I dedicate this book to my readers, I hope you can enjoy this story because it was created with love.

Once there was a little girl called Maica who was living with her stepmother and also with her step sister. She was not conmfortable staying there because she was in charge to do all the chores of the house, she was not happy there! :(

One day Maica was working so hard next to the water well and she did not realized that there was a big stone, so she stumbled wit it and fell inside of the water well. at the bottom of the water well she realized that was not water there, it was full of flowers and trees and a delicious smell of hot bread. sudently she realized that the smell came from a oven and they were burnig, she was fast and Maica got them on time.

Once she got the bread outside of the oven, she realized that there was an old house next to the oven she walked to the house and she founded an old lady and she said..
-Hi how are you? (said Maika)
-Hi my pretty girl, Im a little bit sad.
-Why? (Maica asked)
-Because I have lot of things to do and I am not strong enough do do all the chores of the house. (said the old lady)
-Do not worry about it I will help you with eveything. (said Maica)

-Great, thank you. (said the old lady)
She felt happy to help her.
9 months went by, Maica was wondering what happened with her family and she talked with the old lady about if she can back to visit her stepmother and her stepsister, and the old lady said...
-Of course you can go and you have been a good girl with me im going to give you a price which make you feel happy little Maic,

Once Maica was on the door a lot of coins were sticking in to her dress and Maica realized that, that was the price the old lady had for her .
once Maice arrived to
the house she talked to
her family and she told
to them what happened
and they were very amazed
with the things that Maica was telling to them
and of course her stepsisther felt
jealous about it, her stepsister
decided that she will do the same

Her stepsister said
-I will get more coins thant her because im better
but she was not taking in to account that to get all the coins first she had to do all the things that maica did.
Once she was there she was
looking for the old lady house and
she talked to her and the old lady told her what she have to do, she said "yes" but in her mind she knows that she will not do anything because she was lazy.

Two days later she felt that it was time to go, and she talked to the old lady and she said
-Im done, I did everything and I feel so tired like you have no idea.
She tought that she was cheating the old lady but the old lady knew all the true. and the old lady said..
-Ok it is time to go, once you walk out to the door you will have your reward.
Stepsister were exited with the idea of the coins but once she was infront of the door the only thing she got was a raind of mud.
She felt embarased and since that day Maicas stepsister learned that she have to be more humble and do not laugh about others.

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I dedicate this book to my readers, I hope you can enjoy this story because it was created with love.

Once there was a little girl called Maica who was living with her stepmother and also with her step sister. She was not conmfortable staying there because she was in charge to do all the chores of the house, she was not happy there! :(

One day Maica was working so hard next to the water well and she did not realized that there was a big stone, so she stumbled wit it and fell inside of the water well. at the bottom of the water well she realized that was not water there, it was full of flowers and trees and a delicious smell of hot bread. sudently she realized that the smell came from a oven and they were burnig, she was fast and Maica got them on time.

Once she got the bread outside of the oven, she realized that there was an old house next to the oven she walked to the house and she founded an old lady and she said..
-Hi how are you? (said Maika)
-Hi my pretty girl, Im a little bit sad.
-Why? (Maica asked)
-Because I have lot of things to do and I am not strong enough do do all the chores of the house. (said the old lady)
-Do not worry about it I will help you with eveything. (said Maica)

- END >
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