This book which is part of the eTwinning project 'Jumping into Writing' has been written by Laia Alejandre, Maria Fernández, Eire Fernández, Anastasia Ularu, Irina Petrescu, Corina Neagu, Mircea Mateiescu, Eric Dinu.

That night I couldn’t sleep, I was very nervous. In four hours I had to get up and go to the train station, the meeting point, where the bus was waiting to take us to the airport.
Thinking and thinking, I finally fell asleep.

Lucky me, I already had my luggage packed, there was just one thing left: my passport. I couldn't find it. I started getting desperate, what was I going to do?
In that moment Sarah called me:
'We’re waiting for you. Hurry up.'
'I can’t find my paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...'
Just then I looked outside the window and saw a figure standing there.
'What happened, honey?', Sarah asked from the hall.
'I think I saw something outside. It looked like a person.' 'What?! Let me look at it myself.' Sarah came into my bedroom and looked outside the window, but she didn't see anything.
'I don't see anything, Ray'.
'But I'm sure I saw someone.'
'Go look again. There nothing's there!'
She was right. There was nothing outside except for the car that would take us to the train station. I shrugged my shoulders as if to say I was crazy and I kept on looking for my passport.
I eventually found my passport on the nightstand beside my bed. How stupid of me not to see it.
We went outside and got into the car before driving off to the station. We arrived there a bit late, so we thought we had just missed our train. Happily, we were wrong and the train was still in the station, waiting for the departure whistle. We got on and the train left the station. We were going to Italy. Thrills and adventure was ahead of us.
On our way to Italy, I was looking out of the window most of the time. I nearly dozed off when I caught sight of the same figure that was outside my bedroom window that morning. I blinked and it vanished. I got really scared, but decided not to bother Sarah because she might think I completely lost my mind so I went on sleeping.
A few hours later, I was awaken by Sarak: 'Honey! Honey! Ray, wake up! We're here!' I looked outside and saw the splendid view of Italy. We got off the train and called a cab so we could go to our hotel.
The hotel was nice. It was really quiet though. We were the only people there. Actually that wasn't a bad thing as we wouldn't be bothered by any noise.
By the end of the day we decided to visit the History Museum. I came across several books about spirits and was going through their pages while my wife was gazing at the paintings on the walls. One of the books said that every time a spirit was trying to contact you to warn you about something, it would show up unexpectedly. It was said that, to make sure it was about spirits and not about you getting crazy, you
should light four candles in a dark room, put them in a square shape and place a coin in the middle of the square, then leave the room. If the coin moves, you should really call for help.
It was night when my wife and I got back to the hotel. We did what the book said and got out of the room. We waited for half an hour. We entered the room again. To our shock, the coin disappeared.
'Was that you?', I asked Sarah.
'What? of course not. Why would I joke about this?'
'Alright then. We need to call someone that works with spirits.'
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This book which is part of the eTwinning project 'Jumping into Writing' has been written by Laia Alejandre, Maria Fernández, Eire Fernández, Anastasia Ularu, Irina Petrescu, Corina Neagu, Mircea Mateiescu, Eric Dinu.

That night I couldn’t sleep, I was very nervous. In four hours I had to get up and go to the train station, the meeting point, where the bus was waiting to take us to the airport.
Thinking and thinking, I finally fell asleep.

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