I dedicate this book to all of the going to be new mother and the people who are wanting to become parents.
"Hope this book helps you be more educated and help you throughout your pregnancy."
Love your author,
Mikayla Bagdonas

Menstrual Phases
Menstrual: The process in a women where she discharges blood from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about a lunar month from puberty until menopause, expect during pregnancy
Postmenstrual: Occurs one to two weeks before a woman's period
Premenstrual: Occurring or experienced before menstruation
Ovulation: Each month inside your ovaries, a group of eggs starts to grow in small, fluid-filled sacs called follicles. Eventually, one of the eggs erupts from the follicle (ovulation). It usually happens about 2 weeks before your next period.

- Penetration- when the sperm actually gets through the outer protective layer around the egg
- Activation- Which prevents other sperm from entering the egg, includes the egg to undergo its second meiotic division, and stimulates cytoplasmic movements
- Fusion- During which the haploid nuclei of the sperm and egg fuse to form a diploid zygote
The action of conceiving a child being conceived

Birth Defects
Definition: A physical or biochemical abnormality that is present at birth and that may be inherited or the result of environmental influences.
Down Syndrome- Due to an extra X chromosome and it's a genetic disorder. It affects children from mothers is over the age of 35 years old. It's shown at birth. There's no treatment but in some cases you can get therapy.

Color Blindness- Inability to distinguish the differences between certain colors. Affects more males then females. Scientist found that a lack of folic acid (Vit. B9) before/during birth can have an effect on why babies get it.
Fragile X Syndrome- Genetic condition the result in problems with learning, cognitive, and behavioral. Mostly affects male but can affect women. It appears from the moment the gene is mutated. No prevention.
Clubfoot- Foot defect which the baby's foot is turned out or twisted. Caused by tendons being shorter. Affects the baby to walk or move around. It's determined in the womb or right after birth.
What to Do during pregnancy?
Get tons of sleep, work out (Don't go hardcore/if you're not used to working out do little things like walking), gain 25-35 pounds, consume 1,800 calories in your 1st trimester, 2,200 in your second trimester, and 2,400 in your third trimester.

What NOT do during pregnancy?
Smoke, eat raw meat (ex: seafood, deli meat, fish, etc.), unpasteurized dairy, be around paint, caffeine, be in hot tubs, be around kitty litter, drink alcohol, certain medications, breathe in second hand smoke, and wear stilettos.

What happens during each trimester?
First (0-13 weeks): This is the most crucial to your baby’s development. During this period , your baby’s body structure and organ systems develop. Most miscarriages and birth defects occur during this period.

Second (14-26 weeks): This is called the “golden period” because many of the unpleasant effects of early pregnancy disappear. During the second trimester you’re likely to experience decreased nausea, better sleep patterns and increased energy level. But you may experience symptoms like: back pain, abdominal pain, leg cramps, constipation, and heartburn.
Third (27-40 weeks): This is the final stretch to your pregnancy. Some physical symptoms you may experience during this time is shortness of breath, sleeping problems, hemorrhoids, and urinary incontinence. This may arise from the increase on the size of your uterus, which will expand from approximately 2 ounces before pregnancy to 2.5 pounds at the time of birth.
Month 1
Physical: Movements are reflective, Lifts/turns head when placed on tummy
Social: Listens attentively to sounds and voices
Emotional: Reacts to discomfort and pain, makes eye contact
Month 2
Physical: Holds head up for a few minutes, cycles arms and legs
Social: Discriminates between voices, associates activities with certain people
Emotional: Makes eye contact, kicks, and waves arms. Soothes self by sucking
Month 3
Physical: Movements become voluntary, sits briefly with support
Social: Discovers hands and feet, begins cooing and laughing
Emotional: Tries to attract attention of caregiver, coos when content
1st trimester has ended
Month 4
Physical: On tummy, uses arms to lift chest and may roll from side to side. Begins to use mitten grasp
Social: Repeats enjoyable acts, begins babbling
Emotional: Laughs when tickled
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I dedicate this book to all of the going to be new mother and the people who are wanting to become parents.
"Hope this book helps you be more educated and help you throughout your pregnancy."
Love your author,
Mikayla Bagdonas

Menstrual Phases
Menstrual: The process in a women where she discharges blood from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about a lunar month from puberty until menopause, expect during pregnancy
Postmenstrual: Occurs one to two weeks before a woman's period
Premenstrual: Occurring or experienced before menstruation
Ovulation: Each month inside your ovaries, a group of eggs starts to grow in small, fluid-filled sacs called follicles. Eventually, one of the eggs erupts from the follicle (ovulation). It usually happens about 2 weeks before your next period.

- Penetration- when the sperm actually gets through the outer protective layer around the egg
- Activation- Which prevents other sperm from entering the egg, includes the egg to undergo its second meiotic division, and stimulates cytoplasmic movements
- Fusion- During which the haploid nuclei of the sperm and egg fuse to form a diploid zygote
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