This book is dedicated to Mrs. Ruane and prayers go out to me for hopefully passing the Unit 5 test on Thursday.
Book By: Melanie Hargrove

Hi. My name is French Revolution, and this is a story about my rise to fame during the Miss Revolution Pageant.
I don't like to brag, but I received first in the overall categories.
*hair flip*

I'm from France, and I had started preparing for this Pageant on July 14, 1789 and I had to work and fight everyday until November 9, 1799 to keep in shape. It was a rough couple of years, but I'd say it really paid off.
My passion wasn't always pageantry, but there were events in my life that kind led me toward this life including my enlightenment, and my views on class injustice and poor leadership. My buddy American Revolution also persuaded me to get into pageantry. Other more recent causes were my debts to society, the Tennis Court Oath, and the Storming of Bastille.

During my time preparing for this pageant, a lot was happening in the world around me. People were upset with the government about taxes, and about the government spending all of our money helping my friend American Revolution. Weapon bases were being broken into and a plethora of executions started occurring. My country was in turmoil. I was horrified, and I wanted to make the world a better place with peace for all.

Leaders of mine whom I look up to are Bonaparte, Louis XVI, and Robespierre. Louis XVI, king of France caused France to plunge into severe debt, and in 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed.
Napoleon, a French general, political leader, and emperor of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries seized power and rose swiftly through the ranks of army and government during and after the French Revolution and crowned himself emperor in 1804.
Robespierre, head of the Committee of Public Safety called for the execution of over 40,000 who he assumed did not agree with him or the revolution, which caused a Reign of Terror. He tried to de-Christianize France, but couldn't because France was overwhelmingly Catholic.
Fun Fact: The tricolour flag is derived from the cockades used during the French Revolution. These were circularrosette-like emblems attached to the hat.
There were some major events in my life that really impacted my succession in this pageant. Some events include the call of the estate general, the tennis court oath, the march on Versailles and the storming of Bastille, all in 1789, the reign of terror, 1793-1794, and the execution on King Louis XVI in 1793. These events really shaped me and who I have become.
After my time in pageantry I noticed that France became a more unified state and increased its nationalism. The precedent for a democratic government led to an appearance of a middle class. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen was adopted, and the first constitution was written. Roman Catholicism still remained in France, and Great Britain was still their enemy.

Hi. My my name is American Revolution, but most know me as last year's Miss Revolution, and this is a story about my rise to fame during the Miss Revolution Pageant.
I don't like to brag, but I received first in the overall categories last year.

*hair flip*

I'm from the United States, and I had started preparing for last years pageant in 1775 and I had to work and fight everyday until 1783 to keep in shape. It was a rough couple of years, but I'd say it really paid off.
My passion wasn't always pageantry, but there were events in my life that kind led me toward this life including the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party. Other more recent causes were the Declaratory Acts, Intolerable Acts and taxation without representation. During my time preparing for this pageant, a lot was happening in the world around me. People were upset with the government about taxes on goods, and people were dumping loads of tea into harbors. I just wanted to make the world a better place, free from Great Britain.

Leaders of mine whom I look up to are Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the other half of me likes King George III.
George Washington was the leader of the American army during the Revolutionary War and he represented Virginia in the First and Second Continental Congress. George Washington was also the 1st U.S. President.
Thomas Jefferson was the principal writer of the Declaration of Independence and he made a deal with France called the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of the United States.
King George III was the ruler of Great Britain before,
during, and after the
American Revolution,
and he declared
the colonists in rebellion.

Fun Fact: The Continental Congress stated “the flag of the U.S. be thirteen alternate stripes red and white” and that “the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.” The "stars and stripes" flag was based on the “Grand Union” flag, a banner carried by the Continental Army in 1776 that also consisted of 13 red and white stripes.
There were some major events in my life that really impacted my succession in last years pageant. Some events include the Stamp Act (1765), the Boston Massacre (1770), Boston Tea Party (1773), Intolerable Acts (1773), First Continental Congress (1774), Lexington and Concord (1775), Declaration of Independence (1776), Surrender at Yorktown (1771), Treaty of Paris (1783).
After my time in pageantry America gained their Independence from Great Britain. The precedent for a democratic government led to an appearance of a middle class. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen was adopted, and the first constitution was written. I also influenced others to fight for their pageant crown and be independent women. Colonies still remained in America, and the relationship between the colonists and Native Americans was still poor and unfair.

Hi. My name is Haitian Revolution, and this is a story about my rise to second place during the Miss Revolution Pageant.
I don't like to brag, but I received second in the overall categories.

*hair flip*

I'm from the Saint Domingue and Haiti, and I had started preparing for last years pageant in 1791 and I had to work and fight everyday until 1804 to keep in shape. It was a rough couple of years, but I'd say it really paid off.
My passion wasn't always pageantry, but there were events in my life that kind led me toward this life including Africans being sold as slaves to work on sugar plantations with poor treatment, Haitians unable to trade with outside countries, and the mercantilist system. Another more recent cause was an increase in the lower class, and my bud French Revolution also persuaded me to join this pageant. During my time preparing for this pageant, a lot was happening in Saint Dominigue like civil wars breaking out and lots of
slavery. I just want to make the
world a better place free from

Leaders of mine whom I look up to are Bonaparte, Louverture, Leclerc, Biassou and Dessalines.
Louverture was a former slave and became a free person of color who later became the leader of the Haitian revolution. His military genius and political acumen transformed an entire society of slaves into the independent state of Haiti by restoring the plantation system using paid labour, negotiating trade treaties with Britain and the United States, and maintaining a large and well-disciplined army.
Bonaparte was the emperor of France; he seized power in a coup d'état
in 1799 and he gained a large empire in Europe. He wanted to bring slavery
back to Haiti and wanted to regain control of Haiti from Touisaint.
Biassou was an early leader of the 1791 slave rising in Saint-Domingue
that began the Haitian Revolution. with Jean François.
Dessalines became leader of the Haitians after L'Ouverture was captured;
under his leadership, Haitians won independence from France.

There were some major events in my life that really impacted my succession in this pageant. Some events include the British invasion of St. Domingue (1793), the extension of the abolishment of slavery to all french territories by the national convention (1794), Louverture being named the commander of St. Domingue (1796), Louverture gaining control over the entire colony (1800), and Dessalines declaring St. Domingue's Independence. These events have really shaped me and who I have become.
After my time in pageantry, Haiti became the first black republic, and the first nation to gain independence through a slave revolt. Other countries refused to trade with Haiti, and me getting second in this pageant really destroyed Haiti, literally. When I went home Haiti was in ruins. All of the plantations were destroyed which destroyed the economy. Haiti was poor and still had independence debts to pay off.

In 1803, Dessalines removes the white band from the French flag & has Catherine Flon sew together the blue & red bands together to form the first Haitian flag symbolizing the alliance between blacks and mulattoes. Liberté ou la mort (Freedom or death).
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This book is dedicated to Mrs. Ruane and prayers go out to me for hopefully passing the Unit 5 test on Thursday.
Book By: Melanie Hargrove

Hi. My name is French Revolution, and this is a story about my rise to fame during the Miss Revolution Pageant.
I don't like to brag, but I received first in the overall categories.
*hair flip*

I'm from France, and I had started preparing for this Pageant on July 14, 1789 and I had to work and fight everyday until November 9, 1799 to keep in shape. It was a rough couple of years, but I'd say it really paid off.
My passion wasn't always pageantry, but there were events in my life that kind led me toward this life including my enlightenment, and my views on class injustice and poor leadership. My buddy American Revolution also persuaded me to get into pageantry. Other more recent causes were my debts to society, the Tennis Court Oath, and the Storming of Bastille.

During my time preparing for this pageant, a lot was happening in the world around me. People were upset with the government about taxes, and about the government spending all of our money helping my friend American Revolution. Weapon bases were being broken into and a plethora of executions started occurring. My country was in turmoil. I was horrified, and I wanted to make the world a better place with peace for all.

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