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Onomatopoeia: ( )
Metaphor: ( )
Similie: ( )
Personification: ( )
Symbolism: ( )
Alliteration: ( )
Hyperbole: ( )
Oxymoron: ( )
Allusion: ( )
Irony: ( )
Imagery: ( )
Archie walked home with his bag full of books. He had a math test, two algebra worksheets, and had to study for a big science test. He was not looking forward to it. His sister, Emily, would get home thirty minutes later and bother him for ages. That way, he wouldn’t get anything done. Archie stomped home and reached Honeypot Lane. His house, third one down on the left, had symmetrical windows and a walkway to the middle. The bushes cried out for water but Archie’s mom was so busy she didn’t have time to water them. Archie stomped up the steps and pulled out his house key. His had a small blue star on the handle. The blue represented his purity, well that's what his mom said.
He put the key in the lock and turned it. One small click and the door swung wide open.
“Sandy, I’m home!” Archie said plopping his bag down at the kitchen table. He stretched his shoulders that had cramped up.
“Sandy? Where are you?” Archie said walking to the stairs and clapping his hands. The golden dog was nowhere to be found.
Archie had gotten Sandy for a valentines gift from his father. Sandy had been a crazy dog but had calmed down once Dad passed away.
“Sandy? Come out, come out wherever you are.” Archie said wondering around their small, humble home. The furniture was old and the place reeked of roses but Archie loved it. His mom always put roses on every table and in every flower pot outside.
Archie’s mom was awfully pretty.
She had brown hair and green eyes.
“Sandy?” Archie said turning the corner in their kitchen.
“Oh, no!” Archie said running to the wide open backdoor in front of him. The backyard had no fence so Sandy could have gone anywhere. Frantically, Archie pulled his phone out of his pocket and called his mom. Archie ran outside.
“Sandy! Come here, girl!” Archie ran around the house.
His mom voicemail rang over the phone. Archie growled in frustration and shoved his phone in his pocket. He grabbed his bike from the garage in the back and hoped on. Archie pumped his legs and rolled down the sidewalk.
“Sandy! Sandy, come here girl!” He yelled searching everywhere he could.
Archie lived a block from the ocean and he loved the smell. The smell only warned him something, Sandy couldn’t swim. Archie pedaled faster. He felt a ringing in his pocket.Pulling one hand off his handle, he expertly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and glimpsed his mom’s face on the screen.
Archie swiped and put the phone to his ear.
“Hi honey just returning your call.” His mom’s voice rang out in his ear. He could hear other women laughing in the background. His mom worked at a retirement home and loved to hang out with the old ladies there.
“Mom, Sandy ran out the back door. Emily must have left the backdoor open when she left for school.” Archie said.
“Oh dear! I won’t be home until 7 o’clock. Maybe you can look until dark than head home, ok?”
“Yeah mom, I’ll see you - ” Archie didn’t get to finish because he wasn’t paying attention. He had ridden up onto the dock and ridden right into the water.
Head over heels, he flew into the water. His foot, caught on the bike pedal, would not get unstuck.
Archie yanked it hard but he, his bike, and his phone sank deeper into the water. He struggled to breathe. Archie finally got his footloose and swam as fast as he could up onto the surface of the water. Coughing up the water he looked at his phone. It was pitch dark. He looked down and saw his bike disappear. The water was only about 9 feet deep so he could have grabbed his bike but he was freezing cold. More precisely, the water was cold. In the middle of January probably wasn’t the best time to take a dip. Archie swam to the dock and hoisted himself up. Dripping with water he sat on the dock, hoping the slight breeze would dry him off.
All of this and no Sandy.
Sandy had been his first friend. She had golden fur and big brown eyes. Sandy was so soft and silly.Although she was 3 years old, she acted like a 1-year-old. Sandy would run around the house and jump on people who took even one step into the house. Well, she was like that until dad passed.
Archie’s eyes filled with tears at the memory of that night.
Then Archie felt a warm chill pass down his back. He turned to find the source but no one was there. Spooked, he shivered.
Glancing at his phone he saw the dark screen and sighed.
Then he felt something next to him. Give a yelp he jumped up intending to run.
“Please don’t go. I’m sorry if I startled you.” said a soft sweet voice. The voice came from next to where he had been sitting but he couldn’t see anything.
“Wh-Who are y-you? He said fighting the uncontrollable shiver raining down his spine.
“My name is Kate. What is your name?” Kate said.
“Um, my name is, um, Archie.” Archie felt weird talking to an invisible girl.
“Are you a real ghost or are you just pranking me?” Archie said suspiciously glancing around him.
“I’m not a ghost. I’m a girl, I’m just invisible.” Kate said. She seemed angry that he asked the question.
“Did I upset you?” Archie said slowly sitting back down next to Kate.
“No, I just don’t like the name “Ghost”. It means “ the soul of a dead person” and I’m not dead. I’m just invisible.” She said smiling.
“Wait, I can see your face,” Archie said studying her. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Freckle splashes were under her eyes.
“You can see me because you're thinking about me. The more people think about me the more they can see me.”
“Can anyone else see you or am I the only one that can see you?” Archie said noticing her shirt and shorts come into view. She had a purple T-shirt and jean shorts on. Her legs dangled off the dock.
Kate wore blue tennis shoes with white lace socks.
“If anyone else believes what you tell them about me then they will be able to see me too,” Kate said smiling slightly.
“Your eyes sparkle,” Kate said smiling at Archie. He blushed and so did she.
“Wait, have you seen a golden dog with brown eyes?” Archie asked slipping his phone into his semi-dry pocket.
“Yes, I have. He is at the park right now sniffing some other dogs.” Kate said her eyes glowing a soft gold.
“Woah, what just happened?” Archie said looking away from her eyes hoping she wouldn’t hypnotize him or something like that.
“What do you mean? Oh, my Watcher powers?” Kate asked.
“What in the world is “Watcher” powers?” Archie asked and walking down the pier and glancing back to see Kate tagging along behind him. She was a snowflake dancing in the breeze. “A Watcher is a person who can see everything around the world during that moment,” Kate said skipping up behind him.
“Ok, so you are invisible, you're not dead, and you have special powers. This gets weirder by the second.” Archie said shrugging his jacket off and squeezing the water out. He was as cold as an ice cube.
“Let's go find Sandy,” Archie said running his hands through his soft brown hair. He pressed his lips into a frown remembering he didn’t have his bicycle.
“I know a faster way,” Kate said smiling. She seemed really happy, for an invisible girl anyway.
“Do you have a car?” Archie asked.
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Table of Contents

Onomatopoeia: ( )
Metaphor: ( )
Similie: ( )
Personification: ( )
Symbolism: ( )
Alliteration: ( )
Hyperbole: ( )
Oxymoron: ( )
Allusion: ( )
Irony: ( )
Imagery: ( )
Archie walked home with his bag full of books. He had a math test, two algebra worksheets, and had to study for a big science test. He was not looking forward to it. His sister, Emily, would get home thirty minutes later and bother him for ages. That way, he wouldn’t get anything done. Archie stomped home and reached Honeypot Lane. His house, third one down on the left, had symmetrical windows and a walkway to the middle. The bushes cried out for water but Archie’s mom was so busy she didn’t have time to water them. Archie stomped up the steps and pulled out his house key. His had a small blue star on the handle. The blue represented his purity, well that's what his mom said.
He put the key in the lock and turned it. One small click and the door swung wide open.
“Sandy, I’m home!” Archie said plopping his bag down at the kitchen table. He stretched his shoulders that had cramped up.
“Sandy? Where are you?” Archie said walking to the stairs and clapping his hands. The golden dog was nowhere to be found.
Archie had gotten Sandy for a valentines gift from his father. Sandy had been a crazy dog but had calmed down once Dad passed away.
“Sandy? Come out, come out wherever you are.” Archie said wondering around their small, humble home. The furniture was old and the place reeked of roses but Archie loved it. His mom always put roses on every table and in every flower pot outside.
Archie’s mom was awfully pretty.
- END >
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