This is dedicated to my parents and my teachers, thank you guys!!!

Table of Contents:
Page 4 and 5. Colonization of the Americas
Page 6 and 7. Navigational Advancements
Page 8 and 9. Mercantilism
Page 10 and 11. Capitalism
Page 12 and 13. Commercial Revolution
Page 14 and 15. European Trade with Asia
Page 16 and 17. Middle Passage
Page 18 and 19. Types of Colonies
Page 20 and 21. Limited and Unlimited Government
Page 22 and 23. Scientific Revolution
Page 24 and 25. The Enlightenment
Page 26 and 27: English Civil war
Table of Contents:
Page 28 and 29: The Glorious Revolution
Page 30 and 31: Effects of the Enlightenment
Page 32 and 33: French Revolution social causes
Page 34: Other Causes of the French Revolution
Page 35: Louis XVI Contributions
Page 36: Marie Antionetre's Contributions
Page 37 and 38: French Revolution
Page 39 and 40: Napoleon Bonaparte
Page 41 and 42: Haitian Revolution
Page 43 and 44: Mexican Independance
page 45 and 46: Latin American Revolution
Page 47 and 48: Industrial Revolution
Table of Contents:
Page 49 and 50: Imperialism
Page 51 and 52: Reactions to Imperialism
Page 53 and 54: Spanish-American War
Page 56 and 57: Causes of WW1
Page 58 and 59: WW1 Technologies
Page 60 and 61: WW1
Page 62 and 63: Treaty of Versailles
Page 64 and 65: League of Nations
Page 66 and 67: Great Depression
Page 68 and 69: Totalitarian Leaders
Page 70 and 71: Causes of WWII
Page 74, 75, 76: WWII
Table of Contents:
Page 77 and 78: The Holocaust
Page 79 and 80: Zionist Movement and Human Rights
Page 81 and 82: Cold War Idealologies
Page 83 and 84: Cold War: Policies and Alliences
Page 85, 86, 87: Cold War: Strategies
Page 88, 89, 90: Cold War: Conflicts
Page 91 and 92: The Space Race
Page 93 and 94: Cold War: Arms Race
Page 95 and 96: Cold War: Ending

The colonizing countries were England, France, Portugal, Spain, and the Dutch. The English had colonized the eastern coast of the "New World", now known as the Americas, but later took over more of the inland from the French. They also had the Carribean. France had most of the inland areas, some of the territory going up into now present Canada. The Spainsh had Mexico and the Western area of Brazil. The Portuguese had the other part of Brazil. The Dutch didn't use the land as territory, but for trading instead. So they only had a small area on the upper coast of Brazil, which was a port for trading.




Magnetic Compass

Navigational Advancements
The five navigational advancements were astrolabes, magnetic compasses, caravels, lateens, and cartography. Astrolabes were used to find a ship's latitude and magnetic compasses were used to determine direction. Caravels were light and quick ships, which used triangular sails, called lateens, to go faster. Cartography is the art of science and mapmaking, which had gained interest after the rediscovery of ancient greek works.

Raw materials from the colonies were bought cheaply by the mother country, making them more wealthy. The government also controlled all of the trade. A favorable balance of trade is where you export more than you import, that way you get more gold and silver. Tariffs are taxes placed on imports, therefore protecting the favorable balance of trade.

In capitalism, citizens own and run companies instead of the government. Mercantilism on the other hand, is completely run by the government.

Commercial Revolution
The triangular trade is a trade pattern, from Africa, to South America, to the English Colonies. The Colombian Exhange was an exchange of goods between the English and the Native Americans. They traded things like horses, tobacco, pineapple, pumpkins, and more.

European Trade with Asia
Trade with Asia was mutual, as the Europeans saw them as equals due to their accomplishments. The trade led to a change in the Asian economy, since they became more dependent on European trade. A rich merchant class began to grow from the trading as well.

Middle Passage
The Middle Passage is the transportation of slaves to the New World, using large ships full of slaves. The living situations on the ships were horrible, most died on the way there or tried to escape.

Types of Colonialism
There are four types of colonies, plantation colonies, settler colonies, trading colonies, and prison colonies. Plantation colonies were massive farms, tended to by slaves. Settler colonies are where people went to live in the New World. Trading colonies were, as the title implies, colonies for trading with natives and other countries. Prison colonies are the colonies where they'd dump prisoners off there, since they were running out of room on the mainland.

Limited and Unlimited Government
In a limited government, the monarch or ruler is not all powerful, as it cannot control everything because of a constitution or set of laws that control how much a government controls. In a unlimited government, the monarch or ruler has all the power, with no constitution or set of laws controlling how much power they have.

Scientific Method
The Scientific Revolution was a time when people started to make their own observations and discoveries, not using ancient thinkers observations and discoveries, to learn about the world around them. During this time, the heliocentric theory (the theory that the sun was in the center instead of the Earth) came about and got many philosophers in trouble with the church. Such as Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton. Also during this time the Scientific Method and rationalism were created. Rene Descartes created rationalism and also said the quote, "I think therefore I am". The person who created the scientific method was in fact not a scientist. Francis Bacon was an english philosopher, who believed in using reason instead of ancient thinkers discoveries to learn things.

The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was a time where people and philosophers, began to question government. These philosophers are John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, Jean Jaques Rousseau, and Voltaire. Locke is known for making the Natural Rights of Man (life, liberty, and property), making the two part treatise "On Civil Government", the "Lockean Proviso" ( "one should not simply take whatever one wanted, one had also to take the common good into consideration.") Montesquieu is known for making the Seperation of Powers theory (three branches of government), "trias politica" (divided the French people into three classes), and he also believed that women could be leaders in government, but not lead a family. Rousseau aided in the development of nationalism and social theories, made the book "The Social Contract", and made "Confessions" (an autobiography, one of the first). Voltaire thought France was old fashioned, he thought the country needed a strong king instead of democracy, he lived in exile for three years, he was a writer, and most of his works were against the church and France.

King Charles
People on the Parliament's side (roundheads)

English Civil War
King Charles believed in the divine right of kings, meaning no one could challenge his rule. So, when Parliament refused to grant his demands for money, he didn't call them for anything. Eventually, two sides formed, the roundheads (people on the Parliament's side.) and the Cavaliers (people on the king's side.). The war ended with the execution of King Charles and Oliver Cromwell became "Lord Protector".

Leave now! We are replacing you with Charles II and putting power in the Parliament!
The Glorious Revolution
James II, an unpopular king, was replaced with Charles II with no bloodshed or war. He simply accepted and ran away. This is why it is called the Glorius Revolution, because no fighting or wars happened. The time Charles II was king was known as the Restoration as it was the time when the monarchy was reformed and England changed from a roman catholic nation to a protestant nation.

Effects of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment brought new governmental ideas, such as limited governments, which people started to like more than unlimited governments and monarchies. The American Revolution was inspired by the Enlightenment, as they didn't want to have a monarch anymore, so they revolted against England. Afterward they wrote a constitution, which is a law telling leaders what they can and can't do and what the people can and can't do. England has a unwritten constitution, which is a constitution made of different papers and laws not written all on one.

French Revolution Social Causes
The third estate, the peasants specifically, were mad at the first and second estates as they had more influence and rights than them. They didn't have to pay taxes, didn't have to serve in wars, and had plenty of money and big houses.
Other Causes of the French Revolution
The monarchy was bankrupt because of a recent war and taxing the poor, who didn't have any money to give.

Bad Harvest:
The people had no food because of the bad harvest and many farmers were now unemployed.

Estates General:
In the Estates General, the first and second estates had more rights and influence than the bigger third estate, which was unfair.

National Assembly:
The third estate made their own assembly, because they tired of being less than the first and second estates, They declared the Tennis Court Oath, saying they wouldn't leave until their demands, which was a fair influence during the Estates General, were met.

Louis XVI Contributions
Louis XVI became king in 1774. He was a man of virtue, but he was a weak leader. He wasn't too interested in public affairs, but in his own interests. He married Marie Antoinette of Austria in 1770, and relied on her poor advice. Since France helped the United States break away from their rivals, they were very low on funds. The meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 was the start of the French Revolution. Louis had pretended to feel bad for the people and sympathized with the revolution. But he actually was against it, because of his wife's influence. In 1791, Louis and his family tried to escape from France, but they were found and arrested. People started to demand that he be dethroned. He was then was tried for treason. He defended himself, but he was still found guilty. Louis was guillotined Jan. 21, 1793.
Marie Antoinette's Contributions
Marie was very extravagant and bored with the court life. So she had many parties, balls, theatricals, and more to keep herself entertained. She didn't have a good education and cared nothing about serious affairs. Her plotting ended up undermining the monarchy. She didn't hesitate to dismiss the able ministers of France who tried to reduce royal spending, which threatened her pleasures. She had become very unpopular and she was blamed for the corruption of the court. She spent money on her court favorites and had paid zero attention to France's financial problems.

French Revolution
The Bastielle was stormed in 1789 because of it symbolized the monarchy and king. The dissolving of the Constitution of 1791 lead to the king being deposed, got rid of the assembly, and made a need for a new election. The Jacobins then took over, Marat was one of them and he ran a newspaper in which he made fiery entries calling for heads. Louis was tried for treason and guillotined in 1793. Robespierre slowly gained power and eventually got rid of France's old ways. Later on in 1794, the revolution ended when Robespierre went to the guillotine himself. After this, they replaced the old constitution with a new one in 1795. It was now called the directory, named after the five man directory that ruled with a two house legislature.

Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon was born in 1769, in Corsica. He went to military school when he was ten and he excelled in math and geography. At the age of sixteen he became a lieutenant. He supported the revolution, and when it took over he had gotten promoted. He was an amazing military leader, and he never used the same plan twice. When he returned, he took over the government in a coup d'etat and made many good commitments to France's government. In 1804 he crowned himself emperor. In 1805 he attacked England, who won and joined Austria, Prussia, and Sweden to attack Napoleon, who won that battle. He tried to invade Russia, however Russia had used the scorched earth tactic and burned all the land behind them. Napoleon fled after that, with only 100,000 troops left of his 600,000 troops beforehand. After that he was exiled to the small island of Elba, where he persuaded the guards to come with him to take France back. After he was defeated at Waterloo, he was sent to St. Helena where he later died of stomach cancer.

The Hatian revolution
The Haitan Caste system was made up of four tiers, starting from the bottom is slaves, then gens de color, then the petty blancs, and finally at the top the grand blancs. This most likely was a factor in the revolution as the slaves were at the bottom, ruled by whites. The French Revolution inspired the slaves and free colored people to revolt, led by Toussaint L'Ouverture. After fighting against many people, L'Ouverture became governor of Saint Domingue, and he immediately wrote a constitution, sending it to Napoleon. Napoleon was infuriated and sent his brother-in-law Charles Leclerc to restore French rule. L'Ouverture surrendered as he was severely outnumbered. Leclerc didn't believe he would give up that easily, so he laid a trap, in which L'Ouverture walked straight into. He was arrested and sent to France where he later died of unknown causes in prison.

Mexican Independence
The caste system started with native Americans and enslaved Africans, then went to mullatos and mestizos, then to criollos, then finally peninsulares. Most of the lower classes were upset because they held little wealth, and some like the criollos were upset because they couldn't hold government jobs. They were inspired by the Haitian revolution and wanted to revolt as well. Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang his church bell, calling for people to come fight the peninsulares. This was called the Cry of Delores. After Father Hidalgo was killed, Jose Maria Morelos took over as the leader. He was eventually defeated in 1815, but the revolution wasn't yet. Mexico won it's independence in 1821, and created a democratic constitution in 1824.

Latin American Revolutions
Simon Bolivar had to rebuild Latin America along with his supporters. There were many problems, like how the borders weren't specific, or how there was social unrest from the laws and policies. He wanted to end slavery, which most land owners were not happy with and didn't comply to. Many laws were passed that banned slavery, but weren't followed. As a final resort, he assumed unlimited powers as a dictatorship, which upset his supporters and the people against him. He resigned after that. He left for Bogota later and was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Before his death, he wrote a plea to the people, saying for them to "work for a supreme good of a unified nation."

Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution began in Britian after the agricultural revolution, then spread to the United States. It started in Britian because of the factors like natural resources, rivers and harbors, experienced businessmen, high population, large world trade, and more. The industrial revolution brought new machines, like the spinning jenny and the water powered machines, that helped the production of cotton and textiles. Steam engines brought transport advancements, like steamboats and locomotives. All of the working conditions were terrible, they were more like slaves than workers.

Imperialism was forwarded by industrialization, the need for raw materials and markets. It also was forwarded by the "White Man's Burden" a poem that was inspired by social darwinism, the belief that they should bring their superior culture to the lesser cultures. The East India company had control over India, who were working for them as slaves on their farms. They tried to overthrow their leaders in the Sepoy Rebellion, but were suppressed. Africa was taken over for natural resources and the Congo made a treaty with Belgium, where Belgium gained the Congo. After that, other nations wanted to do the same so the Belgium Confrence of 1884 was formed, where they, metaphorically, tore apart Africa and gave it to people. Only Etheopia and Liberia were not imperialized by 1914. China was forced to open trade doors because they had lost the Opium Wars and made a treaty. Other places wanted trade in China, so they set up little "spheres of influence" where they controlled trade. The United States wanted trade in China so they forced the "Open Door Policy" upon them, which stated that China should open all of it's trade to other countries. Japan was forced reopen trade after the United States threatened to attack Edo/Tokyo. The United States came to the coast with a treaty, which Japan was forced to sign. Due to this, the Japanese government industrialized, which was called the Meiji Restoration, and began it's own imperialism.

Reactions to Imperialism
The Zulu Wars were wars started by Shaka Zulu, because of imperialism, and so was the Boer War, when the Boers (dutch settlers) tried to imperialize Africa and Shaka Zulu lead attacks on them to keep them independent. After he died, his successor tried to keep independent from Britian, but loss and became a British nation. The Sepoy Rebellion was also a result of imperialism in India. To maintain control, Britian hired workers to protect their trade interests. These workers were called sepoys. Soon the Indians became unhappy under this oppression, then they had heard they greased their gun cartridges with pork fat, which made them revolt. After they finally suppressed the revolt, India came under full control of Britian. Britain was determined to open trade with China, so they found a product China wanted, opium. China tried to stop the opium trade, which led to the Opium Wars. The Boxer rebellion began to get rid of all foreign influence in China. The Meiji Restoration was in hopes to industrialize and imperialize, instead of being imperialized.

United States
You sunk the U.S.S. Maine!! I declare war!!
Spanish American War
In 1823, James Monroe, the president at the time, stated the Monroe Doctrine, which said that the americas were off limits from European colonization. Cuba declared independence from Spain in 1868, and fought, unsuccessfully, for ten years to gain independence. During the 1890s, the United States became interested in Cuba. In 1895, Jose Marti started the second try for their independence. The Spanish-American War was caused when the United States helped Cuba in their independence movement, claiming the Monroe Doctrine as their justification for their involvement. The United States sent the U.S.S. Maine into the Havana Harbor to protect their national interests. The explosion of the ship, which the Americans blamed Spain for, caused the declaration of war against Spain. This declaration benefited the American newspapers, which were trying to find exciting and interesting headlines, which known as “yellow journalism". The United States first attacked the Philippine islands, which was under Spanish rule, resulting in a two ocean war. After the war, the United States gained the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico as their territories. Roosevelt stated the Roosevelt Corollary, stating that the United States is an international police power that is justified to intervene in Latin American problems. After that, the United States intervened in the problems of other nations, bringing about a Panamanian revolution against Colombia so they could build the Panama Canal.

Causes of WWI
There were four main causes of WWI, militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. Militarism is the conquest for stronger armies and more power. Alliances are the agreement between two or more places saying that they won't attack each other and will attack for each other. There were two alliances, the Triple Alliance, between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, and the Triple Entete, between France, Britian, and Russia. Imperialism is the taking over of countries for raw materials and or land and workforce. Nationalism is the belief that you and your country are above all others. The spark that ignited the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, when he and his wife were shot on his way out of Sarajevo, Bosnia.

WWI Technologies
There were tanks, planes, observation balloons, U-Boats/battleships/submarines, long range artillery, machine guns, gas, and flamethrowers, which were new or newer weapons and technologies. There also was trench warfare, where deep trenches would be dug and then lived and fought in. The Western Front heavily used trench warfare. Tanks were invented in 1915, and were slow, but more protected than being in trenches. Planes were also made in the first World War, their original use being to spy and drop bombs, but later on fighter aircraft were made. They were often armed with machine guns, bombs, guns, and even cannons. Machine guns had been used in previous wars, and required about six men to operate. Long range artillery were large and required about a dozen men to operate. The flamethrower was also used for the first time in WW1, introduced by the Germans. They were very heavy, making the operators easy targets, however they were effective, causing lots of damage. Submarines had been experimented with before, but were mostly used in WW1. Germany was the first to use them, using them to intercept supplies. A lot of tactics and technologies were used to try and find them underwater or destroy them, as they were really effective. Chemical warfare was first used by Germany, in the battle of Bolimov in 1915. There were many different types of gas, chlorine gas are examples. Some gasses were fatal, but could take a few weeks to kill the person.

The western front of the war was immensely active and dangerous, and it was also at a stalemate most of the time. The western front had the majority off the trench warfare and on one side were the British and French and on the other the Germans. On the eastern front the fighting was between the Germans, with Austria-Hungary, the Ottomans, and Bulgaria on the German's side and the Russians, with the Serbians on the Russian's side. The Russians eventually withdrew from the war, discontent with their own economic and political unrest, the war only made it worse. Czar Nicholas II was unable to content the people and they eventually kidnapped him and his family, and killed them. The withdrawal of Russia meant Germany could focus all of it's troops on the western front. The United States weren't affected until the sinking of the Lusitainia, where innocent Americans were killed because of Germany's unrestricted submarine usage. Germany then promised to stop, the unrestricted use of submarines, but didn't. What really pushed the United States into the war was the Zimmerman telegram, which was asking Mexico to attack the United States for them in promise for land. The armistice of November 11th, 1918 ended the fighting so they could make a peace treaty. It was signed in a train car, near Compiègne, France.
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This is dedicated to my parents and my teachers, thank you guys!!!

Table of Contents:
Page 4 and 5. Colonization of the Americas
Page 6 and 7. Navigational Advancements
Page 8 and 9. Mercantilism
Page 10 and 11. Capitalism
Page 12 and 13. Commercial Revolution
Page 14 and 15. European Trade with Asia
Page 16 and 17. Middle Passage
Page 18 and 19. Types of Colonies
Page 20 and 21. Limited and Unlimited Government
Page 22 and 23. Scientific Revolution
Page 24 and 25. The Enlightenment
Page 26 and 27: English Civil war
Table of Contents:
Page 28 and 29: The Glorious Revolution
Page 30 and 31: Effects of the Enlightenment
Page 32 and 33: French Revolution social causes
Page 34: Other Causes of the French Revolution
Page 35: Louis XVI Contributions
Page 36: Marie Antionetre's Contributions
Page 37 and 38: French Revolution
Page 39 and 40: Napoleon Bonaparte
Page 41 and 42: Haitian Revolution
Page 43 and 44: Mexican Independance
page 45 and 46: Latin American Revolution
Page 47 and 48: Industrial Revolution
Table of Contents:
Page 49 and 50: Imperialism
Page 51 and 52: Reactions to Imperialism
Page 53 and 54: Spanish-American War
Page 56 and 57: Causes of WW1
Page 58 and 59: WW1 Technologies
Page 60 and 61: WW1
Page 62 and 63: Treaty of Versailles
Page 64 and 65: League of Nations
Page 66 and 67: Great Depression
Page 68 and 69: Totalitarian Leaders
Page 70 and 71: Causes of WWII
Page 74, 75, 76: WWII
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