Dedicated to
the class of SCE4113L and
Erin, for being such a patient and kind teacher

Goodnight, Jupiter
One afternoon, as Jupiter got ready for bed. He felt something collide with him and suddenly found himself knocked out of orbit.
Oh, no! What happened? I need to get back to my spot in our Solar System before everyone goes to bed and I can't get help to find my way home.

So Jupiter journeys off to find his way back home...
After aimless wandering, Jupiter comes up to a familiar glowing orb.
This is the Sun, it is the center of our Solar System. All of the planets orbit around it.

Hello there, Jupiter. What are you doing out of orbit? It is almost time for bed.

Oh hi, Mr. Sun... I'm lost and can't seem to find my place in the Solar System.

I thought maybe I belong next to you. But now that I'm closer, you do seem much too bright.
That's because you don't belong here! It's too bright and too hot as I am a giant glowing sphere of gas! Mostly hydrogen to be exact!

The Sun tells Jupiter about a grouping of planets not far from here and Jupiter is certain that he'll find his place there. However...

It doesn't look like I could fit in anywhere and I don't recognize any of these planets! It doesn't hurt to ask, I suppose.

So Jupiter journeys off to find his way back home...
The Inner Planets

Excuse me, Little Blue Planet! I'm trying to find my spot in the Solar System. Do you think I could fit in between you and this even smaller planet that's orbiting you?

My name is not Little Blue Planet, it's Earth! And I may be small, but I'm a REALLY big deal! I'm home to billions of humans! This is my moon, by the way, his name is Moon.

Hu-mans? I'm sorry, I'm just trying to find my way home...
Ugh, that's Mars and his moons, Phobos and Deimos.

Besides, you couldn't fit anyway!

We are the inner planets! We are made of rocky materials such as metallic nickel and iron!
I'm Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun. Like Earth, I am also a big deal, what with the Sun being a star and all, some of the fame rubs off on me!
Anyways, you don't belong here. You look like you're mostly made of gas!

And you're bigger than us too! I'm Venus, by the way. You may have heard of me, I'm surrounded by layers of dense, hot, gas. Carbon dioxide and Sulfiric Acid, seriously harmful stuff.
Maybe you should just move on. We would help you look but, >Yawn< we're all pretty tired.

>Sniff, sniff< Okay. I guess, I'll
Jupiter looked back and forth at the smaller planets and felt like an outsider. For such small planets, they sure do talk a lot...

Wait! One last thing before you go. I don't want to be no help at all. There's a gathering of other celestial bodies close to here. M- Maybe you belong there?

The Earth seemed sincere. So Jupiter journeys off in that direction to find his way back home...

Where am I now?
He doesn't wander far before he comes to a strange arrangement of clusters.
The asteroid belt!

>Gasps< Who said that?

I did! I'm Ceres, an asteroid. Made up of a rocky core with an icy mantle.
Anyways, It's really late, what are you doing here, Jupiter?

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Dedicated to
the class of SCE4113L and
Erin, for being such a patient and kind teacher

Goodnight, Jupiter
One afternoon, as Jupiter got ready for bed. He felt something collide with him and suddenly found himself knocked out of orbit.
Oh, no! What happened? I need to get back to my spot in our Solar System before everyone goes to bed and I can't get help to find my way home.

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