United One
My Granny

Grandmother is being who loves us and we never forget.
My granny
My granny is a wide old bird
There's not a lot she hasen't heard
She knows of everything I do
But how she knows, I wish, I knew
She never say an unkid word
But seldom is my Granny deterred
From giving Mum the third degree
And that includes my Dad and me.

My Grandmother
The grandmother is the mother of mind which always helps us and comforts us hard pain. Though even now I remember grandmother's gentle gaze, looking into my eyes, swinging and singing me to sleep. She was the one who held me tight with her hand as if drawn in lines for fear of getting lost. And all she sat reading my stormy nights of "Big Book of Stories".How can I describe mygrandmother? A guardian angel ready to defend me and to give me all appetites. Brown eyes followed me everywhere I went and at every step, two hands protected me not to get hit.
Grandma will not walk away from me when I am not crafty enough that it on my own. He treats me like a child, though no longer and I know I'm capable of more but I would not want to know that behind me there is guarded by grandmother.
Whatever happens I have a grandmother stey with me. I feel safe in her arms and I know my grandmother and would give life, be safe and carefree.
Wherever I go and whatever I do, I'm not afraid to meet the challenges of the world, because we grandmother next to me.

United Two
My Country
Torn country that is in heaven is Moldova.
Places Of Interest From Moldova
Moldova is a place of the paradise! There are many places of interest in our country. Many tourists come to visit us. There are many fortresses and historica places in Moldova. The most places of Moldova are Orheiul Vechi, The Monasty of Saharna, The fortress of Soroca.
Many people like to visit our old forests as ,,Codrii''. The capital of Moldova, Chişinău it is also a place of interest. There are many parks, museums, statues, librarys, theatres in it. Moldova is like a garden full of fru-its, fruit-trees, and flowers.
Tourists like to visit my sweet country!
Stephen III, surnamed Stephen the Great (b. 1433 Borzeşti - d. July 2, 1504, Suceava), son of Bogdan II was Prince of Moldavia between 1457 and 1504. He ruled for 47 years, term that has never been equaled in the history of Moldova. In his time, he fought against several neighbors, such as the Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Poland and Hungary. Churches and monasteries built during his reign are today on the list of world heritage sites.

The Fortress Of Soroca
The fortress of Soroca is a fortress Moldovan XV century, wooden built by Stephen the Great, to the ford over the River, and rebuilt in stone in Petru Rares, the middle of the sixteenth century.
The Fortress Of Soroca

Orheiul Vechi
The museum complex Old Orhei is situated in the valley Raut, a right tributary of the Dniester, the municipality Trebujeni from Orhei Moldova. Cultural-natural reserve Orhei which has a special status and is the most important cultural site in Moldova, being in the nomination process for entry in the World Heritage List of UNESCO.
The complex includes several dozen hectares of the medieval city Orhei (sec. XIII-XVI), later named Orhei (data and foundation settlement after leaving another place a new city with the same name - Orheiul today).
Orheiul Vechi

Saharna Monastry
Saharna, monastery the whole ensemble, is one of the oldest monasteries of the Orthodox Church in Moldova. The monastic complex consists of two monasteries: one cave (Annunciation) and other land (St. Trinity). History cave monastery little is known, not knowing the exact date of the founding, and who are the founders.

Monastry of Saharna
Ţîpova Monasrty
Tipova Monastery is a cave monastery of monks in Moldova. It is situated on the right bank of the Dniester River near the village Tipova Rezina. The church dates from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The monastery is orthodox and shelter creatures in September 2012. It is at a distance of about 40.50 kilometers from the capital, Chisinau, and is located on a steep bank at a height of 100 meters above the water level of the river Nistru.

Ţîpova Monasrty
Curchi Monastry
Curchi Monastery is a monastery in Moldova, one of the most significant monuments of architecture Bessarabia. Orheiului Woods is located on the village Curchi Orhei. As architectural ensemble was formed in XVIII - XIX. It consists of five churches, two buildings with cells, abbey, several auxiliary rooms, an orchard, a hermitage with the pilgrimage which is 500 m Monastery and a stone basin.
Monastry of Curchi

Căpriana Monastry
Capriana Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Moldova. It is located in the center of the country, about 40km north-west of Chisinau in hilly wooded wearing Lăpuşna once named Woods. Considered by many historians, last bastion of royal architecture in Moldova, belonging to the Romanian cultural space.

Căpriana Monastry
Manuc Bei Mansion
Mansion Manuc's Inn or Bey Bei (official - historical-architectural complex Manuc Bey) is located in Hincesti in the central-western Moldova; and includes the following buildings: Palace's Inn, Casa bailiff, Çadır countess Castle hunting Watchtower, etc.
Although the mansion bears his name, however it was not raised by diplomat and merchant of Armenian origin Manuc Bei Mirzaian as circulating (he dying shortly after purchasing the estate Hincesti, 1817), but by followers his - son Murat, who started building the villa boyar, diplomat and grandson, Gregory, who concluded that work. The mansion also is an architectural monument inscribed in the register of monuments of culture of the Republic of Moldova.

Manuc Bei Mansion
Codru Scientific Reserve is a protected area in Moldova, which serves as a central repository of Forest Genetic Resources europene.Rezervaţia was created in 1971 on an area of 5177 ha, here are put under protection about 1000 species of plants, 43 species of mammals, 145 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians and more than 10 thousand species of insects. The main tree species in the forest oaks and beeches. Reserve operates under a rich "Natural Museum".

Rose Valley
Rose Valley is a park located in Botanica, Chisinau, Moldova. The park covers an area of 145 hectares of which 9 hectares of water surface. It was set in 1968 on the site of a hill planted with roses, being drawn alleys and banks apelor.Inaugurarea Digue took place in 1969.
During communist times, the park was called the "city of culture and rest park" Lenin "».Inside the park are restaurants, beaches, children's and sports fields. At the edge of the park near the street. Rose, is the Memorial to victims of Chernobyl and a fun park, which operate only in Chisinau in a panoramic wheel. In the 1980s they were still in the park and a cinema, a platform with 1,000 seats and a cartodrom.Aleea Main Street continues. Rose Valley.

Rose Valley
Stefan cel Mare Central Park
Stefan cel Mare Central Park (Romanian: Stefan cel Mare Park) is the main central park in Chisinau, Moldova. Formerly known as Pushkin Park, it is the oldest park in Moldova and spans about seven hectares (17 acres).
It has gained the nickname "The Park of the Lovers" in Chisinau due to STI popularity as a meeting spot for couples. The park contains 50 species of trees, Some of Which is Quite old, mulberries and acacias being the Between 130 and 180 years.
Stefan cel Mare Central Park

Alley of Classics is a sculptural complex located in Stefan cel Mare Park Chisinau. On both sides of the alley are placed red granite statues of Romanian literature classics of youth policy and notorious for Moldova. It comprises between central boulevard bronze bust of Alexander Pushkin, sitting on a granite column (Aleksandr work Opekuşin 1885). Alley was built and received its name in 1958 and has since become one of the main attractions of Chisinau.
At first, the alley was equipped with 12 sculptures, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union have added their busts of Romanian and Bessarabian poets and writers whose activity was studied in the Soviet regime.Today, along the Alley of Classics are strung 26 busts.

Alley of Classics
The Park ,,La Izvor''
In the center of the park is a large lake that is a cascade of three ponds that are connected by channels. From the main entrance to the park (from the street Calea Iesilor) from a large, paved with concrete slabs, the site extends straight walkway that leads to a small suspension bridge (now the bridge is operational, but is in a dilapidated condition).
With this bridge in Soviet times it was possible to see the so-called Island Tales, which was created especially for children's activities. In addition to the Island Tales, in the park beaches were also made, bridges, restaurant "La Izvor" (after whom it was given the new name of the park, renamed in 1991), cafes, boat station and sports grounds.
The Park ,,La Izvor''

National Museum of History of Moldova
National Museum of History of Moldova is Chisinau, Moldova. At the entrance to the museum is located wolf with Romulus and Remus.
On 15 March 2013, under the Government Decision no. 184 of 13 March 2013, the National Museum of Archaeology and History of Moldova 'changes into the National Museum of History of Moldova.
National Museum of History of Moldova

National Museum Ethnography and Natural History
National Museum Ethnography and Natural History is the oldest museum in Moldova. Founded as Agricultural Museum during its existence has gradually widened the scope, creating collections that reflect the natural history, nature contemporary evolution of human society and traditional culture in Bessarabia and later Moldova. It currently holds a collection of about 135 thousand pieces.
National Museum Ethnography and Natural History

Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe Chisinau (Holy Gates called a time, and under the Soviet regime - and the Victory Arch Victory Arch) is an architectural monument built between 1840-1841 to commemorate the victory of Russian army over the Turks in the Russo-Turkish War of 1828 -1829. Inside the arch is a giant bell weighing 6.4 tons, which was cast from the metal of Turkish cannons captured in war.
Arc de Triomphe

The monument of Ştefan- cel -Mare
Stephen the Great Monument is a monument Moldavian prince Stephen the Great (1457-1504), conducted during 1925-1928 by the sculptor Alexandru Plămădeală and placed in Chisinau (now Moldova).
The monument of Ştefan- cel -Mare

Nativity Cathedral
Nativity Cathedral is an Orthodox cathedral in Chisinau that the market is close to Grand National Assembly and the Moldovan Orthodox Church belongs. The cathedral building is an architectural monument of national importance, entered in the register of monuments of history and culture of Chisinau on the initiative of the Academy of Sciences. The first radio station in Chisinau, Radio Bessarabia, was officially inaugurated by sending liturgy in the cathedral on October 8, 1939.
Nativity Cathedral

Moldovan Parliament
Moldovan Parliament is the supreme representative body of the Republic, the sole legislative authority of the state, is a unicameral structure composed of 101 members elected on the lists for a period of 4 years. Parliament is elected by universal, equal, secret and freely expressed.
Moldovan Parliament is elected by parliament with minimum 52 votes. Currently this function is performed by DPM MP Adrian Candu.
Constitutional Court of Moldova, at the proposal of the Central Election Commission decide upon the validation or invalidation from office. Mandate is invalid for breach of electoral law.
Moldovan Parliament

Moldovan traditional clothing it has a long tradition largely common to the Romanians from Oltenia and less with the Romanians in Transylvania and Banat. The reasons for this port, traditionally different for men and women separately, have their beginnings in Dacia times.A main factor outside the national port, played it and the climate. Thus, national ports of many nations in the Balkans, mostly Slavic, share many similarities.
Playing a big role in the cultural, folk art and everyday life, these ports were frequent in the past, simple variants, and variants colorful celebrations and other special occasions. Moldova has a lot of tradition in this aspect, the mere fact that there is some well-outlined principles that would limit or impose some accessories or colors.
Moldovan traditional clothing

Moldovan cuisine
Moldovan cuisine is the name under which it is known to all foreign traditions and gastronomic tastes in Moldova. Literally, as the primary purpose, the term "Moldovan cuisine" could define and assemble the culinary traditions of the area geographical and historical region of Moldova. However, they are not individualized and differentiated enough than the overall Romanian cuisine.
Moldovan cuisine

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United One
My Granny

Grandmother is being who loves us and we never forget.
My granny
My granny is a wide old bird
There's not a lot she hasen't heard
She knows of everything I do
But how she knows, I wish, I knew
She never say an unkid word
But seldom is my Granny deterred
From giving Mum the third degree
And that includes my Dad and me.

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