In the context of the
eTwinning project:
''The Mermaid of the
Mediterranean Sea'' ,
we present a cooperative
creation with myths and Legends, from partner schools of countries across the Mediterranean Sea.

We present the partner schools of the project:
''The Mermaid of the Mediterranean''
e Twinning project 2017-2018

The 4th Kindergarten of Artemis
A collaborative creation of digital story telling, with text, illustration and narration from classes 1-2-3
Olga Sakellariou
Anna Palaiodimou
Eirini Plaka
In the distant past, King Kekropas built a city, Attica near the sea. One day, Kekropas by the cliff invited all residents
and he announced that two Gods wanted to become patrons of the city.
Who were these two Gods? the residents asked.
The first was Poseidon, Jupiter's brother. He was the god of the sea and the rivers. His symbol was his trident and his beloved animal, was the horse. . Poseidon's companionship, in the depths of the sea, were the Nymphs of Nereids, daughters of Nireas and Oceania.
Athena was the other, the wise daughter of Zeus. She always had an owl with her, the symbol of wisdom.
In the struggle of the gods we put a condition. We asked them to make a gift to the city. We would choose the best gift and decide who would be the patron of the city.
Neptune came in a trans-cub and got angry. He knocked the trident, pinched on the rock and water was coming out of the earth. " But the water is salty, how does it serve us? " the residents said.
Athena came with the wise owl. She hit her spear, she pinched on the rock and from the thorns of the earth, an olive tree grew. The olive has a tasty fruit, and the wood gives us fire, oil and light for warmth.
Thus, the inhabitants of Athena City voted for the olive tree as their gift that it has also been the Symbol of Peace. They asked from
Athena to become the keeper of the city.
In honor of the goddess Athena, the inhabitants named their city after her,
They built the Parthenon and organized Panathinaia fights.
" The Adventures of Ulysses"
A collaboration between:
14th Kindergarten of Corfu,
1st Kindergarten of Pylos

Ulysses was the mythical ancient king of Ithaka,where he was reigned over with his wife Penelope. He was one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War. The Greeks fought the Trojans for ten years, but Ulysses came up with a clever plan to burn down Troy.
After the end of the Trojan War, Ulysses and his men set sail for Ithaca. His only dream was to go back to his beloved wife and country. But he had a long journey ahead of him full of dangerous adventures!!!

For nine days, Ulysses and his men faced the angry sea until they reached the island of Lotus-eaters.
Their only food was lotus, it was such a sweet fruit that anyone who ate was forgetting what he had in his heart and mind. They all ate except Ulysses.
When he realized what had happened he forced his men to come into the ships to leave.
It was night when a strong wind threw them on the island of Cyclops.
They entered the cave of Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Neptune. Ulysses gave him sweet wine to be drunk and then blinded him. They left the cave tied on sheep belly. Polyphemus started throwing rocks to sink the ship, but he did not succeed. So he asked for help from his father Neptune.
This made more difficult Ulysses return to Ithaca.
1st of pylos
After many adventures they spread sails and continued their journey to the island of Circe.
Witch Circe gave them a magic drink and with her stick transformed them into pigs.
God Hermes helped Ulysses to save his companions while Circe gave him instructions to continue their journey to Ithaca.
1st of pylos
They left behind Hades black world.
A song was heard, a song that has never been heard by a man. Sirens, half-women, half-birds fascinated sailors with their sweet song and make them fell overboard.
Ulysses companions closed their ears with wax and they bound him to the mast so he can hear the instructions for their journey that Sirens told to him.
So they escaped from Sirens island.
After that, they had to pass between Scylla and Charybdis two mythical sea monsters. Scylla described as a six-headed sea monster and Charybdis as a whirpool.They were regarded as a sea hazard located close enough to each other that they posed an inescapable threat to passing sailors.
Ulysses was forced to choose which monster to confront while passing through the strait; he opted to pass by Scylla and lose only a few sailors, rather than risk the loss of his entire ship in the whirlpool. But he still had a long jurney ahead...

The mermaid of Porto bello
Η γοργόνα του Πόρτο Μπέλλο
Once upon a time there was a king called Alexander. He was fighting bravely to win more land with the help of a witch named Stekaleka. Alexander fell ill unfortunately and needed to drink the Water of Impportality so as to live. So he sent a message to his sister to help him and get the water for him.
Μια φορά κι ένα καιρό ζούσε ένας βασιλιάς που τον έλεγαν Αλέξανδρο. Πολεμούσε γενναία να μεγαλώσει την χώρα του με τη βοήθεια μιας μάγισσας της Στεκαλέκας. Ο Αλέξανδρος δυστυχώς αρρώστησε και έπρεπε να πιει το Αθάνατο Νερό γαι να ζήσει. Έτσι έστειλε μήνυμα στη αδελφή του να του το φέρει.

The beautiful sister of the king dived into the Mediterranean
sea to begin her search. Stekaleka the king's witch friend,
transformed her into a Mermaid, so as to swim faster. Thus
our story begins with the adventures of the Mermaid.
Η όμορφη αδελφή του βασιλιά βούτηξε στη θάλασσα να αρχίσει την έρευνά της. Η μάγισσα Στεκαλέκα την μεταμόρφωσε σε
Γοργόνα για να κολυμπάει πιο γρήγορα. Έτσι αρχίζει η ιστορία μας, με τις περιπέτειες της Γοργόνας.

When the Mermaid got in the sea lots of fish were waiting with excitement to meet her. They sang and danced to welcome her.
Όταν η Γοργόνα μπήκε στη θάλασσα ψάρια και
θαλασσινά την περίμεναν με ανυπομονησία να την γνωρίσουν. Τραγουδούσαν και χόρευαν για να την υποδεχτούν.
King Alexander sent his messanger to give a
letter to the Mermaid saying that she had to
bring his tunic from Vergina. So he rode a
dolphin and traveled to find her.
Ο βασιλιάς Αλέξανδρος έστειλε τον
αγγελιαφόρο του να δώσουν ένα μήνυμα στην
Γοργόνα να του φέρει και τον μανδύα του από
την Βεργίνα. Καβάλησε λοιπόν ένα δελφίνι να
πάει να την βρει.
The Mermaid managed to save a little mermaid who was in danger. She
had been caught in a plastic bag. Lots of mermaids came to bring fruit
and drinks to say thank you. After the party they helped her find her way to the water of immortality. They sang with their magical voices, their hair glowing like a rainbow. The little mermaids told her to find a witch.
Η Γοργόνα κατάφερε να σώσει μια μικρή γοργονούλα που βρισκόταν σε κίνδυνο.
Είχε πιαστεί σε μια πλαστική σακούλα. Πολλές γοργόνες ήρθαν και έφεραν φρούτα για να την ευχαριστήσουν. Μετά το γλέντι βοήθησαν την Γοργόνα να βρει το
δρόμο της για το Νερό της Αθανασίας. Τραγουδούσαν με τις μαγικές φωνές, Τα
μαλλιά τους έλαμπαν με τα χρώματα του ουράνιου τόξου. Μετά της είπαν να βρει
μια μάγισσα.
The witch was called Pefana. She was really ugly
and very demanding!! She demanded that our
Mermaid would pull out her tooth, to give her the
information about the Water of Immortality!!!
Η μάγισσα ονομαζόταν Πεφάνα. Ήταν κακάσχημη
και απαιτητική. Έβαλε τη Γοργόνα μας να της
βγάλει το δόντι, για να τη βοηθήσει να βρει
το Νερό της Αθανασίας!!!
During her long journey our Mermaid met Odikseas a lonely man who was lost at sea for years looking for his homeland. He
helped her giving her important information about how to find
the place were the Water of Immortality is.
Κατά τη διάρκεια του μεγάλου ταξιδιού της η Γοργόνα συνάντησε τον Οδειξέα ένα μοναχικό άντρα που περιπλανιόταν στην θάλασσα για χρόνια ψάχνοντας την πατρίδα του. Ο άντρας αυτός την βοήθησε δίνοντάς της σημαντικές πληροφορίες για το μέρος που βρίσκεται στο Νερό της Αθανασίας.
Then our Mermaid met Avgoula (Dawn),a beautiful girl with
hair like golden rays of sunshine. The Mermaid helped Avgoula
clean the polluted sky from fumes, To thank the mermaid
Avgoula gave her another important key where to find the
Water of Immortality.
Κατόπιν η Γοργόνα συνάντησε την Αυγούλα,
ένα πανέμορφο κορίτσι με μαλλιά σαν χρυσές ηλιακτίδες θάλασσα. Η Γοργόνα την βοήθησε να καθαρίσει τον ουρανό από τους ρύπους και τα καυσαέρια και η Αυγούλα την ευχαρίστησε δίνοντάς της σημαντικές πληροφορίες για το μέρος που βρίσκεται το Νερό της Αθανασίας.
A huge wave like a tsunami was caused due to the climate
change, destroying everything. Boats were sinking, Fishermen
drawned and there were great disasters!! All the fish were
terrified not knowing what to do to survive!!!
Ένα τεράστιο κύμα σαν τσουνάμι σηκώθηκε λόγω των
κλιματικών αλλαγών, καταστρέφοντας τα πάντα. Πλοία
βυθίστηκαν. Ψαράδες πνίγηκαν και έγιναν μεγάλες ζημιές!!
Όλα τα ψάρια ήταν τρομοκρατημένα, μη γνωρίζοντας τί να
κάνουν για να επιβιώσουν!!!

The sea turtles were helping. They were carrying
every fish injured or killed, desparately trying to save as many as possible. Like nurses do during war time.
Οι θαλάσσιες χελώνες βοηθούσαν. Κουγαλούσαν
τους τραυματισμένα ή νεκρά ψάρια, προσπαθώντας απεγνωσμένα να σώσουν όσους περισσότερους
μπορούσαν. Όπως οι νοσοκόμες σε καιρό πολέμου.
The sea turtles helped the Mermaid survive the tsunami. Then
she went back to visit witch Pefana to help her find Poseidon's
trident to stop the storm. The witch told the Mermaid to brush
her long black curly hair and then gave her the information.
Οι θαλάσσιες χελώνες βοήθησαν και την Γοργόνα μας να
γλυτώσει από το τσουνάμι. Πήγε ξανά στην μάγισσα Πεφάνα να
την βοηθήσει να βρει την Τρίαινα του Ποσειδώνα για να
σταματήσει την τρικυμία. Αυτή για να της δώσει πληροφορίες,
έβαλε την Γοργόνα να της χτενίσει τα μαύρα, σγουρά της
μαλλιά, αυτή τη φορά.
Our Mermaid managed to find Poseidon's
Trident under a huge crystal ball. She then
managed to calm the sea.
Η Γοργόνα μας κατάφερε να βρει την Τρίαινα
του Ποσειδώνα κάτω από μια τεράστια
κρυστάλλινη σφαίρα. Έτσι κατάφερε να
ηρεμήσει τη θάλασσα.

Our Mermaid holding the Alexander's tunic, found the ship of
capten Minoas during her journey. He took her on board and
they travelled to lots of European countries looking for the
precious Water of Immortality.
Η Γοργόνα μας κρατώντας τον μανδύα του Αλέξανδρου
συνάντησε στο ταξίδι της το καράβι του καπετάνιου Μίνωα.
Την πήρε στο καράβι του και ταξίδεψαν σε πολλές χώρες της
Ευρώπης ψάχνοντας το πολύτιμο Νερό της Αθανασίας.
One day our Mermaid met Alexander's
messanger. They told her that her brother had
died unfortunately, She got on the boat and
travelled to Cyprus with them.
Μια μέρα η Γοργόνα μας συνάντησε τους
αγγελιαφόρους του αδελφού της Αλέξανδρου.
Της είπαν πως δυστυχώς ο αδελφός της είχε
πεθάνει. Ανέβηκε στο πλοίο και έφυγε μαζί τους για Κύπρο.

When the Mermaid arrived at Limassol, she heard
the sailors saying that the port was called Porto
Bello. She immediately realised that the Water of
Immortality was there.
Φθάνοντας στην Λεμεσό, άκουσε πως το λιμάνι
ονομαζόταν Πόρτο Μπέλλο. Κατάλαβε αμέσως πως
εδώ βρισκόταν το Αθάνατο Νερό.

The story of the two mermaids
a french legend
Once upon a time a boat crashed on the reefs.Some monks working there found it destroyed with a lot of blood and corpses on the deck , but the hold was full of wealth such as gold , silver ,jewels , precious woods... They met a starving ship boy who was the only survivor.He told them the story of his adventure on the boat.
The ship was sailing on the Mediterranean sea for several years, full of precious merchandise. It tried to reach its native village near Nice in the south of France . Suddenly a huge storm came and the captain and his boat got lost. For months the crew explored unknown countries and islands to get fresh food and find their way back home. One morning, the watchman said he saw two big fish around the bow.
The saiiors decided to catch them and then they realized it wasn't two fish but two mermaids ! They put them in a tank on the deck. The next day ,the mermaids stayed still, didn't talk nor complain. But the sailors started to come and talk with the mermaids every night.
The capitain was jealous and decided to post a guard to keep them for himself but he was disarmed at night and the capitain was killed. The mermaids took advantage of the situation to plan their escape...
In the afternoon, men were only drinking and didn't govern the ship. At sunset, they started fighting and killing each other. The mermaids started singing and they became silent . I was hidden behind a boxand saw the mermaids suddenly jump out of the tank and dive into the sea. At sunrise, I was the only one alive."
The monks saw the young boy starting to cry and asked him the reason why... He said that just before jumping in the sea the youngest mermaid looked at him and since then he fell in love and could never forget her...
The end
The French students
of the Rothschild School
Nice, France, december 2018
Thank you !
5th Kindergarten of Kilkis - Greece
presents the myth of the mermaid
Thessaloniki the sister of Alexander the Great
The legent of Alexander The Great and his sister, mermaid Thessaloniki.
2nd Kindergarten of Plagiari, Greece

The most popular myth about the Mermaid is connected with Alexander the Great

Thessalonike was a Macedonian princess, the daughter of King Philip II of Macedon .In Greek her name is made up of the two words Thessaly and nike, the latter meaning victory.
A Greek legend tells of a mermaid who lived in the Aegean and who was thought to be Thessalonike. The legend says that Alexander, during his quest for the Fountain of Youth, kept a flask of the water in which he washed Thessalonike’s hair. When Alexander died, his grief-stricken sister tried to end her life by jumping into the sea. But instead of drowning, she became a mermaid who passed judgment on mariners down the centuries.

Of the sailors who came across her she would ask: “Is Alexander the king alive?” to which the answer should be, “He lives and reigns and conquers the world.” If the sailors gave the right answer, she would allow the ship and its crew to sail away safely. Any other answer would transform her into a raging Gorgon, bent on sending the ship and every man on board to the bottom of the sea.

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In the context of the
eTwinning project:
''The Mermaid of the
Mediterranean Sea'' ,
we present a cooperative
creation with myths and Legends, from partner schools of countries across the Mediterranean Sea.

We present the partner schools of the project:
''The Mermaid of the Mediterranean''
e Twinning project 2017-2018

The 4th Kindergarten of Artemis
A collaborative creation of digital story telling, with text, illustration and narration from classes 1-2-3
Olga Sakellariou
Anna Palaiodimou
Eirini Plaka
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