Once upon a time
Carlitos lived in Almaria, the old name of Almeria. His father was a fisher. When he met the witch, Carlitos was at the sea with his father whose name was Ion.
Day by day, Carlitos carried the fish from the sea home or to the fish market

Once upon a time
Carlitos lived in Almaria, the old name of Almeria. His father was a fisher. When he met the witch, Carlitos was at the sea with his father whose name was Ion.
Day by day, Carlitos carried the fish from the sea home or to the fish market
. Every time Cloanța would follow Carlitos to scare him and steal his fish.
One day, the king of Alcazaba Castle ordered a lot of fish for the marriage of his only daughter. Thinking of big gain, Carlitos
accepted the king`s offer, began to stuff his carts.
Cloanța knew already about his arrival at the castle. Carlihghtos discharged the fish. In the meantime, Cloanța informed the guardians
that Carlitos fish had been stolen. Suddenly, the guardians pounced over Carlitos and arrested him.vvvvf

They threw him into the dungeon, in the basement of the castle. The king, as soon as he learned of what had happened, sent his only daughter to order the guards to release poor Carlitos. The witch, who understood what was going to happen, ran quickly to the castle, cast a spell on the beautiful princess and took her figure.
After that, he visited the young fisherman. As soon as he saw her, he fell in love with her.
The horrible witch, Cloanta, had reached her goal and was now about to put into practice her evil plan ....

Lo arrojaron al calabozo, en el sótano del castillo. El rey, tan pronto como se enteró de lo que había sucedido, envió a su única hija a ordenar a los guardianes que liberaran al pobre Carlitos. La bruja, que entendió lo que iba a suceder, corrió rápidamente al castillo, echó un hechizo en la hermosa princesa y tomó su figura.
Después de eso, visitó al joven pescador. En cuanto la vio, él se enamoró de ella.
La horrible bruja, Cloanta, había alcanzado su objetivo y ahora estaba a punto de poner en práctica su malvado plan .... Francisco y Javier

Cloanta thought that she was so ugly and creepy that nobody loved her, nobody wanted to be her friend, she felt lonely, sad, different,isolated ... She decided to create a potion to turn everybody from Almaria in hideous, dwarfish, plump, scruffy, grumpy and nasty people.

After that, Cloanta put the potion in Carlitos’ fish. These fish would be cooked for the feast of the princess’ wedding. The day of the wedding, all the city inhabitants were at the feast and after eating the fish they all were hideous, dwarfish, plump, scruffy, grumpy and nasty people.
Cloanta pensó que era tan fea y espeluznante que nadie la querìa , que nadie quería ser su amiga , se sentía sola , triste , diferente , aislada... ella decidió crear una poción para convertir a todo el mundo de Almaria en horribles , desaliñados , gente gruñona y desagradable.Después , Cloanta puso la pociòn en el pescado de Carlitos.Esos pescados se cocinarìan para la fiesta de la boda de la princesa. El dia de la boda todos los habitantes de la ciudad estaban en la fiesta y despuès de comer el pescado todos eran horribles,desaliñados, gruñona y desagradable.

Cloanta was the happiest in the world, because she wasn’t different
and isolated anymore. All the Almeria inhabitants were ugly and nasty
people like her. She decided to kill Carlitos, who was the only one
who suspected her evil plan.In the midnight, she entered the dungeon in the castle with a sharp dagger in her hand. Fortunately, she had forgotten that she was in
the beautiful princess’ appearance. Carlitos opened his eyes and saw
her. He hugged and kissed Cloanta. He told how much he missed
and love her. At this moment she became the same ugly witch, she
was before.

Sergio e Inma
Cloanta era la más feliz en el mundo,porque nunca más iba a ser diferente y a estar sola.Todos los habitantes de Almería eran feos y canallas como ella. Ella decidió matar a Carlitos,era el único que sospechaba su plan maléfico. A medianoche, entró en el calabozo del castillo con un puñal afilado en su mano. Afortunadamente,ella se había olvidado que estaba bajo la apariencia de la princesa hermosa.Carlitos abrió los ojos y la vio. La abrazó y la besó. Luego le dijo cuánto la echaba de menos y cuánto la quería.En este momento ella se convirtió en la misma bruja fea que era antes.
Sergio e Inma
El pastor oyó toda la historia y decidió revelar su identidad real. Él era un buen mago que era muy mayor así que se retiró en aquella montaña para vivir en soledad. Ya conocía a Cloanta y lo mala que era, por eso decidió ayudar a la Princesa Leda. Le dió una mochila con habichuelas de colores; ella tenía que plantarlas cuando necesitara ayuda, pero tenía que relacionar los colores correctos y para la combinación tenía que hacerla ella misma.
Félix and David

The shepherd heard all the story and decided to reveal his true identity. He was a good wizard who was quite old so he had retired on that mountain to live in loneliness. He already knew Cloanta and how evil she was, that’s why he decided to help Princess Leda. He gave her a bag with coloured beans, she had to plant them when she needed help, but she had to associate the right colours and the combination was up to her
La Princesa Leda pensó y pensó y decidió: eligió tres habichuelas; una verde, una blanca y otra roja, las plantó y después de un tiempo tres hadas nacieron de estas habichuelas. Las trajeron a una cueva pero estaba cerrada. Llamó a Carlitos y lo oyó. Las tres hadas le dieron algunos regalos: El hada blanca le dió su paz, la roja coraje y la verde su esperanza. Leda con el regalo del coraje entró en la cueva y encontró a Carlitos. Con el regalo de la esperanza ellos empezaron su viaje hacia Almería. Ahora podrían usar solo el regalo de la paz.

Princess Leda thought and thought, then she decided: she chose three beans one green, one white and another red, she planted them and after a while three fairies were born from these beans. They took her to a cave but it was closed. She called Carlitos and then she heard him. The three fairies gave her some gifts: the white fairy gave her peace, the red courage and the green hope. Leda with the gift of courage entered the cave and found Carlitos. With the gift of hope they started their trip towards Almeria. Now they could use only the gift of peace.
The attack continued for a few days. The last day the King died. He was killed with a sword in his heart. After three days there was a new king. It was the evil witch Cloanta who had taken his appearance. She had a new evil plan, to kill the beautiful princess.
The princess had already escaped to look for Carlitos. He had managed to escape to a cave up in the mountains. On her way to the cave, she met an old shepherd, who was very poor and hungry. He did not ask for any food, but the princess felt very sorry for him, so she offered him to share a meal with her. He was very thankful, and while they were eating, he asked her why she looked so troubled. She told him everything about her love for Carlitos and about the evil witch.
El ataque continuó durante unos días. El último día murió el rey. Lo mataron con una daga en el corazón. Después de tres días había un nuevo rey. Era la malvada bruja Cloanta quien había tomado su apariencia. Tenía un nuevo plan malvado, para matar a la hermosa princesa.
La princesa ya había escapado para buscar a Carlitos. Había logrado escapar a una cueva en las montañas. En su camino a la cueva, conoció a un viejo pastor, que era muy pobre y tenía hambre. No le pidió comida, pero la princesa sintió mucho disgusto por él, así que ella le ofreció compartir una comida con ella. Estaba muy agradecido, y mientras comían, le preguntó por qué parecía tan preocupada. Ella le contó todo sobre su amor por Carlitos y sobre la bruja malvada.
... and laughed out loud ... ah ahahahahah!
As the witch prepared to cast a spell on Carlitos, there was a strange sound from outside. The castle was being attacked by pirates. The castle of the Alcazaba was built on the ruins of a Roman fortification and the original objective of the Alcazaba was defense against the pirates, thanks to its dominant position overlooking the city, the sea and Far from Africa.
With so much noise and confusion, Carlitos managed to escape from there.
alvaro and onofre

... y se echó a reír en voz alta ... ah ahahahahah¡
Mientras la bruja se preparaba para lanzar un hechizo a Carlitos, se oyó un extraño sonido procedente del exterior. El castillo estaba siendo atacado por piratas.El castillo de la Alcazaba fue construido sobre las ruinas de una fortificación romana y el objetivo original de la Alcazaba fue defensa contra los piratas, gracias a su posición dominante con vistas a la ciudad, al mar y a lo lejos de África.
Con tanto ruido y confusión, Carlitos consiguió escapar de allí.
alvaro and onofre

When they were thinking what to do Najko Sajko told Princess Leda and Carlitos the sad story of his life. When he was a little boy, his twin sister and him stole the book of spells from the house of famous wizard. They were so impressed with his knowledge and power they wanted to be like him and to be like him they had to learn the spells, so they stole the book and were playing, saying spells.They were not aware that the one spell they whispered would be so powerful to became true. hat is how he became a hare. He did not know what happened to his little sister and now, when the spell was gone his only wish was to find out what happened to his sister. They decided to go to the castle thinking of how they could find peace.Finally, they arrived to the castle and when they entered the gates Najko Sajko said with excitement– this is my family ´ s castle, I was born and raised here. I want to see my family so badly.Then Princess Leda discovered that Najko Sajko was her uncle, the missing brother and she hugged him. But all of the

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Once upon a time
Carlitos lived in Almaria, the old name of Almeria. His father was a fisher. When he met the witch, Carlitos was at the sea with his father whose name was Ion.
Day by day, Carlitos carried the fish from the sea home or to the fish market

Once upon a time
Carlitos lived in Almaria, the old name of Almeria. His father was a fisher. When he met the witch, Carlitos was at the sea with his father whose name was Ion.
Day by day, Carlitos carried the fish from the sea home or to the fish market
. Every time Cloanța would follow Carlitos to scare him and steal his fish.
One day, the king of Alcazaba Castle ordered a lot of fish for the marriage of his only daughter. Thinking of big gain, Carlitos
accepted the king`s offer, began to stuff his carts.
Cloanța knew already about his arrival at the castle. Carlihghtos discharged the fish. In the meantime, Cloanța informed the guardians
that Carlitos fish had been stolen. Suddenly, the guardians pounced over Carlitos and arrested him.vvvvf

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