne walks out to the truck, his neighbor, Harry yells, “Do you need any help with your truck?” “Mind your own business, you old coot, I don’t need your stinking help!”

Wayne smokes the tires as he speeds down the block. He runs a stop sign and almost hits an old lady in a large Buick. “You ignorant, old broad,” he shouts as he gives her the middle finger and speeds away. Finally, Wayne pulls up in front of the parts store and enters. He walks to the counter and says, “Where is that crooked thief of a boss of yours, Marty?” Wayne is breathing heavily from his anger and adrenalin surge.

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“Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.” —Ecclesiastes 7:9
Finding Mercy in a Hard Place Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Ken Taylor
(used by permission)

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
Preview audio:
Wayne and Mary Sue are sitting at the breakfast table. Mary reaches over to pour Wayne a cup of coffee and splatters coffee on her husband’s white shirt. He shakes his head in disgust, as he lets loose with several curse words. “Can’t you do anything right, you clumsy oaf.”

Mary fights off the tears as her face flushes red with embarrassment. She says to herself after all Wayne is under a lot of pressure at his job. She hurriedly butters the toast and spreads some strawberry jam on it, knowing it is his favorite.

Mary places the toast on his plate, and then suddenly Wayne stands to his feet with the toast in his hand and screams at Mary. “WHY did you give me this sorry end piece of bread? You always do that!” After cursing violently, he turns over the kitchen table, knocking Mary out of her chair and onto the floor with a thud. Two cotton-top children, ages three and five, scurry to their mother’s side. The kids sob, and with trembling voices, “Mommy, Mommy,” as she clutches them close to her.

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