It all started....

" Oh i need to get to school be for i'm late". Has mary got on the bike and drove to lake university.

He was here last week to..

There was always a weird boy who came to school every week. She cot up with him and started a chat because that was the way Mary was.

Afterwords she made good Friends with him and then one day...... " can i show you something". he said. "sure anything". said Mary.
" okay then close your eyes". and she did.

When Mary looked she was as shocked has ever. but after that day she still loved him.

After that she had a baby she named her Amie. She had Amie in a tiny house on brick street. Mary was to scared to go in a hospital because the baby might have come out like a pup.

Later on my Mary had another baby and named her Suki.

Not long after Suki was born the father died trying to hunt something good for his wife to eat.

Present day.....

"Put your ears away then you can go to the forest okay"? asked mom. "yes mama" Amie and Suki replied.

" I dont think mama wants us over this far". Said Suki. Its okay i just wanna go to the river. Amie replied has she went on to the river.

" See look in the river you can see so much i just wanna...." has she was cut off. "sisy i am gonna go home now." said Suki. "Okay". said Amie.

Sissy will get in trouble
Sissy will get in trouble thought Suki. But to Amie she thought she would not.

" I will get this one " said Suki. I will just read and write when Amie is not here

"Suki go get your sister and tell her that its dinner time." said Mary"okay" Said Suki.

"Dont forget a coat it is raining." Mary said "okay i will just go wolf." Suki replied as she turned into a wolf.

Has Suki ran to the forest when she met her sister. " you can turn back now." said Amie. and they did turn back.

When they went home they ate Carrot soup. Amie and Suki sat at another table while there mother sat at the big table.

They took a bath a long bath and made mess's but cleaned after words. And after they went too bed.
When they woke the house felt blank . " i think we are moving i read this in a book." Said Suki. " ya mom might be waiting for us out side." said Amie.

" I am finally done now lets go to my new home". Said Mary Has Suki and Amie got into the truck.

When they got there they unpacked. The house was huge there where 5 rooms , 3 bathrooms and a nice sized living room.

After Unpacking they did some repairs to the house and ate dinner witch was carrot soup. They even got upgraded stuff!!

That night they heard there mom on the phone say something about a present. Amie got so happy but they did not know what it was.

The next day a box came with fairy's on them. They hurried and grabed it. and brung it to there room.

When they opened the box there where three fairy's in the box's and they where dolls. has they huged there mother but then Suki asked" what is the third one for". has there mother smiled and left the room.

Once there mother left the room Suki said" do you think we have another sister?" " never mind that's silly." said Suki has she was under the bed trying to get the book about nature.

" Well is we do have another sister then what will we do?"Asked Amie " Well that will be better because she can help out mom." Suki said has Amie was putting the dolls up.

" Mom i am bout to go take a walk" Amie said has she left the house and Suki began to read her nature book.

" hmm maby i should...". has she saw a big paper and it said: Elemantry shcool for kids 10 and under.It had many papers under it that said the same thing She put a paper in her pocket and continued the walk.

Elemantry shcool for kids 10 and under.

When she saw a rundown house she turned back and ran to her house.

She told her sister what she had saw and that night when she when she ate dinner she knew what she was going to do tomorrow.

It took hours to get Suki yo come but she came later on. And they walked in well Amie walked in first.

" I read in a book that these are-" has she got cut off. " we need to go a little more IN". Amie said fearless.

" Now can we go home?" Aksed Suki. "no i want to go.... deeper." Amie said." i see a key we might need that later". Said Suki has she grabed the key.

They went so far they reached the stairs " here we go" Amie said.

" hey something dose not add up here!" Said Suki. " i mean the room is blank." " Everything is- " WATCH OUT!!" has Suki jumped in front of Amie and got hit with a log in the head.

Blood was rushing down Suki's head Amie hurried into the woods when she remembered the paper in her pocket. She grabed the paper, turned wolf form and ran has fast has she could. And never stoped.

When she got to the school she howled to get the shcools attention and it worked the whole school came out.

After they called the hospital and called Mary there mother. They wondered about the wolf and why it was so nice luckly when the scientist got there Amie was already her humman self.

Everything was silent until.. " Whats a shcool like i wanna go!!" Said Suki." no you cant" Said Mary After a long talk Suki was alowed to go and Mary called the shcool to let them know they would be going to school. But then." Suki Amie i have to tell you something". you know the third doll? Asked Mary.
" WHAT!!!"Said Suki has loud has she could. "WE HAVE ANOTHER SISTER!!!" Said Amie. " Let me tell you the story...".

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It all started....

" Oh i need to get to school be for i'm late". Has mary got on the bike and drove to lake university.

He was here last week to..

There was always a weird boy who came to school every week. She cot up with him and started a chat because that was the way Mary was.

Afterwords she made good Friends with him and then one day...... " can i show you something". he said. "sure anything". said Mary.
" okay then close your eyes". and she did.

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