This story is for children who are looking for ways to cope with their parents divorce, and for them to discover ways to be less confused. It is meant to be educational, and at the same time help young children.

This is Cindy. Cindy is very confused and always comes home to her parents fighting. She gets stressed out and sad and feels like they are fighting because of her.

Cindy came home and noticed her parents arguing again. She started to cry and she yelled at her parents to stop.

Cindy ran in her room and her parents followed. They ended up telling her that they are getting a divorce.

"What is a divorce?" Cindy asked.
"A divorce is when two people split up because they are not happy together anymore. That means you will have two houses instead of one". said Cindy's mom.

That night, Cindy couldn't sleep so she went to her parents room. She saw her dad sleeping and noticed her mom wasn't in there room. She was very sad and started to cry, so she just went to bed.

It was the next morning and Cindy woke up to go to school. She used to love going to school, but now she wasn't excited to go. She was crying all night and she was very tired.

All of Cindy's classmates were happy to be at school, but Cindy was not. She didn't care about school anymore and she started to cry during class so she decided to go to the school counselor.

Cindy was at the school counselors office because she always gives her good advice. Cindy shows signs of anxiety and depression so, when Cindy is sad at school she goes there and feels better after.

Cindy was done talking to the school counselor and she went too recess. She felt better, but was nervous and stressed out about going home. The school counselor told her she should join the school play to get her mind off of it.

Cindy went to the first play rehearsal and loved it. She was able to be herself again and not be so sad. Cindy practiced her role and couldn't wait to perform with her friends.

When Cindy got home, she told her mom about the play. "Guess what mom!" said Cindy, "I joined the school play today and I am performing tomorrow!" Cindy's mom replied, and said, "That is so awesome Cindy, I can't wait to see!"

"Are you and Dad going to sit together at the play?" Said Cindy. "I don't think so, but we will both still be watching!" said her Mom, "Why not Mom?" said Cindy. " Well your Dad and I are getting divorced so that means some parent's sit together and some don't," said Cindy's mom.
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This story is for children who are looking for ways to cope with their parents divorce, and for them to discover ways to be less confused. It is meant to be educational, and at the same time help young children.

This is Cindy. Cindy is very confused and always comes home to her parents fighting. She gets stressed out and sad and feels like they are fighting because of her.

Cindy came home and noticed her parents arguing again. She started to cry and she yelled at her parents to stop.

Cindy ran in her room and her parents followed. They ended up telling her that they are getting a divorce.

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