I Love You Always, Mom

Once upon a time deep in the forest it is the beginning of autumn and all
the leaves are beginning to fall. In this forest is a well hidden cave in the
mountain side. This cave is where the biggest creature of the entire forest
lives and his name is Duke. He lives all by himself with the wish to have a
best friend that is not afraid to be around him.

He is a very large brown bear with black paws and a kind heart. Autumn is Duke’s favorite season because the color of the leaves make him think of fruit. Staring out his front door he thought to himself how the leaves are as red as apples, as yellow as lemons, as orange as oranges, and then some haven’t turned yet and are still as green as limes. Duke’s stomach started to growl. He ate some dinner, cleaned his dishes and headed to his room.
Every night before bed Duke wishes upon a star for a friend to call his own to spend his days with. With all that hope in his heart he eventually fell fast asleep.

The next morning after a long quiet breakfast Duke put on his favorite scarf and hat and went on his morning walk through the forest picking up trash that the humans leave behind after their picnics.
Duke believes since he is the biggest creature of the forest it is his responsibility to keep it clean for all the smaller creatures that can not. After all, a clean forest is a happy forest, Duke will say to himself while wishing he had a best friend to help him and keep him company.

Duke completed his morning chores of
making the forest a better place so he decided to go fishing
and pick some berries.
Every once in a while the bee’s of Mulberry Hill Hive will let him have a chunk of honey, which is his favorite treat of course, for keeping the forest so clean.
As much as Duke appreciates their kind gesture for what he does it makes him sad that they leave it in a basket because they are afraid of his size even though he proves to be so nice.

After a long day of doing the things he enjoys most Duke gathered his
belongings he collected throughout the day and traveled back home to his
lonely cave in the mountain side.
He put everything away in the kitchen and instead of making dinner he
decided to go to bed. He brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and as
always before getting into bed he went to the window to wish on a star in
hopes of a friend he can call his own.
"I’m wishing on you star so bright to grant me one wish and that is a
friend I can love with all my might,” said Duke aloud. Then the most
amazing thing happened that has never happened before, Duke’s star
went shooting through the sky.

Duke woke up later than he normally does and made his fish and blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. He was starving since he skipped dinner the night before. After he ate he cleaned his dishes and put them away, made his bed and swept the floor. I am so tired today Duke thought to himself. He stayed up too late thinking about his shooting star.
Duke thought about doing something fun for the day instead of doing his daily chores. After, much thought, he decided to take the day off of his regular routine and go relax next to the lake and watch he sunset.
He grabbed his favorite scarf and hat hanging on the hook, shut his door, and headed down the trail to the lake.

Thirty minutes later Duke finally made it to the lake and sat down at the best boulder to watch the sunset next to a huge oak tree.
Duke heard some laughter and a whimper at a picnic table a few trees away. His curiosity got the best of him and he got up to wonder over to see what the commotion was about.
He walked so lightly to not make a peep and hide behind the closest tree. He did not want whoever was there to hear him and be frightened because he would never want to frighten anyone.

As he peeked around to see what was going on he saw a small Labrador pup with dark floppy ears under a picnic table and soon learned where the whimper was coming from.
Duke thought he had seen that pup before with some campers that arrived about a week ago. He took another step around to get a better look and saw that there was two mountain lion cubs taunting the poor little pup that was so scared she was shaking.

Duke stooped back around the tree to come up with a plan. He figured if there were lion cubs then their mother must not be too far away. Duke knew he had to act fast before something terrible happened to that little pup.
Duke knows he is not a fierce bear even though his size makes him intimidating but he knows his roar can be very loud and with that thought and his built up courage he went running around the tree into the open and roared with all his might! The two lion cubs fur stood up and their claws were drawn but as soon as they realized who had roared they ran off like two scared little house cats.

After the area was clear and Duke knew the cubs and their mother were not returning he let out a sigh
of relief and walked carefully and quietly over to talk to the little pup that was still hiding under the picnic
He said, “Little pup please don’t be frightened I have chased away the lions for you, it is okay to come out
now.” The little pup looked around and saw that the lion cubs were gone and then looked up and saw who
was talking to her and scooted back under the picnic table.
Duke started to get upset but realized how big he must look to such a little puppy and said, “I promise I
won’t let anything hurt you little pup, I only want to help you and to be your friend.”

What seemed like a long time of waiting the little pup came out from under the picnic table. She
asked Duke, “Do you want to hurt me too like those mean lion cubs?”
Duke looked startled and said, “Absolutely not! I am here to help you little pup; I would never hurt
anyone not even a fly.”
The little pup replied back, “Are you sure I have nothing to be afraid of with you?”
Duke said again, “You have no worries with me little one.” And with that Duke and the little pup went back over to the bolder where Duke had set up to watch the sunset.

Duke asked the pup, “What is your name little one and why are you out here all
The little pup said, “My name is Maggie and I am out here because my
humans did not want me any more. They were sitting at that picnic table eating
lunch and I was running around playing with a squirrel and when I came back they
were gone and that is when the lion cubs found me."
Duke thought to himself, “What a terrible thing to happen to such a sweet puppy but I wonder if Maggie is the answer to my wish from the star I saw move across the night?”
Duke asked Maggie, “Do you know how to get back home from here?”
Maggie replied, “No I do not and I’m not even sure where I am."
Duke explained to Maggie that she was deep in the forest of the mountains and there usually are not many humans that come out this way because it is so hard to find. Maggie became silent and started to cry.

The sun had set and it was getting late and
cold sitting by the water. Duke got up and started
to pack his things to head back to his lonely dark
Duke began to walk away and stopped
suddenly and Maggie turned to see what was
going on when Duke said, “Maggie I know you
are lost and probably missing your humans but it
is going to be winter soon and the winters out
here are very cold. I live in a cave all alone in the
mountain side and I was wondering if you would
like to be my friend and you could stay with me?”
Maggie sat there staring at Duke like he was a
circus bear and said nothing.

After much silence Duke said, “I know we would be the most unlikely of friends but I promise I could be your
best friend. We could clean the forest together and show all the other creatures of the forest that no matter the
size, color, species, or oddness we could all be friends.”
Maggie got up off the boulder and trotted down to where Duke was standing. She looked up at him and said,
“Duke you are already my best friend and I would love to be your roommate and help with keeping the forest clean.
After all, you did save my life so I trust you completely." Duke smiled and gave Maggie a hug and they both
continued on the path back to the cave.

Maggie was surprised with how big the inside of the cave was because from the outside it did not
look like a cave was there. Duke showed Maggie around the cave to make sure she knew where
everything was then he showed her to her room.
Maggie instantly loved her room and Duke knew by the smile on her face just how much she really
did love it. She thanked him once again for what he had done for her today and then Duke excused
himself and went to get ready for bed.
That night before getting in bed instead of making a wish Duke gave thanks to the big bright star in
the sky by saying, “Thank you star glowing so bright for granting my wish of getting a friend to love
with all my might!" Duke climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.

Duke awoke to the sun shining in his face. He squinted his eyes and
stretched and yawned then said aloud what if Maggie was a dream!
He jumped up so quickly he fell out of bed. He ran down the hall and
stopped suddenly to find Maggie standing at the stove making fish and
pancakes for breakfast.
“Good morning Duke, would you like maple syrup with your
Duke smiled and chuckled with a reply of, “Is there any
other way to eat pancakes?”
Maggie laughed and said, “Nope that’s
just the way I like mine too!”
They both went to the dining room to eat their breakfast and got to
know each other a little bit better.

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I Love You Always, Mom

Once upon a time deep in the forest it is the beginning of autumn and all
the leaves are beginning to fall. In this forest is a well hidden cave in the
mountain side. This cave is where the biggest creature of the entire forest
lives and his name is Duke. He lives all by himself with the wish to have a
best friend that is not afraid to be around him.

He is a very large brown bear with black paws and a kind heart. Autumn is Duke’s favorite season because the color of the leaves make him think of fruit. Staring out his front door he thought to himself how the leaves are as red as apples, as yellow as lemons, as orange as oranges, and then some haven’t turned yet and are still as green as limes. Duke’s stomach started to growl. He ate some dinner, cleaned his dishes and headed to his room.
Every night before bed Duke wishes upon a star for a friend to call his own to spend his days with. With all that hope in his heart he eventually fell fast asleep.

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