Dedicated to: The people of everywhere!

In a land long ago, there once was a greedy King and his Wizard.

The King always complained how life had no color, no purpose, just black and white. The King had his trusty Wizard work in the castle and try to bring riches back to the poor, little kingdom.

One night the Wizard casted a spell, "Black and White need to change, to colors of life to end all of this strife. Colors Yellow, Blue, and Red, help me and you will receive a reward." The Wizard chanted this as he stirred his cauldron. Slowly the liquid was glowing and changing from black and white to color. The room transformed into beautiful colors. Three colors jumped out, it was Yellow, Blue, and Red.

These colors brought life everywhere they went. The Wizard asked them to bring color back to the poor, little kingdom. They agreed, but first the King would have to learn a lesson.

The Wizard thanked the colors, and the four of them went to the King. Blue said, "Oh mighty King in order to have color in your poor, little kingdom, you must share your water and bread with the hungry townsfolk."
"No, they are not worthy of my charity.", the King said.
"Then I shall be on my way, and bring a miserable storm upon you.", said Blue
"Wait, I will have my guards deliver water and bread to my hungry people.", the King said.

"I shall bring rain and a stream for your crops my mighty King, thank you.", And Blue did as he said he would, there was a stream going through the villagers' fields. The crops would grow well this year with the occasional rain.

Yellow stepped forward, “Oh mighty King in order to have color in your poor, little kingdom, you must share your gold and rubies with the broke and the poor.”
“No they do not deserve my treasure, for they are filthy.”
“Then I shall be on my way and bring great illness upon you.”, said Yellow.
“Wait, I shall I have my goldsmiths, deliver the gold and rubies to the broke and the poor.”
“I shall bring sunlight into your days, and bring beauty once again, Thank you.” And Yellow did as she said she would, each day was always beautiful and comforting with the rays of sunshine over the poor, little kingdom.
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Dedicated to: The people of everywhere!

In a land long ago, there once was a greedy King and his Wizard.

The King always complained how life had no color, no purpose, just black and white. The King had his trusty Wizard work in the castle and try to bring riches back to the poor, little kingdom.

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