To the best class in the world. Thanks for joining the team, Ashlahn.
By: Ashlahn Crump, Emma Hughes, and Asia Braden

"Mom can we go out for Halloween?" said Bailey."No." said Bailey's mom. "But why?" said Bailey. " I will tell you when you are older." said her mom. "Fine." said Bailey. Later that night, her mom left for a party. Bailey tried to sleep, but she wanted to go outside in the dark. So she left her house. "Mom will never know." said Bailey. But even she was unsure.

"I am going to bring my friends Belle and Lucy. It is not to dark, it is not even scary out here," said Bailey. "It's right down Cadbury Lane....Hey! Is that a dragon in the sky!?" Bailey was convinced she saw a dragon. But as soon as she noticed it, the dragon disappeared. "That was strange. My papa said there is no such thing as a dragon," said Bailey. Soon, she was at Lucy and Belle's house.

"Hi, what's up?" said Belle. "Well, do you want to go and play?" said Bailey. "Heck to the No. It is rainy outside," said Belle. "Please, Please, Please!" said Bailey. "Fine," said Belle. "Well, where is your big sister?" said Bailey. "I'M RIGHT HERE!" said Lucy. "Then lets go trick or treating in a place where no one goes. Then we'll get lots of treats," said Bailey. "Follow me."

"I'm scared." said Belle. "Don't be a scaredy cat!" said Bailey. "You tease me because you are not afraid of anything," said Belle. "Don't tease each other. It is very easy to make Belle cry," said Lucy. "Okay!" said Bailey. "I think we are lost," said Belle. "There is a nice lady right there to help us," "Hello! You look lost, little children. I can help you. My name is Vampira. Come into my home," said the lady.

"This is our house," said Vampira. "Our?"said Bailey. "Uhh.... I mean my house," said Vampira. "Let's go in," "Wow. This house is AWESOME!" said Bailey. But unlike Bailey, Belle was having second thoughts about the house. "I don't know.She is a stranger," she said. "Ill protect you!" said Lucy. "Oh, Lucy! I'm so glad you will!" They stepped inside.

"Why is the window broken? You know it is raining outside and there is a puddle on the ground,"said Bailey with Belle and Lucy right behind her. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........Come on and let me show you the rest of the house," said Vampira.

"What is in here?" said Bailey. "Uh.. nothing. Well, let's go to the next room and see what is in there," said Vampira. "I could have sworn..."
"Let's go." "I heard someone say..." " Be quiet," "They said help...." "SHUT UP!" "Okay, geez," said Bailey. "Let's move on," said Vampira sweetly as if her argument with Bailey never happened. They left.

"OK, this is the Monster Gym."said Vampira. "MONSTER GYM?!"said Belle. "Uh... the word monster is for awesome," said Vampira. "OK can we go?"said Lucy."Let's go!"said Vampira. "Hey! What is that on the walls and floor?" said Bailey. "Oh, that? That is ummmmm.....Jell-O," said Vampira. "Moving on."

"This is the back porch, but it is nothing much." said Vampira. "What is that thing that is drooling on my shirt?!" said Belle. "Oh, that is my werewolf, I mean, dog, Wolfie in his dog house!" said Vampira. Bailey stepped forward to pet him, but Wolfie howled and tried to bite her hand off! "Some strange dog!" said Lucy. "Bad were.. I mean, dog! Bad, bad! Lets go!" said Vampira.

OK, This is our last place, your bedroom." said Vampira."OK, well it is getting late. You guys should get some rest." said Vampira. "Oh, and Bailey I got you your own bed because I know you like it." said Vampira."Listen lady how do you know... "Shh call me Vampira." So Belle and Lucy fell asleep. But Bailey thought that Vampira was hiding something. She woke the other girls up and they tried to escape.

"I told you to go to sleep!" said Vampira.
She found them trying to escape. She turned evil looking and a pack of monsters was surrounding her. "You will never escape! YOU ARE STUCK HERE WITH ME!"said Vampira. "YOU DON'T SCARE ME!" said Bailey." Get us out of here!"said Belle." It was not them. It was me who led them here!" said Bailey. "I don't care! Tomorrow night, we feast! On you!" said Vampira. The girls ran out of the room.
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To the best class in the world. Thanks for joining the team, Ashlahn.
By: Ashlahn Crump, Emma Hughes, and Asia Braden

"Mom can we go out for Halloween?" said Bailey."No." said Bailey's mom. "But why?" said Bailey. " I will tell you when you are older." said her mom. "Fine." said Bailey. Later that night, her mom left for a party. Bailey tried to sleep, but she wanted to go outside in the dark. So she left her house. "Mom will never know." said Bailey. But even she was unsure.

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