This is the second book in the Teana series.
Copyright 2017
Lauren R. Rosales

It was Teana's first day of school. She was super excited. Teana got to ride the bus. Meana, who is Teana's best friend, lived next door to Teana. Teana and Meana were able to ride the bus together. Since it was the first day of school, Meana and Teana got to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grew up. The girls were starting kindergarten. They hoped there teacher would be nice.

My name is Mrs. Jana

When we arrived at school, the principal helped us find our class. There was only three of us in the class. Meana, Carly, and Teana. Carly wanted to be a jungle explorer. Meana wanted to be a pilot. Teana wanted to be a sailor. We shared why we wanted to be what we wanted to be. Carly said she wanted to be a jungle explorer because she liked animals. Meana wanted to be a pilot because she liked planes. Teana wanted to be a sailor beacause she liked boats.

Supplies: Glue, Notebooks,
Scissors, Books, Erasers

After the class was finished sharing, Mrs. Jana sent them to change. When the class got back, Mrs. Jana had written on the board, Supplies: Glue, Notebooks, Scissors, Books, Erasers. She had our supplies ready for us. Our glue bottles were huge. Our books were thick. We had new bags sitting on our desks. Mrs. Jana said the bags were to store our supplies. The first day of school has barely started, but Teana was already loving loving it.

When the bell rang for recess, the girls raced outside. To their disapointment there was no playground. Mrs. Jana said a playground was to expensive. So the girls had to be content with the hay hills and logs. First they played queen of the hay hills. Then they played war with the logs because the logs looked like cannons. Even though there was no playground, the girls found ways to have fun.
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This is the second book in the Teana series.
Copyright 2017
Lauren R. Rosales

It was Teana's first day of school. She was super excited. Teana got to ride the bus. Meana, who is Teana's best friend, lived next door to Teana. Teana and Meana were able to ride the bus together. Since it was the first day of school, Meana and Teana got to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grew up. The girls were starting kindergarten. They hoped there teacher would be nice.

My name is Mrs. Jana

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"Teana Goes to School"
This is the second book in the Teana series.
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