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Cultural Diffusion
The Byzantine Empire Influenced
Russia by spreading Christianity
and converting people. Many Slavic
languages, including russian, were
used to create the Cyrillic alphabet.
Methodius and Cyril(Right)
invented the Cyrillic alphabet. The
slavs created the culture that
formed Russia.

A long time ago, In a land far away, Rome was united, until the Emperor Diocletion decided
that Rome was too big. To remedy the problem, he split the empire into an eastern and
western half. The barbarian Germanic tribes tried to invade, but Since the Capital of the
eastern half was Constantinolpe,also known as Byzantium, which was strategically placed
for defense on the Bosporus Strait, so the eastern half of the empire was not defeated. As
the eastern half went on to flourish, it became known as the Byzantine empire. When the
emperor Justinian came in and restored the empire, he built a 14-mile stone wall around the
city for protection.

Constantinople (left) was named
after the emperor Constantine,
who moved the capital to
Byzantium and then named it
called it Constantinople.


In the byzantine empire there was a high- ranking nobleman named
Justinian. He succeeded his uncle for the throne and became
emperor of the Byzantine empire. While in power he had three goals
to improve the empire. One of his goals was to reconquer the lands
to the west. With the help of his general, Balisarius, He conquered
nearly all of Italy and the parts of spain. Justinian's next goal was to
simplify roman law. So Justinian and his panel of legal experts
created the Justinian Code. The code decided legal questions that
regulated whole areas of Byzantine life. His last goal was to start a
massive building program. This led him to reconstruct the Hagia
Sophia. Justinian finally died in 565.

"My opinion is that now is a poor time for flight,
even though it bring safety. For any man who has
seen the light of day will also die, but one who
has been an emperor cannot endure to be a
fugitive. If now you wish to go, Emperor, nothing
prevents you. There is the sea, there are the
steps to the boats. But take care that after you
are safe, you do not find that you would gladly
exchange that safety for death. " - Theodora

In this time there lived a Byzantine Woman, who sold
her body for money. Her name was Theodora. Enraptured
by the prostitute's looks and smarts, Justinian took her as
his wife.
Theodora was a politically savvy and ambitious
woman, and ruled Byzantine with at least as much power
as her husband.
Believing strongly in the rights and equality of
women, Theodora made sure that women were treated
with more fairness when they got divorced, and that
young ladies were more protected against human
The quote to the left means that Justinian wanted to
flee during the Nika Rebellion, but Theodora wanted him
to stay.

Previously, the Constantine made Christianity
legal in Byzantine, because he prayed to God
before going into battle, and was protected.
Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of
the Roman empire in the Edict of Milan shortly after
in 380.
Christianity started to develop differently in the
eastern and western empires. Because of political
issues and differences in belief, they split in 1054
into the Eastern Orthodox church in the East and
the Roman Catholic church in the West.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Cultural Diffusion
The Byzantine Empire Influenced
Russia by spreading Christianity
and converting people. Many Slavic
languages, including russian, were
used to create the Cyrillic alphabet.
Methodius and Cyril(Right)
invented the Cyrillic alphabet. The
slavs created the culture that
formed Russia.

A long time ago, In a land far away, Rome was united, until the Emperor Diocletion decided
that Rome was too big. To remedy the problem, he split the empire into an eastern and
western half. The barbarian Germanic tribes tried to invade, but Since the Capital of the
eastern half was Constantinolpe,also known as Byzantium, which was strategically placed
for defense on the Bosporus Strait, so the eastern half of the empire was not defeated. As
the eastern half went on to flourish, it became known as the Byzantine empire. When the
emperor Justinian came in and restored the empire, he built a 14-mile stone wall around the
city for protection.

Constantinople (left) was named
after the emperor Constantine,
who moved the capital to
Byzantium and then named it
called it Constantinople.


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