Castelli Calepio I.C. Fra' Ambrogio da Calepio, Italy
Marijampolės Petro Armino Progymnasium, Lithuania
7th Junior High School of Ioannina, Greece
Many thanks to all pupils involved in the project.

The project aims to follow the stages of young migrants knowing their experience and hardships through customs, memories, songs and typical dishes trying to understand the problems faced in the new country, considering of children's rights.

1. Writing profiles Italian team

Lithuanian team:
Kamilė, Monika, Kajus, Ugnė, Eivina, Edita, Nina, Gustė

Our Profiles- Lithuanian team

Greek team:
Pavlos, DimitrisM, DimitrisV, Andreas, Panagiotis, Sofoklis

2. Our schools
Marijampolės Petro Armino Progymnasium (Lithuania)


7th Junior High School of Ioannina, Greece

I.C. Fra' Ambrogio da Calepio
Castelli Calepio Bg Italy

3. Our Logo
Lithuanian logos

Italian logos

Greek logo
Logo winner

4. Our Countries

"Marijampolė - Capital of Culture 2018"

Italy: Castelli Calepio (Bg)
GREECE - Yannena first in chariots in grossia and in culture!

5. Forums
Let's share our thoughts.
In our Italian school we have people from lots of countries: have a look
We don't have immigrants at school but we have them living in Lithuania.
Ioannina, Greece - In our school we have people from...
Why do people migrate?
Edita Grubienė - 25.09.2017 18:41
Tell us what you like about the place where you live? What do you think it would be like if these things were taken away. What would you do? Where might you go?
Cinzia Fiorentini - 25.09.2017 22:04
We live in quite safe situation, where life is easy. We have food, houses, work, schools, hospitals and what we need.
What would happen if one day I woke up and the situation changed?
Not enough food, no work, destroyed houses, closed schools, hospitals can't take care of people and so on. Even one of these losses is a catastrophe.
We must appreciate what we have and don't waste anything.
What do you like about the place where you live?
Σταματία (Stamatia) Σταμάτη (Stamati) - 26.09.2017 03:36
I agree with your thoughts, Cinzia.
I enhance saying that without peace and respect for life and dignity, it is impossible to preserve all the precious things we have gained.
Eivina Čižauskaitė - 26.09.2017 10:47
Here I have a lot of friends, in Lithuanian is rather safe: there is no war, no natural disasters. Here lives my family, I go to school here, I have holidays here. If I lost everything I would cry and feel depressed. I would try to travel to other country and start a new life.
Kajus Čebatorius - 26.09.2017 10:50
I like my place because this is my native country, i know all towns, all streets in my city, all chill zones... in my country there aren't any wars, any natural disasters. If i lost everything, I would emigrate or search for relatives.
Monika Kynaitė - 26.09.2017 10:57
I live in Lithuania and here is a quite safe place to live. I know my native language, people understand me. I can go to school, I'm not hungry, I can hang out with me friends. If I lost everything I would be very sad, depressed. I think I would try to do something, maybe to help someone who needs help.
Gustė Spudytė - 01.10.2017 16:16
I like my place because here I have friends, family and school. In Lithuania is rather safe, there is no natural disasters, no war. If I lost everything I wouldn't know what to do... But I think it would be very difficult.
ioa-dimitris v - 11.10.2017 16:10
I like my place because there isn't any war or natural disaster.
ioa-andreas e - 11.10.2017 16:36
I like my place because offers good climate, peace, safety, political stability, lower risk from natural hazards.
ioa-sofoklis k - 11.10.2017 16:42
I like very much to live in Ioannina, because I have here my family and my friends, the most precious things for me.
ioa-panagiotis s - 11.10.2017 19:37
I like my place, I am safe. We haven't wars.
ioa-paulos l - 11.10.2017 19:45
I love my country. I would not like to some factors force me to leave from here as happened to so many people, unfortunately.

Italy works on immigrants
Giulia Pagani - 29.09.2017 17:40I like my place, most specifically the culture of my city. I love all the monuments and places here. In my country there isn't any war or natural disaster (fortuately). In my country there aren't interestig things, but it's okay beacause I have what I need: a family, education and many friends. If I had to change my town I would not mind, because I love big cities and so I can meet new friends.
Giorgia Vezzoli - 03.10.2017 16:13I live in Italy. I like my place because I have a family, friends, good food, school and there aren't any wars.Without these things it would be very difficult!
Edoardo Ingimati - 05.10.2017 19:53I love my village because here there are many things that I like: the park next to my house and the oratory ,for example, where I meet my friends and together we play and we have fun. Italy is an hospitable country. There are many people who come from different countries but here they can feel at home. If I had to go away I would go to Spain because it's a beautiful place and people are very nice.
Chiara Gondola - 10.10.2017 17:41I live in Cividino and I like this small country, because I've got a big family, some friends, there's some good food and there isn't war... I don't want to change my country, because I like live here
History of migration in your family, community or country.
Edita Grubienė - 08.10.2017 09:49
How does it feel to be in a new country?
Edita Grubienė - 13.10.2017 05:48
If in a country I am in people understand English, I would be confident to ask for help, if not I would try to explain with a help of a map (If I had one) or use some sign language... Of course, it would be rather an embarrassing experience.
I could name my birth country but I would feel a bit akward wearing different clothes. If I were a student and were bullied, I think it would take me lots of courage to tell the teacher. I wouldn't be afraid to express my view in class and would surely want to learn new language to be able to communicate with people around me.
Being around people from different cultures wouldn't cause any problems unless they didn't accept me.
Gustė Spudytė - 15.10.2017 16:25
I'd try to ask someone for help in English, if no one will understand it, I would take for a help translator.I could say where I'm from very easily, but I'd feel conspicuous and strange wearing different clothes.
If I were bullied, I certainly tell someone that.
I wouldn't be afraid to express my view in class. I'd definitely want to learn new language but I think it would be difficult.
Being around people from different cultures wouldn't cause any inconvenience.
Ugnė Klumbokaitė - 15.10.2017 17:20
If I was lost in another country I'll probably ask someone how to get to the place that I need in English. I would probably say that you wouldn't know that country, I'm from Lithuania. I would feel uncomfortable wearing different clothes. I wouldn't say i was bullied to someone, because don't want to remember that time of my life. I wouldn't be afraid to express myself in class. I'd would want to learn a new language, but it would be hard. Being around people from different cultures at first it would be a bit awkward but later it would be just perfect.
Kamilė Litvaitytė - 15.10.2017 17:53
If I were in a new country maybe I would feel happy and excited. I'd try to ask someone for help in English. I would feel strange and exlusive wearing different clothes. If I were bullied, I would complain to someone. I wouldn't be afraid to express my view in class. I think the new language is easy to learn. I think it would be a strange but interesting way to communicate with other people of culture.
Eivina Čižauskaitė - 15.10.2017 20:32
If I be in a new country, I think I' would be curious to see different places in that country but feel lost and worried. I think I would be so shy to ask someone for help, because I think I can't speak English very well. I think it would be easy to answer to this question. I'll think that everyone was looking at me but that's not true. If I were bullied, I think tell someone that. I would love express my opinion in class. It would be difficult but over a period of time I would learned. It would to be very interesting to make conversation with them.
Gedvilė Kovzonaitė - 24.10.2017 10:47
If I were in a new country I think I would feel uncomfortable.
I'm very shy and I think it would be hard for me to ask for help.
If they asked me a question I would answer.
If I was wearing different clothes and people would give me stares I would try to ignore them.
I think I would be too shy to tell a stranger that I'm being bullied.
I think I would be too shy to tell my opinion to other person.
It would be fun learning another language but I think it would be hard.
I wouldn't mind other cultures people, everyone is different and I accept it and if they understood me, I would talk to them.
ioa-panagiotis s - 25.10.2017 15:34
I would ask someone for help if I didn't know my way around.
I wouldn't tell someone where I am from as I would be afraid of the telling me off.
I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing different clothes.
I wouldn't tell anyone if someone bullied me in class.
I wouldn't express my view in class.
I would try to learn a new language.
I wouldn't be around people from differenet cultures.
ioa-dimitris m - 25.10.2017 15:42
Where I go?
I would not answer their question about "Where are you from?" so easily.
Do you wear different clothes to others?
In my school I am being bullied.
I don't hesitate to express my view in class or anywhere.
I am learning English so I communicate with others.
I like people with different cultures because I am learning so many things.
ioa-dimitris v - 30.10.2017 13:53
Please, can you help me because I don't know where I go?
Why do you ask me? You? Where are you from? Does it matter from where am I?
I will wear different clothes such as the other people.
I am victim of bullying. Help me!
I will express my view without hesitation.
I am learning English, French and German.
Hi, what is your culture? Let us share the beauty of our cultures.
Andrea Gambarini - 11.10.2017 12:39
Hi, I need your help because I feel lost and I'm here for the first time,
I'm from Italy, I'm here because I want to see some great monuments and museums.
If I wear my clothes I feel confident because I have the habit.
Can you help me, please? I was bullied. I'm very upset.
Can I express my point of view please? I don't think like this... It's very difficult when people don't have the same thoughts.
Simon Koul - 11.10.2017 13:01
If people wear different clothes than me I will feel a little bit strange because they can have a laugh of me.
For exemple I could ask "Excuse can you tell me where it's the sience museum?,I'm lost and I'm here for the first time"
If people around me are from different cultures it will be normal for me because me too I'm from India.
Giulia Pagani - 11.10.2017 19:15
> Hi, I need your help to find the library, can you help me?
> I think we always have to be ready to improvise maybe we'll be wrong, but you live and learn, thought, right?
> For me it's okay, we can wear what we want and I don't want to wear a uniform.
> Don't be shy!!! Tell someone if you are bullied
> I love the other cultures, I love learn it and I love teach something of my culture too.
Alessandro Curnis - 12.10.2017 14:52
At first I would feel disoriented but after I had taken the
habits of that country even though this is often difficult. This thing
has not happened yet but I understand the difficulty of who has tried
Jessica Kumar - 16.10.2017 18:42
> Hi, can you show me the way to the park please? I don't know this place, I'm here for the first time.
>I'm from India and I live here bacause ma dad works here.
> I don't mind wear a uniform and It's nice but I prefer wear my own clothes.
>if you are bullied, don't be afraid to say it, inform it to your parents and friends
>I know diffrent language like italian,indian, english, french but I want and I love learn new languages
> I love my cultures and I also want to know diffrent cultures.
Traditional songs from different countries
Armenian song: "Martiki Ergy"
Students responsible for translation: Students responsible for illustrations:
Eivina (Lithuania), Kajus (Lithuania) Kamile (Lithuania)
DimitrisM - Greece DimitrisM and DimitirsV - Greece
Giulia Pagani Italy Chiara G. Italy

Moroccan song: "Menak wla meni"
Students responsible for translation: Students responsible for illustrations:
Monika (Lithuania), Nina (Lithuania) Paulina (Lithuania)
Panagiotis - Greece Panagiotis and Sofoklis - Greece
Cristina Pagani- Italy Andrea Paris - Italy

Albanian song: "Dola ne penxhere"
Students responsible for translation: Students responsible for illustrations:
Guste (Lithuania), Edita (Lithuania) Ugne (Lithuania)
Pavlos - Greece Pavlos and Andreas - Greece
Viola- Italy Giulia de Pinto - Italy

Italian contribution to traditional song works
Adaptation of emigrants in other countries.

Different festivals from our immigrants. Cooperative presentation.

Quizzes prepared by Lithuanian team

Lithuanian team has played the game.

Lithuanian team works on different festivals

Greek team

Jessica Kumar - 26.10.2017 19:41"WHY THE STATUE ^RAVAN^ HAD 10 FACES?"
ANSWER: it is called Dusshera: "das" ten and "hara" destruction,a desperate victory obtained by decapitating ten times the dark demon RAVAN.
Giulia Pagani - 27.10.2017 13:22
What are the ingredients of "Himbash"?
Italian team work

Italy works on traditional festivals
for the cooperative works

by 4th group

by 5th group

by 6th group
Special recipes` from abroad. Cooperative presentation.
ARMENIAN RECIPE by 7th group


Quizzes about recipes on Kahoot (Lithuanian team)

Kahoot results

Kahoot results
Greek team - 7th Junior High School of Ioannina played Recipe's Games (Moroccan, Senegalese, Albanian-according to Games's Chart)

Italian Kahoot results

Christmas wishes and songs
Joined song by all partners


Video chats and live chats
13th November Italy-Lithuania

Analysis of the song "Englishman in New York"

List some features of a stereotypical person from England. How would he behave/act/dress?

What about Americans? Do you look at them differently? Write features of a stereotypical person from the USA, too.

Now fill the table about your own countrymen:


Listening activity
Diary of emigrants
You are 3 roommates emigrants: Italian, Greek and Lithuanian. You live in the USA and come across with lots of problems. What are they? Share your experience in a diary entry. Use the stereotypes in our answergarden and your own ideas. Use Spark.adobe to publish it and post it later on a forum.

Eivina Čižauskaitė - 04.12.2017 13:13
Dear Diary,
I moved to America a few days ago. I'm depressed. It's very difficult to speak with Americans. I haven't made any friends there. I feel lonely. I miss Lithuania, my friends, my family, Lithuaniahn language. I feel shy but I hope things will change soon.
ioa-paulos l - 04.12.2017 14:18
I - Group
Dear Diary,
Today, my first day at school was difficult. I received verbal bullying from a group of my classmates who systematically harass children although I thought I was not one of them. At the time of the break I did not give them a cause and a threatening style told me that I would never join this school for having a different nationality from them, so I am inferior to them. One of these team approached me and warned me to leave otherwise I would be badly involved. Their threats filled me with fear and anxiety for tomorrow's day. I am thinking of talking to my parents about this issue or addressing someone responsible for asking for support.
Giulia Pagani - 06.12.2017 12:55
1 group
Dear diary,
Two weeks ago I moved to the USA from Italy.
American people are more chatterer than us, I met lots of them and they are so friendly.We'd like to eat a pizza but Italian one is much more better then here!
However American hot dogs are very tasty maybe more than spaghetti.
In Italy we love our football team, but we went to a baseball match and it was very captivating: Americans are mad about this sport!
My friend said to me this proverb: "Una fasta una rasta - One face one race" IT'S NOT TRUE! I think there are different people in Italy, someone are blondies, someone have curly hair, dark skin, clear skin, blue eyes or brown one...
ioa-andreas e - 07.12.2017 19:28
II - Group
Dear Diary,
Four years ago I moved to USA for the promotion of my job.
When I started, all starting tell me bad things from greek stereotypes.
They were telling me lazy greek human, very dirty, that I don’t do anything, and they were laughing at me.
I was very worried and scared from these people, when one day I decided to go to the principal.
When I told him about the problem HE AGREED with them and he was yelling at me!
This was the most awful day of my life!
Gustė Spudytė - 04.12.2017 13:38
Dear Diary,
A few weeks ago I moved to America from Lithuania. I haven't been too well during my first week. I felt strange in a new country because I didn't know anyone there... But these days I am very happy that I decided on a new life here. I already have new friends (people are very friendly). I have a good job (of course, Americans are very hardworking, so it is a little bit difficult for me to work overtime).
The interesting fact is that before I moved to America, I didn't like burgers at all... Now, when it is can be found on each corner, I just love them.
All in all I fell in love with American people, their traditions, food, cities, life style..
Monika Kynaitė - 04.12.2017 13:18
Since I moved to the USA everything is really good! At first I was very scared, I didn't know anything, I didn't know the language but people were very friendly and nice, I was welcomed very warmly. Duiring that time I made a lot of good friends, found a good job and a very nice and large house. I really miss Lithuania but I fell in love with this country.
ioa-dimitris m - 13.12.2017 16:30
III - Group
Dear Diary,
Last year I went to America. I stayed in a small flat with one Lithuanian and one Italian.
They had different culture. I had some customs from Greece.
They laughed with them because they have different customs.
They were stranged for me but I didn't laugh.
We went in a Greek festival in America. The festival had culture and customs from Greece.
It was fantastic and they were excited!
Safiya Borqal - 14.12.2017 23:02
III group
Dear Diary
3 weeks ago I moved to the USA from Italy.
I met lot of American people and I think they are very friendly and nice.
But at first I was very scared,because I didn't know the language.
Some Americans told me that "Italian people are mafiosi and they eat only pizza and pasta" but I didn't agree because people can say and think what they want.
After all, USA is a beatiful country!
Kamilė Litvaitytė - 04.12.2017 13:25
IV - group
I moved in the USA. I feel weird because I'm not familiar with my new surroundings. There's new people and I'm not sure if they would accept me, but I think I will find friends here and everything would be better.
ioa-sofoklis k - 10.12.2017 14:38
IV - Group
Dear Diary,
My day was very bad because some colleagues were bad with me.
They don't know me.
They play a joke to me and I scared them!
They mocked my country, they said my hometown was primitive and underdeveloped.
Why some people are so fanatic and racist?
Chiara Gondola - 11.12.2017 11:22
Dear Diary,
one week ago I moved to the USA. My roommates are very friendly and sociable.
At school they speak badly to me because they think italians are mafiosi and we don't speak english very well, but they don't know we are friendly and we don't only eat pasta and pizza.
Yesterday, at lunch time, they served me some pasta, but it wasn't so good...
I don't like the USA, because people are unpleasant and I'd like to go back to Italy.
I hope next days are better than the last.
Edita Kazlauskaitė - 04.12.2017 15:27
Dear diary,
When I moved to the USA my life wasn't as easy as expected. To find a job was hard because I haven't talked English fluenty. I don't feel very well beėcause I'm a shy person. And it's hard for me to find friends. I don't know anyone here, my family isn't here too and also it was hard to find a place to live.
ioa-panagiotis s - 30.11.2017 12:37
V- Group
Dear Diary,
Ever since I moved to USA, things haven't been so good.
Today was my first day at my new school and the other students and colleagues didn't welcome me. They avoided and ignored me. They looked at me in a weird way and someone even exclaimed: "Here comes the Greek".
Also during the breaks no one spoke to me. I don't mind enough, in time I will prove to them that I can be their friend. I will prove that I am not irresponsible, lazy, disorganized, gossiper, stubborn, carefree, sirtaki dancer or tight on money! I am sociable, active citizen, hospitable and lover of life!
Giulia Manfredi - 11.12.2017 11:19
Dear diary;
I moved to the USA one week ago. The relationship with my roommates is ok.
I think they are nice and kind.
But at school the classmates make fun of me because I don't speak English very well,they think Italians are mafiosi and we only eat pizza.
They don't know me and they don't know I hate pizza.
This was the most dreadful day of my life.I feel alone and I miss Italy.
I hope the next days are better than the last.
13. Film "Brooklyn"

Greek team

Greek team

14. Safer Internet Day

Greek Team, 7th Junior High School of Ioannina

Greek Team

Share some advice for people who want to move in a foreign country.
Edita Kazlauskaitė - 28.02.2018 19:59
We should search for Events and Festivals.
We should get over fear of moving in foreign country.
We should prepare-for a change of heart and expected extension.
We should learn key phrases in the local language.
Kamilė Litvaitytė - 04.03.2018 16:07
You should find your favorite activity that you feel happier.
You should be brave and meet with new people.
You shouldn’t be bored. We should be friendly with emigrants.
We should help adapt to our country.
Gustė Spudytė - 04.03.2018 17:33
You should search for job and new friends.You shouldn't be very shy.You should follow traditions and get to know the culture.We should shouldn't be rude with emigrants.We should help accommodate the emigrants.
ioa-paulos l - 05.03.2018 17:16
If I was an immigrant in a foreign country, I would ask for help in the Greek community. I would also look for a job in order to earn money for living. Secondly, I would stay in a cheap house until I find a better one. In addition, I would get in contact with Greek people who live there to get information about the way of living, the jobs that are available and to make new friends. Finally, I would try to learn their language as fast as I can.
If an immigrant came to my town, in order to feel more conveniently, I would apply in the immigrant service so that he/she can find a place to stay or I would help him/her to find a cheap appartment. Also, I would try to help him/her to find a job and get money for his/her everyday expenses. What's more, I would help him/her to learn the Greek language.
Finally, I would give him/her information about my town.
ioa-dimitris m - 05.03.2018 17:23
If I was an immigrant, I would go in a greek team in the other country to learn lots of things about the country. I would find a job to get some money. Also, I would find a cheap house to stay. I would try to learn the local language so that I can communicate with them.
If immigrants came to my town, I would go them in a team for our country. I would ask them lots of things about the way of living in their country. I would find them a cheap house to stay. I would learn them our language so that they can communicate with us.
ioa-sofoklis k - 05.03.2018 17:51
---> If I were an immigrant, I would first try to learn the language of the country I enter.
Then it would be much helpful if I find a job. Making friends, not only with people of my country or other immigrants but also with natives, is also important. Finally, I would what use of the services (health, education, etc.) that the state provides I have the right to make, in order to improve my living.
---> Immigrant should be treated according to the French Revolution motto: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". They should be offered jobs and opportunities to live as a human beings. We must not be skeptical about them. Immigrant childern at school should not be subjected to bullying. Teachers should help them learn a new, and usually difficult, language. The state has to provide them with some financial aid, access to health treatment and housing. Unacceptable conditions in camps must be avoided.
We have to treat them with dignity, both for them and for us.
Families whose members are in different countries should be given the chance to be reunited.
Finally, we must always bear in mind that Christ, himself, had been an immigrant in Egypt, before returning in Israel.
ioa-dimitris v - 05.03.2018 17:59
If I am a migrant in a foreign country, I have to find a home to stay and find someone to show me this country.
If the immigrants come to my country, I will have to show them the places of my country, and help them to learn my language.
I have to show them that I am their friend.
ioa-panagiotis s - 07.03.2018 08:54
-> First of all, I will try to find an accomodation. Second, I will try to learn and see the habits of their culture as their traditional foods and their everyday habits, to feel like I am like them.
-> We will help them find their accomodation and at the period of time they are searching, we can host them in our houses. As I said before, we will try to learn them our culture and our habits from our country, to feel comfortable like their home.

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Castelli Calepio I.C. Fra' Ambrogio da Calepio, Italy
Marijampolės Petro Armino Progymnasium, Lithuania
7th Junior High School of Ioannina, Greece
Many thanks to all pupils involved in the project.

The project aims to follow the stages of young migrants knowing their experience and hardships through customs, memories, songs and typical dishes trying to understand the problems faced in the new country, considering of children's rights.

1. Writing profiles Italian team

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