7th Period

According to the Norse Gods, Ragnarok will be the end of man and God. People also know it to be the darkness of Gods.
Loki, the God of fire, likes playing tricks a lot. He tricks other Gods into chaos often. He succeeds in getting rid of Bakr.
The Aesir Gods are known to be the strongest Gods. When they see that the bad people like Loki have tricked them they become very angry and fly into rage as if they are dragons.
All of the nice Gods want Loki, known as one of the bad Gods, to get punished.

Loki is scared like a little baby so he hides out in a cave known as Franang's Falls. Because of his powers he is able to turn himself into a fish and dives into the water for safety.
The Gods then have to come up with another plan. They make a net and the God of Thunder, Thor, uses it to drag water nearby.
After many hours trying to catch Loki they finally do. They don't kill him, but they punish him.
Punishing him had to be more than to just put him in time out. To punish him they turn Vali, the God of revenge, into a wolf and tell him to eat Loki's son Narvi right in front of his eyes.
With his sons organs they tie him down inside a cave. They hang a scary snake above his head so the poison from the snakes mouth will drip onto his face for the rest of his life.
To try and stop the poison venom from hitting his face, his wife uses a wooden bowl to catch it when it drips down.
When the end is near they believe we will have three bad and snowy winters in a row.
It has been said that it will be so bad Families will turn against one another as if siblings were arguing over sharing a toy, only worse.
People will turn into wolves and eat each other for lunch. Buildings will even be knocked down because of war.

At this moment, two wolves named Skoll and Hati will come out and eat the sun and moon and everything will turn into darkness and it will be cold.
Earthquakes will be begin and the earth will shift.
When the earth shifts it breaks the bonds holding Loki, his wife, and son down and they are able to break free.
Three roosters will crow and wakeup all of the giants, warriors, and even the dead.
To get back at the Aesir Gods, Loki will send his monster like sons to challenge them all.
The giants will join with him and he will be led by Surtr, who is a fire giant, and he will have his flaming sword.
Once they cross the Bifrost , the rainbow bridge, it falls down behind them.
Heimdall, unlike us, can see and hear things coming from far away. When he sees Loki coming he sounds the horn.
The Aesir Gods gear up for battle.
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7th Period

According to the Norse Gods, Ragnarok will be the end of man and God. People also know it to be the darkness of Gods.
Loki, the God of fire, likes playing tricks a lot. He tricks other Gods into chaos often. He succeeds in getting rid of Bakr.
The Aesir Gods are known to be the strongest Gods. When they see that the bad people like Loki have tricked them they become very angry and fly into rage as if they are dragons.
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