Arts & Literture
1st Hour

In the Windy city of Chicago, on every street there is a different story. This story takes us through the journey of an orange tabby kitten looking for her place in the world. When Penelope was just a kitten, she lost her family. She wandered the city day after day looking for a home. One dark rainy night, a group of unlikely friends stumbled upon Penelope.

Penelope was looking for food when she heard the distant sound of barking. Scared, she hid behind a box. She heard the sounds of barking getting closer. The sound of paws was like a heard of elephants.
¨There must be a hundred of them!¨ thought Penelope.

Then, just as she thought it was safe to come out of hiding, she heard a gruff voice say,
"Well what do we have here?"
"Oh Doug, leave the child alone, she looks hungry."
"If you want to show her the way Deliah, I'm sure Oscar has some extra grub."
"Come child, let's get you out of the rain."

So Penelope followed Doug with Delilah right behind. She was tentative to be with such a large group pf dogs, but the promise of food made her hopeful. The walk through the city felt like it would never end. The sun was starting to set when Doug turned a corner. A small, worn down house stood on the corner.

"SUPPERTIME!" a tall man with a beard yelled as soon as the pack came through the front door. "We've got ourselves a joiner Oscar. Got any extra grub layin arouond?" Doug shouted over the excitement of the other dogs.
"Well, hello there, I'm sure we have something around here for you, we always have room for one more."
Penelope was in awe, could this be her new family?

From that day on, Penelope was apart of the family. Everyday she would join the dogs for their rounds around the city. They would make their first stop behind the grocer's before moving on to the market district. Penelope's favorite spot was the hot dog stand. Frankie always made sure to leave some hot dogs for the group. Penelope always loved the smell as soon as they rounded the corner. Everyday, the pack reported promptly at 3:30, just after the lunch rush, to pick up their share.

Penelope was making the last round of the night, when she lost track of the group. She was hoping to make one last stop at the hot dog stand when she turned down an unfamiliar alley. All of the sudden she heard a voice from behind,
It was the dog catcher!
"This city has too many stray animals", the catcher told himself as he put Penelope into a kennel.
"What would Chicago do without me?"

Penelope was taken to the pound. No one would believe her that she had a family because she didn't have a collar. Penelope didn't know what to do. All she could do was hope. Hope that her family would notice that she was missing and come to her rescue.
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Arts & Literture
1st Hour

In the Windy city of Chicago, on every street there is a different story. This story takes us through the journey of an orange tabby kitten looking for her place in the world. When Penelope was just a kitten, she lost her family. She wandered the city day after day looking for a home. One dark rainy night, a group of unlikely friends stumbled upon Penelope.

Penelope was looking for food when she heard the distant sound of barking. Scared, she hid behind a box. She heard the sounds of barking getting closer. The sound of paws was like a heard of elephants.
¨There must be a hundred of them!¨ thought Penelope.

Then, just as she thought it was safe to come out of hiding, she heard a gruff voice say,
"Well what do we have here?"
"Oh Doug, leave the child alone, she looks hungry."
"If you want to show her the way Deliah, I'm sure Oscar has some extra grub."
"Come child, let's get you out of the rain."

- END >
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