To all of A.H.A.V.A.'s students
- past, present and future

Third graders in Ma’aleh Adumim wrote the words for a picture book about a parrot escaping her cage and exploring her world. Here are some excerpts:
I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky!!

When the cat woke up she scared Polly and Polly freaked out.

There’s no place like home!
Mevaser Morali

Mishael Warshawsky
Devorah Belciano
Fish would say "I don't want to be eaten by cats and by fishermen. I wish I wouldn't be stuck in a bowl in the house of a human. I want to live in the sea free. "
Isaac Berman, Maaleh Adumim, 3rd grade

If Animals Could Talk
I wish be a human. I could go to places and fly on planes. I could get things alone. I could ride on a bike. It's fun to be a human.
Shenhav Bitton Maaleh Adumim, 4th grade

Fourth Graders in Kfar Adumim write about their families.
I have a nice family. I love my family. I have one brother and
three sisters. Yoav Rosenbluh KA 4th grade
I have a sister bigger than me by 2 and a half years. She has brown hair. Her name is Maayan. We sometimes fight but I still love her! My younger brother is Avner. He is three years younger than me. We sleep in the same room. He has dirty brown hair. But sometimes he takes from my things. But I still think he’s cute!
Inbar Merhavy KA 4th grade

I have another three brothers and a sister. I am the big brother. I have five uncles. I have two grandmothers. All of my uncles and cousins live in America, except the sister of my mother. I love my family. Aviel Gazit KA 4th grade
I have a big family. I have three siblings. Two are bigger than me and one is smaller. My mom is a teacher. A big family is fun. Beeri Sadeh KA 4th grade

My Yishuv
I like Alon, because I have a lot of friends. And a family. Alon is fun. Lavi Morad KA 4th grade
I love my yishuv because I think it is really beautiful and amazing. Everybody knows everybody on my yishuv . There is a pool, a library, a cafe and free schools. There is no yishuv better than mine!
Avigail Hacohen KA 4th grade

My Teacher
Noam teaches me judo. He is a good teacher.
He is funny. He is cool. I like Noam.
Netzach Gordon KA 4th grade
My teacher's name is Ortal. Ortal teachers us many different subjects. She teachers us math, Hebrew, literature, Torah and much more. Ortal is a good teacher. Ortal is a wonderful teacher!!! Omer Kind,
KA 4th grade

My Favourite Dessert
My best dessert is strawberries. They are really tasty. I like them. They are a little sour and a little sweet. They are lovely and red. The yummiest is strawberries with strawberries. I love strawberries.
Tamar Hacohen KA 4th grade
I like to eat fruits, like strawberries, mangoes, grapes and oranges very much. I like it a lot when it is in cakes and with whipped cream.
Shira Isaak KA 4th grade

I love dessert. The best dessert that I like is cheese cake. It's crispy and sweet. In a lot of restaurants it's called 'The Royal Cake'. I always ask for cheese cake. I love cheese cake. Roi Shoval KA 4th grade

First Graders in Maale Adumim write about their favorite things
My best friend is Uriya. Ben Zion Berman
My best game is a memory game. Michi Belaciano
My best animal is a lion. Idan Pinchasi
My best dessert is ice cream. Boaz Hurwitz
Shuk Machane Yehuda
Machane Yehuda was a neighborhood. It was established in 1887. The Shuk has more than 250 vendors. On Friday afternoon, a trumpet sounds the times to close the shops for shabbat. In 2011, artists came at night and spray-painted beautiful pictures on the walls of the closed shops (with permission). Before Sukkot, the Shuk adds another market - Shuk Arba Minim. You can buy lulavs, etrogs and other items.
For Jerusalem Day, Kfar Adumim 5th graders wrote about different places in Jerusalem

5th Grade, Kfar Adumim, continued...
The Kotel
The 'Kotel' is actually a very small part of the Western Wall. The walls were built by King Herod. The Kotel is not actually part of the temple. It is one of the supporting walls. Another name for the Kotel is 'The Wailing Wall' because people would come to pray and cry. On Yom Hazikaron, the main ceremony at night is held at the Kotel.

5th Grade, Kfar Adumim, continued..,
The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
The zoo used to be much smaller and in the center of Jerusalem. Each time it grew - it had to be moved. The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is now in Malcha. It has a lot of animals that are mentioned in the Bible. There are more than 2,200 animals and 271 different species in the zoo. In 2009, more than 738,000 visitors came to the zoo.

5th Grade, Kfar Adumim, continued...
Tower of David
The Tower of David is near the Jaffa Gate. It was named after King David. The tower was built during the Ottoman period when the Ottomans ruled over Jerusalem. Today it's a museum and there are lots of events there. The museum opened in 1989 and you can see different areas of the tower. Some exhibits are 4,000 years old!

5th Grade, Kfar Adumim, finale (at last...)
The Jerusalem Light Rail
Construction on the light rail started in 2002, but it was delayed many times. The light rail started working on August 19th, 2011. There is only one line that works, today - the Red Line. There are 23 stops along the Red Line. Sine the light rail was a success, the city of Tel Aviv is also constructing a light rail system.

6th Grade in Kfar Adumim had fun with poetry
Games are a lot of fun
A lot of people like them
Me and my friend love to play games
Excellent way to pass the time
Sooo much fun!!!
(Maayan Merhavy, 6th grade, KA)
New York
A big city
There are lots of people
You can go shopping and have fun
(Eshel Friedberg, 6th grade, KA)

Talks all the time
Even after class is over
All the time is right (that’s what she thinks)
Classes like it when she doesn't come
Homework is always given –
Even if it’s a bad day.
Relax, Batya. I’m not talking about you!
(Nitzan Amedy, 6th grade, KA)
Small and compact
Talking on the cellphone
It’s very precious to people
(Noam Morad, 7th grade, KA)
Kfar Adumim 7th Graders write poetry
The Zoo
Has animals
People go to have fun
People love going to the zoo
Fun place
(Yair Dan, 7th grade, KA)

Small and fun
Play with it all day
It is very popular
New to the scene
Now in shops
Really addictive
(Ella Muchtar, 7th grade, KA)
Small and very fun
Spin it on your finger
Some like it some hate it a lot
(Dror Sadeh, 7th grade, KA)

Fun vacation
Play with your friends all day
Everyone loves to take a break
No School!!
(Yahel Kabalo, 7th KA)

So boring
Cold - when the air conditioner is on
Hot - when it’s off
Outside there’s a basketball court
Oh, I wish I were at the beach
Let me out of here!
(Evyatar Harel, 7th grade, KA)
An amazing person
Muscle man
Interesting man
A loving and caring person
Daring and bold-
(Amiad Berman, 7th grade, KA)

It’s dangerous
It can run very fast
Most people are afraid of tigers
Big cat
(Itay Isaak, 7th grade, KA)

Fun to eat.
Rare fruits are usually found on exotic islands.
Usually I like to eat pineapples and cherries.
In Hawaii, hotels give you fruit plates.
Two of my favorites are pineapple and passion fruit.
(Natalia Cortés, 7th grade, KA)
Vegans like them a lot
Everything is healthy and it –
Grows in the ground.
Even kids like them, sometimes.
Take them to MacDonald’s and they'll eat French fries
A fry is a potato that kind of lost its health –
Because it’s been fried.
Let’s all try harder to eat healthier.
Eating right, though –
Should never be a fight.
(Hallel Solomon, 8th grade, KA)

Kfar Adumim 8th graders composed this after they read The Road Not Taken
Two shops diverged at the Malcha Mall
And sorry I could not shop at both
with the money I had. Long I stood
And looked at the window display
Until I couldn’t see any more clothes

A cold season
We jump in the puddles
I like the winter very much
(Avia Muchtar, 8th grade, KA)

Naomi is a person
A very weird person
Octopus is her favorite animal
Mango is her favorite fruit
It’s a story that’s not true.
(Naomi Sternfield, 8th Grade , KA)

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To all of A.H.A.V.A.'s students
- past, present and future

Third graders in Ma’aleh Adumim wrote the words for a picture book about a parrot escaping her cage and exploring her world. Here are some excerpts:
I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky!!

When the cat woke up she scared Polly and Polly freaked out.

There’s no place like home!
Mevaser Morali

Mishael Warshawsky
Devorah Belciano
Fish would say "I don't want to be eaten by cats and by fishermen. I wish I wouldn't be stuck in a bowl in the house of a human. I want to live in the sea free. "
Isaac Berman, Maaleh Adumim, 3rd grade

If Animals Could Talk
I wish be a human. I could go to places and fly on planes. I could get things alone. I could ride on a bike. It's fun to be a human.
Shenhav Bitton Maaleh Adumim, 4th grade

Fourth Graders in Kfar Adumim write about their families.
I have a nice family. I love my family. I have one brother and
three sisters. Yoav Rosenbluh KA 4th grade
I have a sister bigger than me by 2 and a half years. She has brown hair. Her name is Maayan. We sometimes fight but I still love her! My younger brother is Avner. He is three years younger than me. We sleep in the same room. He has dirty brown hair. But sometimes he takes from my things. But I still think he’s cute!
Inbar Merhavy KA 4th grade

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