This book is dedicated to our Eagle's Nest students. Thanks for a fun semester!
Ms. Abby, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Britney, Ms. Daphne, Ms. Loryn, Ms. Julia, Ms. Shelby, & Ms. Olivia

Every Eagle in the Eagle's Nest liked Christmas a lot. But the teachers, who lived in room 323, did not.

The teachers hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. Now please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.
It could be their heads weren't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that their shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all may have been that their hearts were two sizes too small.


"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
They growled, with their teacher fingers nervously drumming, "We must find some way to stop Christmas from coming!"
For tomorrow, they knew. . .
. . .all the Eagle girls and boys would wake bright and early. They'd rush for their toys!
And then! Oh, the noise! Oh the NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
That's the one thing they hated! The NOISE, NOISE, NOISE, NOISE!
The more the Teachers thought,"I must stop this whole thing! Why, for fifty-three years we have put up with it now! We MUST stop this Christmas from coming? ... but HOW?"
Then they got an idea! An Awful idea! THE TEACHERS GOT A WONDERFUL AWFUL IDEA!
"We know just what to do!" The Teachers laughed in their throats. And they made a quick Santa Claus hats and some coats.
"All we need is a reindeer..."
The Teachers looked around. But, since reindeer are scarce, there was none to be found. Did that stop the old Teachers...?
No! The Teachers simply said, "If we can't find a reindeer, We will make one instead!"
So they called their dog, Eddy.
Then they took some red thread and they tied a big horn on top of his head.
They loaded some bags and some old empty sacks on a ramshackle sleigh and they hitched up old Eddy.
Then the teachers said, "Giddap!"
And the sleigh started down toward the homes where the whos lay a-snooze in their town
All their windows were dark.
Quiet snow filled the air. All the whos were all dreaming sweet dreams without care when they came to the first little house on the square
"This is stop number one,"
The old Teacher Claus hissed and they climbed to the roof, empty bags in their fists.
Then they slid down the chimney. A rather tight pinch. But, if Santa could do it, then so could the Teachers.
They got stuck only once, for a moment or two. Then they stuck their heads out of the fireplace flue

Then they slithered and slunk, with smiles most unpleasant, around the whole room, and they took every present!
And they stuffed them in bags. The the Teachers, very nimbly, stuffed all the bags, one by one up the chimbley!
They took the whos' feast! They took the who-pudding! They took the roast beast!
The teachers even took their last can of who-hash
Then they stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. "And NOW!" Grinned the Teachers, "I will stuff up the tree!"
And the teachers grabbed the tree, and they started to shove
When he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove.
They turned around fast, and they saw small whos! Little Sofia-Lou and Elliot-lou too! The teachers had been caught by these tiny Who daughters
Who'd got out of bed for some cups of cold water.
They stared at the teachers and said, "Teachers, why, Why are you taking our Christmas? WHY?"
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This book is dedicated to our Eagle's Nest students. Thanks for a fun semester!
Ms. Abby, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Britney, Ms. Daphne, Ms. Loryn, Ms. Julia, Ms. Shelby, & Ms. Olivia

Every Eagle in the Eagle's Nest liked Christmas a lot. But the teachers, who lived in room 323, did not.

The teachers hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. Now please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.
It could be their heads weren't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that their shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all may have been that their hearts were two sizes too small.
- END >
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