I dedicate this book to all my fellow Mythology nerd friends and I thank you for all the good times that we had in this class and all of our amazing plays, with me ALWAYS being the airhead, and Misty being the sarcastic role demeaning me ALL OF THE TIME! But from being in this class I've learned a lot and will miss all of it.

There once was a boy, named Timmy, playing in the park one day. He was running to the swings when he spotted a man with a cart of balloons.

He saw so many colors, like blue, orange, green, yellow, and the best color of all, red. Red was Timmy's favorite color. He had to get that red balloon.

50 cents
The sign read "50 cents." Timmy ran to his mom and said "Mommy! Can I have 50 cents to buy a balloon?" His mother smiled and gave him two quarters.

Timmy ran as fast as he could past the monkey bars, the jungle gym, and past the swing set, all the way to the man with balloon cart, but when he got there, the red balloon was gone.

Timmy frowned and walked to his mom and gave her the quarters back. "What's wrong honey," his mother asked. He looked up at his mother with tears running down his face.

"I really wanted a red balloon, but somebody already bought it," Timmy exclaimed. His mother gave him a great big hug and kissed his cheek. She looked up to see another little boy watching them, and he had the red balloon. He was standing on the jungle gym, when he started to climb down to come and give Timmy the last red balloon.

Timmy smiled and told the boy thank you and ran around as if he was walking on air. He was running when he saw an old woman trying to get her cat out of a tree. Thankfully, Timmy was great at climbing trees. He ran over and climbed the tree and grabbed the cat for the old woman. He climbed down and handed her the cat,"Thank you young man," the old woman said.

The old woman continued on with her day, and began to walk home. She held her cat close, afraid he might run off. On her way home, she was walking behind a man, who dropped a 20 dollar bill. She hurried and picked it up and tapped the man on the shoulder,"Excuse me sir, I think you dropped this," she said. The man smiled,"Thank you," he said. The lady smiled back and the man waved and carried on with his day.

The man walked to work without a chip on his shoulder. He was walking to his office when he saw a co-worker drop her papers and spilled her coffee on herself. So he hurried along to help her. He gave her his handkerchief to wipe the coffee off of her clothes and helped her pick up her papers. She thanked him greatly, shaked his hand, and started towards her office.
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I dedicate this book to all my fellow Mythology nerd friends and I thank you for all the good times that we had in this class and all of our amazing plays, with me ALWAYS being the airhead, and Misty being the sarcastic role demeaning me ALL OF THE TIME! But from being in this class I've learned a lot and will miss all of it.

There once was a boy, named Timmy, playing in the park one day. He was running to the swings when he spotted a man with a cart of balloons.

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