Zulia3 is one of the federal states, together with the Capital District and the Federal Dependencies, form the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Its capital is Maracaibo. It is located in the extreme northwest, in the Zuliana region of the country, bordering to the north with the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean), to the east with Falcón, Lara and Trujillo, to the southeast with Merida, to the south with Táchira and to the west, Península Guajira to the mountains of Perijá, with Colombia. With 63 100 km ² it is the fifth more extensive state - behind Bolivar, Amazonas, Apure and Guárico - with 3 703 640 hab. In 2011, the most populated

The climate in the Zulia state is warm and dominated by semi-arid conditions. Its annual average temperature varies between 28ºC and 40ºC in the lowlands and it reaches temperate and even cold temperatures in the western zones of the Sierra de Perija. Rainfall ranges from 300 mm in Guajira to 4500 mm in the Tokuko Mission, southwest of the state.
The Zulia state has a varied vegetation that has been greatly influenced by the rain patterns present in the area. Between the regions of the High Guajira and Castilletes, one can observe a landscape of stony style where you can observe species like cardones, dunes and cujíes, among others.
Economic activities
The economy of the Zulia state depends on oil. The oil activity is carried out intensively. The exploitation of its deposits in the Lake of Maracaibo Basin covers 80% of the Venezuelan oil and hydrocarbon production, coming from the Eastern sector of the Lake, specifically of the Area Costanera Bolivar, between Ambrosio and Bachaquero, extending in a strip with part In the same Lake and in its North-eastern bank. Among the highlighted fields, we can mention Bachaquero, Lagunillas,

Himno del estado Zulia
Sobre palmas y lauros de oro
yergue el Zulia su limpio blasón
y flamea en su plaustro sonoro
del progreso el radiante pendón.
La luz con que el relámpago tenaz del Catatumbo
del nauta fija el rumbo cual límpido farol:
el alba de los trópicos la hoguera que deslumbra
cuando el cenit se encumbra la cuadriga del sol...
no emulan de tus glorias el fúlgido arrebol.
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Zulia3 is one of the federal states, together with the Capital District and the Federal Dependencies, form the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Its capital is Maracaibo. It is located in the extreme northwest, in the Zuliana region of the country, bordering to the north with the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean), to the east with Falcón, Lara and Trujillo, to the southeast with Merida, to the south with Táchira and to the west, Península Guajira to the mountains of Perijá, with Colombia. With 63 100 km ² it is the fifth more extensive state - behind Bolivar, Amazonas, Apure and Guárico - with 3 703 640 hab. In 2011, the most populated

The climate in the Zulia state is warm and dominated by semi-arid conditions. Its annual average temperature varies between 28ºC and 40ºC in the lowlands and it reaches temperate and even cold temperatures in the western zones of the Sierra de Perija. Rainfall ranges from 300 mm in Guajira to 4500 mm in the Tokuko Mission, southwest of the state.
The Zulia state has a varied vegetation that has been greatly influenced by the rain patterns present in the area. Between the regions of the High Guajira and Castilletes, one can observe a landscape of stony style where you can observe species like cardones, dunes and cujíes, among others.
Economic activities
The economy of the Zulia state depends on oil. The oil activity is carried out intensively. The exploitation of its deposits in the Lake of Maracaibo Basin covers 80% of the Venezuelan oil and hydrocarbon production, coming from the Eastern sector of the Lake, specifically of the Area Costanera Bolivar, between Ambrosio and Bachaquero, extending in a strip with part In the same Lake and in its North-eastern bank. Among the highlighted fields, we can mention Bachaquero, Lagunillas,

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