This book was written to honor my parents
Ron and Betty Vian,
who retired on Little Loon Lake in Farwell, MI.
This story was born from my experiences while fishing on Little Loon Lake. I'd like to dedicate this story to my Great Grandchildren: Jarren, Jael, Tyrel, Ema, Ellie, Everly, Casper and those yet to be born.
Your parents all spent time with me up North at GG and Great Grampa Vian's. You can ask them about their adventures up at Little Loon Lake.

Hello, my name is...
Oh wait, I don't have a name yet.
Look! I'm down here on this lily pad.
This is me with my brother's and sister's.
I'm not even out of the egg that my mother dropped on this nice, soft, lily pad. I'm the one with the
BIG EYES. I look like a bubble don't I?
Do you know what I am?
Here I am. I'm trying to come out of this skin that is covering me. Some say that I'm ugly, but someday I will be beautiful!
Whew! I have to be very careful down here, something is always trying to catch me for their bigger bugs, fish, frogs, turtles and even my cousins. I'll have to hide under the mud until it's safe to come out. I'm growing...growing right out of my skin! Many times I will shed my skin as I get bigger. I have gills right now so I can breath under water. Speaking of gills... I'm out of here!
Do you know what I am?
Oh wow...that was close! I think I'ts time to get out of this water forever. I'll just climb up on the stem of this cattail and wait until It's time for me to be what I was born to be.
I can just feel it, I'm getting way too big for this skin... It's so tight in here!

I've got to get out...
I've Got to Get OUT!
I guess I will just wait here until it's time for me to get rid of this skin.
Do you know what I am?
Just look at me now! It feels so good to breath the fresh air and feel the warm sun shinning on my beautiful body. I need to sit here for a while to dry off. You know I've been wet for a long time.
I Feel so Good! Look out world here I come! I"m ready to explore this place where I live...
Oh, where Do I live?
I'll find out. Can you see me now?
Do you know what I am?

Yes! Yes, you are right, I am a beautiful Dragonfly!
I will call myself Zing...
Because I can fly
"I'll just find out where I live. I'll ask this big bird over here... "Hey! Big bird, where do you live?"
"I live here..."
"Does here have a name?"
"Oh yes, this place is a great place to live, It's named after me, it is called, Little Loon Lake. I am a Loon. You're new around here aren't you?"
"Yes, just got my wings and I'm out of here, see you later... my name is Zing!"

Come with me boys and girls as I explore my home. I know you will have fun as you travel with me to explore many new adventures.
My wings are getting real tired, I've been flying for a long time....zzzZing!
It suits You....
Look over there, that long pole looks like a great place to rest... I need a nap...
Gone Fishing on Little Loon Lake...Grama T & GG
"One sunny day mom and I set out to go fishing. We loaded our fishing gear, poles and bait, into the boat. We paddled out to our favorite spot and set the anchor. I baited my hook and cast out into the water. What happened next you will or will not believe...
I saw a Dragonfly land on my pole. Then he left and came back with a long reed. He laid down on the pole, put the reed into the water as if it were a straw and began to drink the cool water...

...He then laid back and took a nap.

I waited for a big fish to take the bait...
Suddenly, the big one took hold and that dragonfly "Zing" was gone... Where did he go? I yanked my pole back but the big fish got away.
"Hey, hang on, we're going in for a landing on my lake. Where did you come from Zing, and how did you get on my back?"
"All I know is I was turning circles in the sky and
I landed on you Loon,
thanks for the ride.
"Let's go, I'll take you around the lake and introduce you to all my pals... Look, coming toward us is Sleek the Beaver. I call him Sleek because he is so smooth on the water.
And here is Nip the Turtle, he likes to nibble on my feet and tries to flip me over by swimming under me.

All of the sudden Loon sees something big, like
a giant! "Zing! Grab a lily pad and put it over your head, we're getting out of here... "
UP-UP-UP into the sky...
"Help! Where are we going?
What are you afraid of Loon?
"Hang on Zing! We're going in for a Splash landing....

"Oh sorry Mr. Bullfrog, bad landing..." Loon apologized. "Ya! good thing I can Hop High and get out of the way fast." "Mr. Bull, meet my friend Zing."
"Oh ya, I've seen him around here, he eats a lot of mosquitoes." "Hey Mr. Bull what's going on over there? "Oh the boys are making plans..." "plans for what?" "Well, let's go find out what there up to..."
"Guys meet Zing, he's my friend and I don't want anyone to be mean or unfriendly toward him... so, what are you planning?" "They're having race tomorrow between Sleek and Nip, from this side of the lake to the other" replied Mr. Bull.
"Sounds like fun, we'll come and watch. then.
Big turn out, look over there, Mrs. Beaver doesn't look well. Mr. Bull decided to help Nip by riding on his shell for the race against Slick, since beavers are such fast swimmers. Slick is way ahead, so he decides to go find a fish for lunch. "I've got lots of time, said Slick." Nip and Bull turn to head back to the finish line. Bull tickled the back of nips legs causing him to motor boat to the finish line with all his friends on the lake cheering him on... "Go, Nip Go!" "Wow Nip! Great Speed!" Where is Sleek the beaver? He is still fishing for his lunch...

Who do you think will win the race?
Little Loon Lake
Slick the Beaver
Nip the Turtle
and Bull Frog
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This book was written to honor my parents
Ron and Betty Vian,
who retired on Little Loon Lake in Farwell, MI.
This story was born from my experiences while fishing on Little Loon Lake. I'd like to dedicate this story to my Great Grandchildren: Jarren, Jael, Tyrel, Ema, Ellie, Everly, Casper and those yet to be born.
Your parents all spent time with me up North at GG and Great Grampa Vian's. You can ask them about their adventures up at Little Loon Lake.

Hello, my name is...
Oh wait, I don't have a name yet.
Look! I'm down here on this lily pad.
This is me with my brother's and sister's.
I'm not even out of the egg that my mother dropped on this nice, soft, lily pad. I'm the one with the
BIG EYES. I look like a bubble don't I?
Do you know what I am?
Here I am. I'm trying to come out of this skin that is covering me. Some say that I'm ugly, but someday I will be beautiful!
Whew! I have to be very careful down here, something is always trying to catch me for their bigger bugs, fish, frogs, turtles and even my cousins. I'll have to hide under the mud until it's safe to come out. I'm growing...growing right out of my skin! Many times I will shed my skin as I get bigger. I have gills right now so I can breath under water. Speaking of gills... I'm out of here!
- END >
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