This is dedicated to Holbein Middle school; And all my friends. Especially Sofia, Cynthia, and Janiya they are always encouraging me to do good.

is for Astrolabe

An Astrolabe uses the position of the sun and the stars to help explorers and sailors navigate. The astrolabe would allow them to determine how far north or south they were from the equator.

is for Bartholomeu
Bartholomeu Dias was from Portugal. He is best known for finding the Cape of Good Hope which allowed sailors and explorers a faster way to get to India.

is for The Crusades
The Crusades were nine expeditions by Europeans to get the control of holy Christian sites from Muslims.

is for Discovery

Discover means to find something hidden or new. Explorer took voyages to find unknown things, places, or crops. Without discovery we wouldn't have gold or sugar. Many discoveries were responsible for making people wealthy.
is for Encomienda

Encomienda is a royal grant of land. This includes everything on it including the people. Explorers would consider this as part of their payment.

is for Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who wanted to find a Western route to the Spice Island of Maluku. Instead he circumnavigated the globe becoming the first to do so.

is for Gold

Gold was used for money and trading. Explorer were sent on expeditions to try and find it to bring their country wealth. This made many explorer go on voyages because they thought they could get rich.
Do you think he found anything yet.
No he would have called us over to help him.

I'm going to be rich,forget about the men it's all mine.

is for Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer. Hudson was funded twice to find the Northwest Passage he failed both time. The Dutch East India Company funded his third voyage. Where he found the Hudson River. He decided to name it after himself.

is for Import

Importing is trading goods to get the food or things you need that you didn't have. Explorers would send back sugar, tobacco, Cotton, and rum. These things would get imported to places like England, France, and Italy.

is for Jacques Cartier

Jacques Cartier was a french explorer. He is known for exploring the St. Lawrence River allowing the French to claim the country that would later become Canada.

is for Kongo

Kongo was a thriving African kingdom. Until the Portuguese came in and saw all the gold mines and thought of the people as slaves. So they used intermarriage as a way in. From there they started using the people of the Kongo as slaves, making them dig the gold and sold them to Europe and America.

is for Longitude and Latitude

Longitude and Latitude helped sailors navigate the oceans. Longitude runs North to South and Latitude runs East to West. This would help sailors figure out where they were or where they needed to go.

is for Magnetic Compass

Magnetic Compasses was another tool that helped explorers with directions to where they are traveling. The compass uses magnetic forces from the attraction of the horizontal component of Earth's magnetic field.

Northwest is that way over there.
is for Northwest Passage

The Northwest Passage was something many explorers tried to find but many failed. Explorers wanted to find the water route because it would give them a faster trade route to Asia so they could get the goods from Asia back to their King or Queen. This route would save a lot of money and time.
is for Old World

The Old World refers to Africa, Europe, and Asia.
It was the land already discovered by Europeans. The old world had many things but the new world introduced new things that the Old World inhabitants wanted.

is for Pilgrimage

A Pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place.The Muslims thought they had to make a Pilgrimage to Mecca or they wouldn't get into Heaven. Mecca was in an area sacred to Christians as well. Christians start the Crusades to get their holy sites back. But the Muslims blocked the Silk Road making them go find another route to Asia.

is for Queen Isabella

Isabella was queen of Castile from 1474 to 1505, and she fought in the Civil War to secure her throne. She married King Ferdinand and ruled two kingdoms with him. Isabella agreed to finance the expedition of Christopher Columbus which brought the New World and wealth to Spain. She was interested in the Native Americans of the land. Some of them were brought back to Spain as slaves, she returned and freed them. She thought they should be treated fairly.
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This is dedicated to Holbein Middle school; And all my friends. Especially Sofia, Cynthia, and Janiya they are always encouraging me to do good.

is for Astrolabe

An Astrolabe uses the position of the sun and the stars to help explorers and sailors navigate. The astrolabe would allow them to determine how far north or south they were from the equator.

is for Bartholomeu
Bartholomeu Dias was from Portugal. He is best known for finding the Cape of Good Hope which allowed sailors and explorers a faster way to get to India.

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