For Mr.Roffler my Algebra 2 teacher.

It was a day like none other. There were schools of fish swimming about and, like clockwork, Mr.Ray would come everymorning to come and pick up the kids.
But todays trip was special, not only were they gping to learn abot migration Dory would come and assist Mr.Ray! Or atleast try to...
Mr.Ray sang his song about migration to speed up the time to their destination. They we were going towatch the Stingray Migration!
But as the Stingray Migration happened Dory got to close and was swept up by one of the stingray!
Nemo and Marlin searched and searched until suddenly they found Dory near by. It was such a relief! But when they found her she was mumbling something peculiar...
She suddenly sprung up from the sound of Nemo's voice and exclaimed I remembered something!
I remember something!
Dory: My parents they were mathematicians!
They taught me this song about these rules about exponents...
Marlin: What!?
Dory: I need to go find them!
So she sprung up and started to swim.
Dory swam with urgency mumbling things he was trying to recollect from her childhood...
Marlin suddenly was able to catch up to her.
Marlin: No you dont!
Marlin: How are you even going to find your parents?
Dory: I think... i remember them telling me that if i ever get lost i could go to California!?
Marlin: California is huge? How is that going to help us?
Nemo suddenly budges in.
Nemo: I think it can work! I believe that it was a Blue Tang couple that created the exponent rules! I learned it in school!
Marlin: But all the Mathematician Fish live in Morro Bay California! Thats all the way across the ocean!
Dory: Marlin... all I know is that I miss them. I have to find them.
There was a pause and Marlin thought for a while.
Marlin: Well i have no idea how we're gonna get there.
Dory and Nemo both sigh.
Marlin: *sigh* But i do know a guy.
Marlin, Nemo, and Dory rode the backs of the turtles to Morro Bay California.
The turtles dropped them off the nearest stop.
Crush: This is the closest stop to California! After you go through that shipwreck you'll be in California!
They all waved happy goodbyes to each other as they started to swim towards the eerie shipwreck.
Dory: Does anyone know the exponent rules!?
Marlin: Be quiet!
A small grumpy crab started to walk up to them.
Crab: Hey everyone knows all the Mathematicians live at the Marine Life Institute! So quiet down!
Dory: Oh my! Do you know where it is?
Crab: Its past the kelp forest so hurry up and leave!
Dory: Thank you!
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For Mr.Roffler my Algebra 2 teacher.

It was a day like none other. There were schools of fish swimming about and, like clockwork, Mr.Ray would come everymorning to come and pick up the kids.
But todays trip was special, not only were they gping to learn abot migration Dory would come and assist Mr.Ray! Or atleast try to...
Mr.Ray sang his song about migration to speed up the time to their destination. They we were going towatch the Stingray Migration!
- END >
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