Made by Liam Bangs
Note: I didn't have a page one for some reason so I had to move everything back a page.


Indirect Characterization of Jason- "All semester she'd worked on a relationship, trying to get Jason to notice her as more than a friend. Finally she'd gotten the big dope to kiss her." (Riordan 33)
Direct Characterization of Leo- "A large workbench overflowed with scrap metal--screws, bolts, washers, nails, rivets, and a million other machine parts. Leo had a strong urge to shovel them all into his coat pockets. He loved that kind of stuff." (Riordan 69-70)
"A cold gray ocean stretched out to the left. Snow-covered fields, roads, and forests spread to the right. Directly below them was a green valley, like an island of springtime, rimmed with snowy hills on one side and water to the north. Piper saw a cluster of buildings like ancient greek temples, a big blue mansion, ball courts, a lake, and a climbing wall that seemed to be on fire" (Riordan 34)

This story is about the greek and roman gods and their children. The greek and roman gods can have children with mortal people and their offspring are called half-bloods. These children have to endure a lot more pain and suffering than the regular old mortal children. They are chased by monsters who are trying to kill them to make their godly parents unhappy. The amount of monsters and how easy it is for the monsters to find the children all depends on how powerful that their godly parent is. For example a child of zeus will have a lot more monsters chasing after it than say a child of Aphrodite.
The story starts to become interesting once they arrive at the Grand Canyon, and then a these things called storm spirits attack. Everyone except for four people were able to get back in, the four people that didn't were coach hedge, Leo, Jason, and Piper. The reason they were unable to get in was because Piper, Jason, and Leo are half-bloods which means that they are half god half human. Coach Hedge is a satyr which means he's half goat half human. Then as the battle is ending help comes from camp half-blood where the half-bloods are taken back, but not coach hedge because he was captured by the storm spirits. Once they get back to camp half-blood they are given a prophecy that says
there will be seven half-bloods who must come together to fight a greater force. So Piper, Leo, and Jason are given a quest. A quest is a mission that they must complete. There only lead was to head Boreas' kingdom who is the north wind. When they arrive he wants to kill them, but can't so he tells them to go to the windy city, where there's a department store. When they arrive, they find coach hedge in a cage and also storm spirits and they take them back. They then head to Aeoulous the king of all winds and trade him the storm spirits for information and he tells them to head to L.A. where they will find Hera and they must save her.
They find where Hera was being held captive but she is also being surrounded and protected to keep her in her cage by little giants which are only eight feet tall instead of the normal 30. Jason and the hunters of Artemis distract the monsters while Leo and Piper break through the cage that Hera is trapped in. Once they break her free Hera shows her true form and destroys all of the monsters then she helps them get back to camp half-blood.
Once they arrived back at camp half-blood they are greeted and everyone is shocked at how they magically appeared. Then there is a meeting called that each leader of that god's children must attend. At the meeting they figure out that Jason was a son of Zeus in his roman form. Also one of their strongest campers named Percy Jackson had disappeared about the time that Jason had appeared and they figured that he had gone to the camp for roman half-bloods.
"Her forehead ached like someone had driven a spike between her eyes." This is an example of a simile and it pertains to the story because it shows the amount of stress that they are under due to them suddenly being thrown into this situation and I think It represents the stresses that they endure throughout the story.

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Made by Liam Bangs
Note: I didn't have a page one for some reason so I had to move everything back a page.


Indirect Characterization of Jason- "All semester she'd worked on a relationship, trying to get Jason to notice her as more than a friend. Finally she'd gotten the big dope to kiss her." (Riordan 33)
Direct Characterization of Leo- "A large workbench overflowed with scrap metal--screws, bolts, washers, nails, rivets, and a million other machine parts. Leo had a strong urge to shovel them all into his coat pockets. He loved that kind of stuff." (Riordan 69-70)
"A cold gray ocean stretched out to the left. Snow-covered fields, roads, and forests spread to the right. Directly below them was a green valley, like an island of springtime, rimmed with snowy hills on one side and water to the north. Piper saw a cluster of buildings like ancient greek temples, a big blue mansion, ball courts, a lake, and a climbing wall that seemed to be on fire" (Riordan 34)

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